Egypt: Will Iran reignite?

Good for Barack Obama who seems to be taking a strong pro-democracy stand in his conversation with Hosni Mubarak. This is a far cry, alas, from the US President’s behavior during the massive democracy demonstrations in Iran when Obama was curiously silent, seemingly determined to negotiate with a leader at least as fascistic (most likely more) as Mubarak – Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. One wonders what people are thinking on the streets of Tehran right now, as they hear about or watch (if they can) what is playing out on the streets of Cairo. Will Iran reignite? No doubt the mullahs are primed to go on lockdown, if they already haven’t.


On the other hand, the Iranian authorities are telling the NYTimes that they see events in Egypt not like their demonstrations of two years ago, but like the demonstrations of 1979 which led to the formation of the Islamic Republic. Like we need more of those.


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