Penn State Jihadist had Stolen Firearms

Back in December I broke the story about Penn State student Emerson Begolly’s online musical tribute to Swedish suicide bomber Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly that Begolly had posted on the infamous Ansar al-Jihad internet forum. As a result of that report, two weeks later Begolly was arrested by the FBI after a confrontation in a restaurant parking lot near his home where he bit the two FBI agents and attempted to pull a gun on them.


Now the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports today that five of the firearms recovered in the jihadist’s bedroom during a search of Begolly’s home had been reported stolen.

Here’s video of the would-be jihadist in action submitted to the court by federal prosecutors:

Of course, Muslim groups will accuse anyone of mentioning Begolly’s religion as an Islamophobe. And don’t dare say there’s a problem of homegrown Islamic terrorism.


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