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“14 Principled Anti-War Celebrities We Fear May Have Been Kidnapped:”

Our government is yet again marching us towards a war of choice in the Middle East and our non-partisan, peace-loving celebrities have gone missing since late 2008. We fear the worst.


We mentioned Bruce Springsteen being missing in action on Thursday. Last night, BuzzFeed, astonishingly enough, put out an All-Points Bulletin, along with some exceedingly precious quotes as part of each celebrity’s “Last-Known Pre-2009 Communication” before these otherwise perilously outspoken far left celebrities voluntarily started BenSmithing themselves into oblivion:

“I think war is based in greed and there are huge karmic retributions that will follow. I think war is never the answer to solving any problems. The best way to solve problems is to not have enemies.”
— Sheryl Crow

“I think we’re past that point in human evolution where there’s such a thing as winning wars.”
— Sean Penn

“It is very inspiring and amusing how many people have come out in this genuine and spontaneous way to embrace peace and reject war. It reminds us there is a human and gentle spirit out there in this world.”
— Tim Robbins

“American people always have to be tricked into going to war, they always have to be cajoled. I mean, there’s a long history of being lied to, of having things described in a particular way, in order to get them out of their sort of isolationist… prosperity mode and go to war.”
— Jackson Brown

“War is failure! When you are at war, you have failed!”
— Janeane Garofalo

And Janeane and failure are on exceedingly good terms.

Perhaps one of the more ironic quotes is this:


“I also think that there is a strong streak of racism, and whenever we engage in foreign adventures. Our whole history in regime change has been of people of different color.”
— Ed Asner

That last quote is even more fun in context, both before

A harsh critic of the Bush administration, the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, and American foreign policy in general, Asner in December 2002 (three months prior to the invasion of Iraq) charged that Bush officials “have keyed and geared the war machine … [to the point] that they’ve got to unload it someplace. Iraq is the likeliest place.”

In April 2004 Asner wrote a letter “to the Peace and Justice Movement” stating that “9-11 has been used to justify ‘endless war’ and a continual rollback in civil liberties that seems to have no end in sight.”  “George Bush’s actions,” he said on another occasion, “are desecrating the America that I grew up in and believed in. He [Bush] is making us an imperialist government.” “I also think,” Asner added, “that there is a strong streak of racism whenever we engage in foreign adventures. Our whole history in regime change has been of people of different color.” When fellow actor Ron Silver said that Saddam Hussein was not the “imprimatur of morality,” Anser responded, “Nor are we [Americans]. Nor are we.”

Asner has advocated for the 9-11 Visibility Project, which promotes the idea that the U.S. government knew the terrorist attacks were coming and yet did nothing to stop them.


And after:

If you are wondering where anti-war Hollywood has been as Obama proves he’s not Bush, but only by rushing into a Middle East war with no international coalition and United Nations backing, Ed Asner has the explanation: “A lot of people don’t want to feel anti-black by being opposed to Obama,” Asner explained to the Hollywood Reporter.

Nor do they want to risk earning the corporate wrath of Time-Warner-CNN-HBO, or at least one of their spokesmen:

No word yet if this is the official Time-Warner-CNN-HBO opinion of half of the country.

Oh wait, of course it is. What am I saying?

(Artwork created using a modified Shutterstock.com image.)


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