1. Star Trek (1966-1969). The original Star Trek takes place in a future where humanity has transcended all forms of warfare and cash transactions. The Starship Enterprise’s adventures throughout the galaxy are supposedly by the Federation’s “prime directive,” which forbids humans from intervening in the domestic affairs of the planets they visit.
And yet when he’s not engaging in zero-gravity sex with an endless procession of comely space aliens, Captain James T. Kirk is mucking around with every civilization from here to the Romulan Neutral Zone like LBJ on Viagra.
And let’s face it: The sequel series are just as rotten from a libertarian perspective.
—“The 5 Most Anti-Libertarian TV Shows Ever!”, Meredith Bragg & Nick Gillespie,, October 10, 2014.
Volkswagen wants people to think of its electric cars as futuristic, so it hired William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy to appear in this German language commercial. It shows a young and hardcore Trekkie getting the thrill of his life when William Shatner moves into his neighborhood.
—“William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy Reunite in a Funny Volkswagen Commercial,”, October 10, 2014.
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