I noted on Friday that it wouldn’t surprise me if Biden awarded Kamala the Presidential Medal of Freedom as a consolation prize before leaving office. After all, Barack Obama did the same thing in 2017 by awarding Biden the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction, and literally calling him “the best vice president America has ever had” during the ceremony.

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It’s well established that Barack Obama was the one who convinced Joe Biden not to run for president because it was Hillary’s turn. Biden’s Presidential Medal of Freedom was, without a doubt, a consolation prize for his vice president, who was sidelined by Obama so Hillary could run… and eventually lose to Donald Trump.

So, why didn’t Joe Biden award Kamala with a Presidential Medal of Freedom? Is it possible he’s waiting for a particular moment, as Obama did? Possibly. But, to me, this appears to be more of an insult. Biden has never been one to shy away from nominating people for his administration or to the judiciary based on diversity checkboxes, and it seems on-brand for Biden to award Kamala, the first woman-of-color vice president in history, the medal.

Biden certainly does have time to do so before he leaves office, but something tells me he won’t. There is clearly quite a bit of bad blood between the Bidens and Kamala, and if he doesn’t award her the medal before leaving office, you just know it was a deliberate insult.

Biden and Jill Biden certainly went out of their way to throw Harris under the bus in every way imaginable, so his snubbing of her on the way out the door certainly isn’t at all surprising.



It is important to be clear that in an ocean of indifference, there were people who did a lot to make this happen, like the whistleblowers Maggie Oliver and Jayne Senior, the journalists Andrew Norfolk and Charlie Peters, and the victims who had the astonishing courage to speak of what they had experienced.

But the scale of the response simply did not match up to the scale of the atrocities. Some of the rapists are already being released. Disgraced officials found cozy jobs elsewhere. No police officers faced serious consequences. Chillingly, files and laptops containing important evidence were stolen. The state avoided accountability while a cultural establishment that emphasized egalitarian and minoritarian narratives avoided the subject. When posts about the grooming gangs scandal went viral on X this week, there was widespread shock. People outside the UK hadn’t even heard about it—and many people within the UK hadn’t grasped its implications.

It is about time that there was a cultural and institutional reckoning. Of course, it is important to be clear that such crimes could still be happening today. It is important to be clear that such crimes can be, and have been, carried out by white people as well (and not for the sake of political correctness but to stop it happening).

Yet if Britain’s state and cultural institutions are allowed to forget what happened in Rotherham, and Rochdale, and Telford, and Oxford, and Bristol, and so many other places, there will not be meaningful attempts to tear off the ideological and institutional blinkers that have blinded them to atrocities in the past and could blind them to atrocities in the future.

The British media are furious about having to cover this story, and are in full shooting-the-messenger mode. Even  the London Times, which is seen as many as a nominally center-right paper is in full “a pox on all their houses” mode: Excusing the child rape gangs only gives Musk’s ideologues more fuel. On one side, the proto-fascists. On the other, the hyperliberals. It’s hard to know which pose a bigger threat.

Norm Macdonald could not be reached for comment:


TYLER O’NEIL: Here’s Why Joe Biden Gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to George Soros.

Soros, a Hungarian-American billionaire investor, has funneled more than $15.2 billion through his Open Society Foundations (now run by his son Alex), which has awarded more than 50,000 grants worldwide, according to the World Economic Forum.

Soros bankrolled the “rogue prosecutor” soft-on-crime movement by funding the campaigns of local prosecutors who oppose the death penalty and use prosecutorial discretion to avoid charging crimes they consider minor.

Cully Stimson, deputy director of the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation, and Zack Smith, a senior legal fellow at Heritage, have extensively exposed this movement and how it has emboldened criminals by enabling them to avoid prosecution. Their book, “Rogue Prosecutors: How Radical Soros Lawyers Are Destroying America’s Communities,” was released in 2023.

Crime rates have spiked across the country, particularly in Democrat-led cities, where murder rates have increased.

Yet it makes a perverse amount of sense that Biden would grant Soros the highest civilian honor—not because the billionaire has funded a movement that puts Americans in danger but because his massive funding network enabled Biden’s allies to implement their radical agenda through the administrative state.

As Tom Cotton tweeted in response to Biden’s handlers awarding Soros on the way out the door:


Flashback: Who are You? Voter ID law and election integrity should be top priority in new Congress. Congress has the power to require photo ID for all federal elections, state law to the contrary notwithstanding, under its constitutional power to regulate the times, places, and manner of voting. Courts have consistently upheld this despite Democrats’ smoke-blowing. And a huge majority of Americans support it. There’s literally no reason not to do this.

And I’m pretty sure Congress has the power to require ID even in local elections under its 14th and 15th amendment powers.