Results for: global warming
Agriculture Secretary Vows to Do ‘Everything’ to Confirm Clovis Amid Criticism…ws-to-do-everything-to-confirm-clovis-amid-criticism-n111720…ws-to-do-everything-to-confirm-clovis-amid-criticism-n111720
really looking at anything understanding – what we have to examine is how the language changes and when you start to go away from ‘global … warming’ to ‘climate change’ this goes right into the heart of progressive thinking,” he said.…
DEAD: Fossil Fuel Divestment
warming “deniers.” … Activists are now forced to build the premise that global warming is important and dangerous. … Radical global warming alarmism still enjoys a sizeable activist base, and we should not underestimate its ability to resurge on college…
Trump to Make Oval Office Speech on Afghanistan on Monday
It’s just more hot air from the biggest contributor to global warming in Asia.…
Alzheimer's Could Start Affecting the Brain as Young as 3
Maybe if they worked on this disease as hard as they work to prove global warming but with better intentions, they could actually help…
Senate Dems' 'Web of Denial' Climate Inquisition is Really About Free Speech…enial-climate-inquisition-is-really-about-free-speech-n47132…enial-climate-inquisition-is-really-about-free-speech-n47132
Settled Science is a Myth
He also mentioned the 18-year hiatus during which global temperatures did not rise, despite rising CO2 … “Global warming really has become a new religion. Because you cannot discuss it. It’s not proper.…
Are We More Polarized Politically then Ever?
Liberals can call it social justice, global warming or whatever but it still boils down to control over people.…
Senate Dems Get Irrational During 'Web of Denial' Climate Change Event…t-irrational-during-web-of-denial-climate-change-event-n5703…t-irrational-during-web-of-denial-climate-change-event-n5703
Regardless, one would naturally expect the warmest years to appear at the top of a warming record. … And thank goodness, the Earth has been in a gradual warming trend since the depths of the Little Ice Age in the late 1600s that plagued … Craig Idso, founder of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, responded to Merkley:
Projected future decline…
Battle of the Beams
They worry about problems that may not really exist, like the transgender bathroom crisis, the War on Women and Global Warming. … on Christianity, Islam, America, the financial crisis, horror movies, modern art, Israel, Tolkien’s Middle Earth, tribalism, the global…
ICYMI: A Recap of Last Night's Olympic Opening Ceremony
All the best sights from Rio's Opening Ceremony
Posted by USA TODAY on Friday, August 5, 2016
Critters, a large projector, a global … , warming message, dancing, fireworks, and torch lighting, were all part of last night’s Olympic opening ceremony in Rio.…
Pope Francis: 'It's Not Fair to Identify Islam With Violence and Terrorism'…ot-fair-to-identify-islam-with-violence-and-terrorism-n47387…ot-fair-to-identify-islam-with-violence-and-terrorism-n47387
I’m surprised he didn’t throw in global warming for good measure. Or mention the Crusades.…
The Olympic Games: Time to Stop
The Olympics has turned from a celebration of human physical performance that once transcended global politics and popular culture … into a propaganda event for the dominant interpretation of global politics and popular culture. … Warming than about the athlete’s performance in the sport it is ostensibly covering.…
Obama to Issue More Climate Change Regulations
But that hasn’t stopped him from doubling down and proposing more regulations to save us from global warming.…
Here's One Promise President Obama Has Kept
Much of the blame for the job losses is targeted at federal regulations aimed at preventing global warming, which caused coal power…
Oldest Fossil Ever Found Discovered in Greenland
Say, Washington Post, what about global warming? … The formations had been exposed where the snow pack had melted — the result, Nutman said, of the global warming that is so pronounced … Except, of course, when it comes to “global warming” or “climate change.”…
Tom Wolfe Hunts the Biggest of Prey in The Kingdom of Speech
Science is all about the continual testing of theories to ensure they are still valid, which is why the global warming cult’s tut-tutting…
Democrat State AGs' Campaign Against 'Climate Deniers' Unravels
Inquisitors, they demanded — without judicial sanction — documents and files on individuals and groups with dissenting opinions on global … warming.…
Are Your Kids Getting a Daily Dose of News Propaganda with Their Common Core?
It abounds with articles that sound the alarm on global warming, pollution, or animal extinction (“The role of climate change in the … They are creating the changes that come from global warming. The scientists say it is like having a time machine to look ahead. … While the AP article already takes global warming as a given, the 5th grade level version is even more explicitly partisan.…
The Politics of Weather
warming”). … warming,” “rising seas,” and imminent ecological catastrophe. … We “know” that “global warming”—or, since there has been no warming for about eighteen years, that “climate change”—has caused a sudden…
Your Choice to Use Your Boob Will Impact the Polar Ice Caps or Something…our-boob-will-impact-the-polar-ice-caps-or-something-n107649…our-boob-will-impact-the-polar-ice-caps-or-something-n107649
of hormonally charged commentary about being an evil mother and contributing to everything from the dumbing-down of culture to global … warming. … And if you decide to buy organic because your little one likes those particular strawberries, you’re obviously giving into a global…
Trump Is Right on Climate Change. Dems and GOP Must Follow Him
warming forecasts. … Yet, it is the model output that is being used as the foundation for trillion-dollar global energy policy decisions. … The UN’s ongoing My World global survey indicates that most of the world’s people agree with Trump, not Clinton.…
Liberals Blame — Wait for It — the Koch Brothers for Chelsea Bombing
Nevada Senator Harry Reid has blamed the Koch brothers for Russia’s annexation of Crimea, the Benghazi scandal, global warming, the…
The 'New York Times' Empire of Fantasy
But without his persistence, the Iran nuclear deal in 2015 and last December’s global climate change agreement in Paris would almost … And what about that global climate change agreement in Paris? … Maybe it will stop man-made global warming from turning all those glaciers in Michigan into Great Lakes. Oops, too late!…
New Host of Face the Nation Advised Obama in 2013 to 'Destroy the GOP'
successor, Scott Pelley, violating 32 flavors of Godwin’s Law in the same fashion as Cronkite, “was asked why he refused to include global … warming skeptics in his reporting.…
How Wacky Are Your Democrat Friends? A Handy Test
Questions are typical Democrat positions on baby-murder, the “global warming” hoax, the necessity of raising taxes just because, President…