OPEN THREAD: Monday, Monday.

WELL, BYE: Librarian Who Removed Chabad Poster Is No Longer Employed at Harvard. “Former Radcliffe Institute librarian Jonathan S. Tuttle is no longer employed at Harvard after he was filmed tearing down a poster showing the faces of Israeli hostages during a Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine rally on March 3, a University spokesperson confirmed Sunday. By Sunday, Tuttle’s name and contact information had been removed from the Schlesinger Library’s official website, where his title was previously listed. Tuttle worked as a cataloger of published materials at the Radcliffe Institute’s Schlesinger Library.”






THE CRITICAL DRINKER: Mickey 17 — A Clumsy, Pandering Clown Show.

GREAT MOMENTS IN SELF-AWARENESS: Randi Weingarten: People Are Really Angry, Trump Is Taking Away Opportunities From Disadvantaged Kids.

Definite points for chutzpah, as the deliberate amnesia here is astonishing to behold: Never forget: It was Randi Weingarten and the Bidens who sacrificed a generation of kids.

And then comes this admission from [Biden stenographer Franklin Foer]: “For the sake of avoiding conflict, especially conflict with an ally, the Biden administration trimmed its goal of returning kids to school to a fraction of what they promised on the campaign trail.”

Those of us watching at the time knew what had been done, that Weingarten had gotten what she wanted — closed schools — from President Biden.

But of course, the White House would never admit that so Jen Psaki went out and lied that the goal had somehow always been teaching in classrooms “at least one day a week in the majority of schools by Day 100.”

On the day Psaki delivered this lie, 66.1% of schools were already open for at least one day of in-person learning per week.

A few days before that press conference, the AFT had been allowed to alter language in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s school reopening policy.

Keeping kids out of school was all going according to plan.

Or, as Foer breezily concludes, Biden “was, in effect, conceding that for thousands of students, the rest of the school year [in 2021] would be lost to the pandemic.”

No, Franklin, their school year wasn’t lost to the pandemic.

That school year, from which thousands of kids are still struggling to recover, was lost to Randi Weingarten.

Thanks for letting us know for certain Joe Biden made that happen.



COVID FIVE YEARS AGO: Daniel Hannan: Never forget that making Britain into a broke, repressive dystopia was a deliberate choice.

What the hell were we thinking? Five years ago, we were sliding towards the most expensive mistake ever made by a British government, a mistake that led to our financial ruin, the annihilation of our basic freedoms and the obliteration of public trust.

Never before had our civil liberties been so blatantly disregarded. We were subjected to house arrest on the basis of unsupported conjecture, our property rights were violated, our freedom of expression repressed, even our ability to leave the country denied.

Where were all the human rights lawyers when they were needed? Where were the Doughty Street types, so vocal in their defence of illegal migrants, convicts, and terrorists? The one time that there truly was a national human rights violation, they were cheering it on.

Meanwhile, the British state told lie after lie after lie. Just three weeks! Facemasks are dangerous! One more month! Facemasks are essential! Squash the sombrero! Young people are at risk! Just two more weeks! Wait for the vaccine! Wait for the second vaccine! Your jab protects others! It’s the third shot that really works! Dangerous new variant! One last lockdown! Just three more weeks!

As we approach the fifth anniversary, we don’t like to admit that we destroyed our economy, took away part of our kids’ childhoods, permanently aggrandised the state and indebted ourselves for a generation – all for nothing.

Flashback: Boris Johnson Missed His Churchill Moment: The pandemic was Boris’s biggest test. He failed.

When Johnson’s idol, Winston Churchill, first came to power in 1940, France was in the process of falling to Nazi Germany. Most of the other great European powers had already fallen. For a time, Britain stood alone in the world, the sole defender of the West, with Churchill at its helm. Even when his own ministers urged him to accept Hitler’s peace offer, Churchill held firm to his convictions and chose to fight on.

This is the laudable mantle that Johnson has, all his life, aspired to shoulder. He faced just such a defining moment in March of 2020. The entire world had surrendered to the People’s Republic of China, adopting its totalitarian disease-control strategy, and unlike France or Poland in World War II, we surrendered without a shot being fired. If any man in the world was well-positioned to stand against this, it was the garrulous British renegade, Boris Johnson.

Instead, the United Kingdom became a police state.

Well, much more of one, but point taken.