ACORN still getting federal dollars

ACORN would be one of those programs President Obama likes, and that needs cutting. In fact, Congress did cut it when it banned funding the urban quasi-criminal enterprise known as ACORN. Perhaps the cut wasn’t deep enough.


Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that that the Obama Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued a $79,819 grant to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)-offshoot Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA) in apparent violation of an ACORN funding ban passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama in 2009. Moreover, this grant was provided to the organization less than a year after ACORN/ACHOA was criticized by HUD’s inspector general in two separate investigations for misappropriating funds from federal grants.

Two things: Obama signed the ban on federal ACORN funding in October of 2009. The grant that Judicial Watch uncovered actually says “ACORN Housing Corporation Inc.” So there is no mistaking that this grant is illegal. It shouldn’t be difficult to zero in on who deserves firing:


The New York Times reported in 2009 that “perhaps no administration official has had more interaction with Acorn [sic] than [Shaun] Donovan”, who is Obama’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. The Times notes that Donovan “worked closely” with ACORN’s politically-powerful New York housing affiliate when he was a New York City housing official.

(h/t Daily Caller)


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