Bad signs: 'Third Palestinian Intifada' page appears on facebook (Updated: Page gains thousands of fans per hour)

It’s here. The “likes” are growing very rapidly, up to well over 230,000 since the page went live, which it seems to have done on March 6. It’s an extremely active page with multiple daily posts and thousands of “likes” and comments on many posts. The page takes on new relevance today, with the first terrorist attack in Jerusalem since 2004 having injured 25.


The intifada page includes a threat: If facebook pulls it, Muslims will “boycott Facebook for ever.”

In terms of visual symbology, take a look at the Third Intifada page’s main logo.

And take a look at the logo the unions here in the US have been using lately. This is the AFL-CIO’s Wisconsin protest logo.

And this is the International Socialist Organization’s logo. Click to see the entire logo. (Source)

Update: I was wondering how fast the facebook page was growing so I checked its “likes” at 4 pm. At that point, it had 248,781 likes. At 5 pm, it had 251,499 likes. The page grew by 2,718 likes in one hour. That’s very fast growth for a facebook page, by any standard.


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