Losing It in Charlotte

Lee Atwater couldn’t have written a better script for the Democratic National Convention that just ended in Charlotte. The Charlotte fiasco was a less violent version of the fiasco in Chicago in 1968, except the lunacy was now inside the venue, not outside.


Tom Brokaw shares the story of how Hubert Humphrey lost the 1968 election after Americans watched television images of the young radicals in Grant Park scaling statues and flying the Viet Cong flag. At that moment, Americans fully appreciated the lawless direction that some wanted to take the country and saw Richard Nixon as the antidote.

The young radicals of 1968 have become the old radicals who now control the Democrat Party. They put on a convention this week characterized by incompetence, radicalism, and race.

President Obama’s lackluster speech was the least of the DNC’s problems. Convention week was plagued by all the drama and broken expectations of Waiting for Guffman. The empty powder-puff blue seats of Bank of America Stadium are the symbolic image of the lost hope from 2008. When it became clear those blue seats would dominate the coverage of Obama’s Thursday speech, the incompetent operatives at the DNC panicked. The DNC hastily arranged busloads of bodies from black churches for hundreds of miles to arrive in Charlotte to fill the empty seats.

But Guffman never arrived, and neither did President Obama at the stadium. Rain, you see, was in the forecast. Except it wasn’t. The Greek columns of 2008 are a long, disappointing bus ride home in 2012.

Then Julia Rodriguez, a credentialed convention delegate from New York (but waving a Puerto Rican flag and sporting a button seeking statehood), said on camera she “would like to kill” Mitt Romney. The unseemly radicals chanting in the Chicago park were now inside the hall in Charlotte.


The “Ride for Justice” bus from “No Papers, No Fear” rolled into Charlotte to keep the fiasco humming.  This outfit is an illegal alien pressure group.  Yes, in 2012, we now have open and well-funded organizations representing people committing crimes. In fact, the bus was full of illegal aliens openly touting their illegal status!  Naturally, they were welcomed with open arms by the DNC because they are supporting President Obama’s lawless immigration policies.  Local authorities arrested ten of them outside the convention for state crimes and turned them over to federal authorities, who then promptly released them.

Lawlessness has become policy. Instead of the radicals tearing Chicago apart, they now have the power to order the release of lawbreakers.

No fiasco is complete without Joe Biden.  Even Biden’s dad, the vice president told us, respected President Obama.  Joseph Biden Sr. must have come to this conclusion on a trip to Springfield, Illinois, to meet state Senator Obama prior to 2002 when Biden the elder died.

Charlotte also revealed the lie of the post-racial Obama presidency.  On the floor, delegates openly sported “Vote Black” buttons.

I was reminded of a Voting Rights Act case I tried in Mississippi where the United States actually put up nearly identical evidence to demonstrate the rotten racial intent of a Democrat operative named Ike Brown. “Keep Hope Alive, Vote Black in ’95” was his message. That sentiment isn’t confined to the bowels of Mississippi anymore. Now some of the elite of the Democrat Party have made the November election all about race. America, take careful note.  (Of course this unapologetic racialism was no surprise to me or anyone else who has read my book Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department.)


But booing God will be the image from the Charlotte fiasco that will last longer than all the rest.  This week, America saw a new kind of Democrat Party, one totally unmoored from the long cultural traditions of Democrats and Republicans alike.

The Charlotte screenplay borrowed from the Gospels, where delegates weren’t content to deny God’s return to the platform only once.  Three times they yelled – “NO!!  NO!!” – not me, never heard of the guy.

At least Peter felt ashamed after his three denials. I doubt very much the clowns captured on TV standing and yelling “NO” as loudly as they could feel any shame. And because Los Angles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa literally had the single vote and predetermined outcome scripted on his teleprompter, it makes you wonder who’s doing these rewrites.


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