
FRIDAY AT 3 P.M. EASTERN: The 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' 4th Anniversary Extravaganza - Replay

UPDATE: Slight delay of game while Producer Jim works out the kinks with Vimeo. It's been trouble all week, he tells me.

It's the "Five O'Clock Somewhere" that's been four years in the making and that can never be made again or outdone... until we get to next year's 5th Anniversary show, that is. But let's blow up that bridge when we come to it.

Today's special has a cavalcade of special guests lined up for the Seat of Uncomfortable Ecstacy, and if I tried to list them all here, you'd be so dazzled that your eyes would have no way to recover in time for the show.

The fun starts at the usual 3 p.m. Eastern and lasts as long as we do.

See you then — can't wait.

P.S. If you aren't already a VIP Gold supporter, what are you waiting for?


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