Trumphobic Loons' Panic Knob Goes to 11

AP Photo/Mike Roemer

In the quotidian cascade of flabbergasting, uni-party-created crises (illegal immigrants replacing Americans, sky-rocketing crime, the mysterious "Disease X," and that "racist" eclipse) it is easy to see the invisible force driving the Marxists into Level-5, Manic Panic mode; fear. Particularly, fear of Donald Trump — or, as we should call it, Trumpphobia.


FACT-O-RAMA! When I say something traitorous like, "Dudes shouldn't compete with women, much less shower with them afterward," I am deemed "transphobic." Yet when some commie sitzpinkler pules cacophonously that Trump is "literally Hitler," clown-American apparatchiks drop their avocado toast and applaud as though the CIA is monitoring them via their phones for proof of allegiance. Oh, wait …

As we inch toward Election Day 2024 you will notice the shame-free commie media screechers trebucheting ever greater amounts of fear-mongering bovine feculence. Remember, the left throws anti-Trump dooty against the wall, hoping that even if it doesn't stick, it might at least leave a stain.

The sick part is this: the Marxists have spent decades breeding victimhood into their base. Even a whiff of phantom "oppression" is enough to drive the mentally ill into Trumphobic spasms.

FACT-O-RAMA! Lefty fear-peddlers drop the "phobic" label on everyone who disagrees with them. Swiping "phobic" and using it against the pinkos is an entertaining way to mock the milksop Marxists who endeavor to enslave us. 

Check out actress Jenifer Lewis as she loses her religion and declares Trump is (of course) Hitler, and he will destroy the Constitution. Please enjoy her screaming about Trump's "mental illness." 


Warnings: Naughty Language, Indications of Harpypathology:

If you desire more of Lewis' farcical yet entertaining Trumpphobia, you can read about her bloviating on how Trump will put minorities in camps here.

Lewis' attempted "re-re-education" is directly out of the Marxists' playbook. I know several gay men who, like Lewis, truly believed Trump was going to round them up if he won in 2016. Trump was victorious, yet my gay friends and Lewis still walk free. Lewis also ignores the historical data that minority unemployment under Trump was at record lows. Marxists don't care about reality. In fact, they loathe it. Fortunately for sane Americans, the truth is easy to find for anyone with a phone.

Related: Marxism: It's Why We Can't Have Nice Things — Like an Education


For those just tuning into the verisimilitude, life for every American was far better under Trump in every way. Crime was down, gas was cheap, prosperity was up, and no one was looking to purloin our sirloin and force-feed us cicada smoothies.


But communist coulrophiles can't take control when people are prosperous and safe, and history shows us Trump offers both. 

Dusty claims like "Trump will send minorities to a camp" are, at best, entertaining. 

Here is a partial list of Trumpphobic flapdoodle the left has peddled in the past:

  • Trump will crash the economy
  • Trump will start WWIII
  • Trump will imprison those who oppose him
  • Trump will be a dictator

FACT-O-RAMA! Those who "predicted" the aformention codswallop were only off by one president.

Check out this Trumpphobia from NBC:

Fearful of being hounded by investigators, prosecuted or stripped of their livelihoods, some are planning to leave the country if Trump is sworn in. Others are consulting attorneys or setting aside money to fight back in case they’re targeted either by Trump’s administration or by his Republican allies in Congress.

Such Trumpphobia is a simple sell to the easily controlled, victimhood-hungry, blue-haired truffle hogs who eagerly embrace their own Trumpphobic tiz-woz and desperately search for reasons to believe Trump is the anti — uh — you know, the thing.

But pushing such Trumpphobic codswallop today is akin to wearing parachute pants (sans irony) to a party this weekend. It's like showing "Reefer Madness" at a pot dispensary. Most people know effluvia when they smell it. 


Be on the lookout for those who agree that Trump is el diablo. They can't be salvaged. Time is life, and life is short. Don't waste your life trying to convince the unconvinceable that they are Trumpphobic zombies. Instead, enjoy a bone-in ribeye (seared for 1:30 seconds per side, 6 min in the oven at 450º) and take glee in that the old Marxist playbook is failing spectacularly.

Mad bomb shouts to PJ Media's own Grayson Bakich for reminding me “coulrophiles” is a real word.


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