Welcome to the Second Thirty Years' War

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Today's biggest news is also the story that will surprise you the least — that the Democratic National Committee "sent millions of dollars to law firms that are intimately involved" in prosecuting former President Donald Trump, according to a Daily Caller investigation. While the details are devilish, the real Devil is in the bigger picture.


Mike Davis, a legal adviser to Trump and the founder and president of the Article III Project (and a potential Trump 47 attorney general nominee) told the DC that the exposé is "clear and explosive evidence that the Biden DNC is paying Democrat law firms to engage in in this unprecedented lawfare and election interference against President Trump."

Among the findings:

  • The DNC paid close to $2 million since to Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP for “legal services,”  whose founding partner, Roberta A. Kaplan, represented E. Jean Carroll in her sexual assault and defamation suits against Trump.
  • The DNC also paid Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP several million dollars for “legal services” since 2021, and the firm filed numerous Amicus briefs in the United States v. Donald Trump case, "which concerns Trump’s potential criminal liability for actions related to the 2020 election and Jan. 6, and currently sits before the Supreme Court."

These figures are all per FEC filings.

Here's the big question before we get to the big picture: are you surprised that the DNC helps fund an unprecedented lawfare campaign against a former president and a current presidential candidate?


The answer is, "Of course not," but the reason is what for several years I've been calling the Second Thirty Years' War.

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For all of his promises to restore decency and "our precious norms" to Washington, Presidentish Joe Biden has spent the last three-plus years tearing down whatever is left of our norms with as much thorough abandon as he's eliminated our southern border. Today's DC report is merely the latest example but, if norms are ever going to be restored, virtual blood will have to be drawn on both sides — and we're behind.

My Townhall colleague Kurt Schlichter has been writing for years about "the new rules" the Left has established and why we need to make them play by their own rules. But it's worse than that because the new rules are that there are no rules — just whatever Biden, the DNC, the DOJ, etc., can get away with in the moment.

It's Calvinball except that the stakes are whether we keep a Republic. 

The first Thirty Years' War began in 1618 and was so terrible — one in three Germans died — that it marked the end of major religious warfare in Europe. Very broadly speaking, everybody agreed in the Peace of Westphalia that no country would go to war to meddle in the internal affairs of another country.


Nobody set out in 1618 to try and end religious wars, but that was the result. It wouldn't take long for Europeans to find new excuses to slaughter one another — nationalism, ethnicity, ideology — but at least Catholic-Protestant warfare was mostly ended.

This country is in a socio-political version of the Thirty Years' War. I don't know what new rules might be established when it's all over. But I do know that we either fight back and establish a new set of rules that both sides can live by, or we'll be the Forever Losers in the Left's game of socio-political Calvinball. 


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