Tax-Exempt Abortion Group Attacks Rand Paul

Planned Parenthood Action has responded to Rand Paul’s announcement today that he is running for president by launching a Twitter barrage against the GOP senator.


Planned Parenthood Action enjoys tax-exempt status from the IRS pursuant to 501(c)(4):


“Not my candidate?” So who is the candidate for Planned Parenthood Action? After all, a 501(c)(4) can’t have as their primary purpose the endorsement of candidates.

But you sure wouldn’t know that if you followed @PPact today:


Ah yes, the familiar progressive meme of demonizing the 1950s. You remember the 1950s, right? That was the decade when Detroit hadn’t become a place to hunt pheasants, when less than five percent of babies were born out of wedlock, when federal spending as a percentage of GDP was about a quarter lower, and when the middle class family wasn’t being eroded away by the federal monster.

But abortion is more important than any of this to the folks at Planned Parenthood, so bash on:


See that?

The 501(c)(4) tax-exempt Planned Parenthood Action wants a certain president, especially one that supports the right to terminate life with no questions asked, and no concern whatsoever for the stage of the pregnancy.

The ghouls who support this ghoulism are also loaded with cash. Just last year they brought in $23,000,000 according to their IRS 990 form:


The IRS 990s also reveal that Jennifer Allan Soros is a vice-chair of the board. The documents do not reveal if she is related to the convicted felon of the same name.

The employees of this tax-exempt abortion advocacy group do quite well, also. Dawn Laugens, for example, makes $219,286/year as the “Chief Experience Officer,” whatever that is. In fact, four employees alone account for over a million dollars in the group’s budget according to the group’s 990 form.


The group also gave large contributions to the Virginia Democratic Party and Battleground Texas.


The group also paid O’Brien, McConnell and Pearson $1,903,212 in 2013 alone for “consulting.” The firm is a D.C.-based organization that advises leftist groups on how to raise millions of dollars in cash to advocate. It also donated $35,000 to the NAACP National Voter Fund.


The irony is stinging. A group with roots in the anti-black eugenics movement now donates tens of thousands to the NAACP political operation.

A 501(c)(4) organization cannot have as its primary purpose political advocacy. Yet the Twitter trail and IRS forms left by Planned Parenthood Action raise questions about what the primary purpose of Planned Parenthood Action is.

Today, at least, it was all about wrecking the candidacy of one politician with #NotTheirCandidate. I hadn’t realized their tax-exempt status allowed them to have one, and to spend most of their time working to defeat or elect one.


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