No Kosher food at Jewish J Street conference!

The J Street national conference in Washington, D.C. has emphasized that they are pro-Israeli. Yet they didn’t say anything about being pro-Jewish.

This morning Jikileaks reports that the J Street organizers at the Washington Convention Center are not offering Kosher food at its Jewish conclave with more than 2,000 participants.  J Street boasts that hundreds of their attendees are rabbis.


The Jikileaks person on the ground at the J Street extravaganza explained his dilemma: “I arrived at the sandwich cart and requested the kosher option. I got a blank stare in return, and when I asked the manager she told me she had no idea what I was talking about. She hadn’t heard anything about kosher sandwiches.”

Kosher foods are those that prepared with strict rabbinic oversight.  Observant Jews believe you are what you eat.  It’s pretty shocking that J Street was so indifferent toward their own Jewishness as to not offer any Kosher food options at its conference.

The lack of Kosher food does make sense. J Street’s director once said his own staff was alienated from Judaism and once bragged to the New York Times that many instead prefer to conduct Buddhist Seders.


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