Thursday is radical movie screening day at Eric Holder’s DOJ

It’s movie day again at the scandal-plagued Department of Justice Civil Rights Division!  Previously, DOJ staff was invited to a documentary film on the benign character of Islam.  On October 27, the DOJ is hosting a screening of Silent Spring at 1pm.   Click here for the must-see flyer PJ Tatler had snatched from inside the DOJ advertising the movie.  It states the “Social Committee Proudly Presents Silent Spring (a film about environmental activist Rachel Carson).”  It then has a Denny’s menu-style lure of free food:


Sounds pretty tame, right?  Wrong.  Silent Spring is one of the most destructive books ever written.  The book claimed that DDT weakened some bird egg shells so badly that it threatened to render some species extinct.  Leftist fans of Rachel Carson might not want to hear it, but it is hard to deny that Silent Spring has played a central role in the deaths of millions of human beings.  How?  Because Silent Spring led directly to the ban on DDT used to kill mosquitoes and keep mosquito borne-illnesses at bay for the cause of bird egg shell strength.  Millions of humans died as a result of Rachel Carson’s work and eco-activism.

So says Reason Magazine here, the New York Times here, the Washington Post here, and the Sydney Morning Herald here.  So much scholarship debunking Carson has been published that it takes but a few moments to find it.  Here is a start, and here and here and here.

That this Justice Department is allowing the screening of Silent Spring for DOJ employees on government time in DOJ facilities despite the toll in human lives that it caused illustrates the radicalism inside the Holder DOJ.  Bird egg shells taking priority over human life is part of the gospel according to the Greens.

I write in my book Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department, that we showed a documentary about the vile murderous New Black Panther Party in the same place that Silent Spring will be screened:


At the Voting Section, we decided the documentary could be a valuable educational tool about the Panthers. An announcement went out to the entire section, comprising at least seventy employees, that we would hold a viewing of the show. Exactly two people showed up—and one of them was the paralegal on the case who had to operate the VCR.

Mostly likely, a larger crowd will be munching free popcorn and watching Silent Spring than did the New Black Panther documentary, and most likely, here at PJ Tatler, we will know exactly how many, and who.

UPDATE: I had forgotten about DOJ movie time for Out in the Silence.  Hat tip to a DOJ employee for pointing this out to me.


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