Post-Polar Vortex Sunset in Ohio

From PJ Lifestyle regular contributor Paula Bolyard:

They say if you don’t like the weather in Ohio, wait fifteen minutes and it will change.

This weeks was no exception after we survived dreaded Polar Vortex that by all accounts, should have shut down most of the country for at least a month. Temperatures have been in the 30’s in my part of the state and all the snow has melted, save for the remnants of a snowman down the street. We are expecting  a virtual heatwave by midweek — 46 degrees on Wednesday. Could the global warming finally be here?

I snapped some pictures of a sunset this afternoon as the moon was rising over my shoulder. The first two are overlooking Galehouse Christmas Tree Farm with the city of Orrville in the distance. The rest of the pics show the sunset behind a farm about a half mile from our home. The cell phone camera didn’t do the colors justice!


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