Pelosi: Goal is 'World Without Nuclear Weapons'

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) framed the fight against Iran’s nuclear weapons capability in terms of President Obama’s overall nuclear disarmament goals, telling the AIPAC crowd tonight that stopping Tehran’s program is key to “a world without nuclear weapons.”


“It is a critical part of building a safer world,” she said, noting that “an Iran with a nuclear weapon would be a threat to global security and the security of the United States of America.”

Pelosi said the White House has been “leading the charge” at the United Nations against Iran’s nuclear program and in imposing sanctions on the regime.

“That is what is called a top priority and that is exactly what the Obama administration has been doing and much more,” she said. “We are undermining the funding of Iran’s nuclear activities.”

Pelosi, who received moderate applause and no standing ovations during the Iran portion of her speech, reiterated that President Obama said he is against a containment policy.

She urged Iran to suspend its enrichment activities and “come back to the negotiating table.”


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