The Real Housewives of Benghazi

Just a week after the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama II as, unaccountably, president of the United States, the full extent of the looming disaster is beginning to dawn on the American people. Forget the looming fiscal cliff, the Senate majority leader’s irresponsible decision to exclude the soon-to-be-bankrupt Social Security system from any budget agreement, the retention of the corrupt Eric Holder as attorney general, or the bruited nominations of the inept Susan Rice as secretary of State, the arrogant John Kerry as secretary of Defense, and the incompetent John Brennan as the new director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Those things, if they come to pass, will cause us plenty of heartburn down the road to Alinskyite serfdom.


For now, though, simply consider the state of the U.S. military, whose moral collapse was signaled by the surprise resignation of CIA director David Petraeus last week as details of his affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell, slowly became public — a scandal that quickly ensnared Gen. John Allen, the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, and another woman, Jill Kelley. By now, you’ve read most of the salacious details of this French bedroom farce, which would be funny if it weren’t so serious — with one door at Centcom after another flying open to reveal lissome bare-limbed married ladies and half-uniformed generals scrambling to get their pants on as the press explodes in orgiastic satisfaction. With its mission accomplished — getting Hussein re-elected and condemning America to four more years of potentially fatal economic disaster, foreign policy malevolence, and domestic fascism in the form of Obamacare, bureaucratic regulation, and executive orders, the media is only too happy to start poking around in the bedrooms of the soon-to-be-formerly famous and powerful.

It’s richly ironic that after celebrating a Democratic Party campaign that was almost entirely based on explicit appeals to female sexuality, including free birth control and the abortion of the inconvenient as a constitutional right, the media now finds itself back in the drag of Tom Wolfe’s Victorian Gentleman, prudishly cluck-clucking over the remarkable fact that when institutional barriers between men and women break down — barriers erected not out of sexist animus or irrational prejudice, but in recognition of the biological reality of boy meets girl — all sorts of things start to happen. Including rampant sexual activity from the top down; as David French observes here:


In the military — as elsewhere — sexual scandal is simply called “drama,” and “drama” (with its related fights, substance abuse, and sometimes even suicide attempts) can dominate military justice in deployed environments. During my deployment, I was with an all-male combat arms unit on a small, isolated base and thus missed most of the controversy that sometimes consumed entire units. But go to Balad — or one of the other larger bases — and it was everywhere. The larger DFACs (dining facilities) were the deployed equivalent of singles bars, and the omnipresent port-o-pot was a favorite location for clandestine couplings.

Whoever decided that “women’s liberation” required the sexual integration of the armed forces did his or her country a signal disservice.

In the Petraeus case, leaving aside for the moment the effects these liaisons dangereuses will have on the four families (or more) involved, let’s look at the fallout: potential major security breaches at the highest levels of the Intelligence Community, the compromising of the Afghanistan war effort — an effort doomed to failure in any case by Obama’s insistence of giving the Taliban a firm exit date — the ending of prominent careers, the mystery of the FBI investigation and what really triggered it, and the laugh-in-your-face attitude of the Obama administration, which has been holding Petraeus’ infidelity over his head since his appointment at CIA and dropped it on him the same week the election was over. And now the president can drop one shoe after another, cleaning house of useful idiots like Petraeus and Hillary Clinton and installing his ideological apparatchiks in high places in the face of toothless opposition from a defeated and dispirited establishment GOP.


The silver lining, of course, is that l’affair Petraeus might lead the MSM to finally notice a scandal that, by rights, could bring down Obama, the same way that Watergate (summer of 1972) eventually ended the presidency of Richard Milhous Nixon in 1974. There are so many outrageous elements to this story — the deliberate abandonment of an American ambassador on a murky mission in a dark and savage land, the order to stand down to the military, the Agency’s callous attitude toward its own people, the loss of top-secret intelligence, and the revelation that the Benghazi “compound” was in fact a very politically inconvenient CIA station and possible prison — that it’s easy to lose track of them all (which is something you can bet the Obamanauts are counting on, in the same way the public was eventually confused and exhausted by all the Clinton scandals).

But then sex reared its seductive head, some members of Congress finally woke up from their long, media-induced slumber and now, with hearings in both houses of Congress looming, we finally might begin to get some answers. If a few marriages and careers are the price we have to pay to see that ambassador Stevens and his murdered colleagues finally get some semblance of justice, so be it.

More: Clinton to Testify on Benghazi After State Department Report Comes Out

See also from Roger L. Simon: The Real Housewives of Centcom or Who Should Solve Benghazi?



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