How to Break Bad Habits

I’m reading a helpful little book by Darren Hardy called The Compound Effect with the subtitle: “Jumpstart your income, your life, your success.” What I like most about this book is that it addresses bad habits and how to overcome them using a variety of methods that seem to make sense.


I have a couple of bad habits at the moment: too much caffeine and too much time on devices that are giving me text neck. The Compound Effect, according to the book, is the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices. The author has you write down every time you engage in one of your bad habits and very slowly, work towards changing them.

For example, today, I stayed off my electronic devices for most of the morning but obviously not all morning as here I am blogging about my bad habit of using the computer etc. Anyway, I am also going to try substituting my afternoon caffeine fix (which sadly, is very little, but I am supposed to have none as I have heart problems) with some de-caf green tea. Yuck. Anyway, I’ll see how this works out. The book does seem to be a good one, and if nothing else, is so cheerful and positive that it is worth the price for that alone.

Do you have any bad habits that you have been able to break through small, smart choices?


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