Vante CFO Fights Chick-Fil-A 'Hate' With His Own Hate (Update: Smith FIRED)

The man in the video is Adam Smith. He thinks he’s a good man, and he is satisfied with his own righteousness, but what he actually does is berate a hard working employee of a company because he, Adam Smith of Vante, does not like what the owner of that worker’s corporation said.


The word “jerkface” applies.

As I mentioned, Adam Smith works for Vante. His employer must be hearing from people who do not appreciate Mr. Smith’s behavior, because its management pages have gone offline.

Just so no one forgets, this is the face of hate. It is the face of bigotry. It is the face of intolerance.

Update: Ironically, Mr. Smith also works at the University of Arizona’s Freedom Center.

Correction: That U of A link above isn’t about this Adam Smith. This one was but has gone offline.

Update: Thanks to our swift commenters — Adam Smith’s preening and obnoxious behavior has gotten him fired. According to a Vante statement:

Vante regrets the unfortunate events that transpired yesterday in Tucson between our former CFO/Treasurer Adam Smith and an employee at Chick-fil-A. Effective immediately, Mr. Smith is no longer an employee of our company.

The actions of Mr. Smith do not reflect our corporate values in any manner. Vante is an equal opportunity company with a diverse workforce, which holds diverse opinions. We respect the right of our employees and all Americans to hold and express their personal opinions, however, we also expect our company officers to behave in a manner commensurate with their position and in a respectful fashion that conveys these values of civility with others.

We hope that the general population does not hold Mr. Smith’s actions against Vante and its employees.




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