Up to 4,947 non-citizens may have voted in Colorado in November 2010

That’s the conclusion from a report issued today by the Colorado Secretary of State.  Here is the money line:  “For the reasons discussed above, however, it is likely that many of the 4,947 voters were not citizens when they cast their vote in 2010.”


Of course some of these thousands may have eventually become citizens, but thousands probably didn’t.  If one non-citizen voted in Colorado in 2010, the Department of Justice should flood the state with investigators and be prepared to indict every single one of them.  The Voting Section should immediately open a Section 8 investigation under Motor Voter.  Of course we know they won’t because scandal-plagued Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes gave instructions 12 months before the midterm elections not to enforce laws that require only eligible voters on the rolls.  How convenient.

Will the vote fraud deniers like Tova Wang have anything to say today?


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