Results for: hillary
Phil Robertson: Bush, Kasich, Cruz ‘Need to Learn How to Forgive and Love’ Trump…sich-cruz-need-to-learn-how-to-forgive-and-love-trump-n44209…sich-cruz-need-to-learn-how-to-forgive-and-love-trump-n44209
How could you be worse than Hillary Clinton? How could it be possible?”…
Can RNC Delegates Say 1 Nice Thing About Hillary Clinton?
Say One Nice Thing about Hillary
We asked Republicans at the RNC in Cleveland to say one nice thing about Hillary Clinton…With…
Steve King: 'Ted Cruz Will Be Involved' in Electing President Trump
endorse Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday 00 will nevertheless “be involved” in the effort to defeat Hillary … More importantly, King emphasized that Cruz “will be involved” in the effort to defeat Hillary Clinton. … Sure it does, especially when you think of Hillary.”
Check out the video on the next page!…
MSNBC Viewers Given Trigger Warning Before Viewing RNC Anti-Hillary Buttons…igger-warning-before-viewing-rnc-anti-hillary-buttons-n47252…igger-warning-before-viewing-rnc-anti-hillary-buttons-n47252
see, MSNBC’s special snowflake viewers might have felt “uncomfortable” or even gotten woozy and swooned at the sight of the anti-Hillary … The admittedly crass buttons included some that read “Hillary for prison” and “Vote no to Monica’s ex-boyfriend’s wife in 2016.” … Maddow didn’t approve of some of the pre-printed signs either: “We’ve also seen pre-printed signs saying ‘Hillary Clinton for prison…
Cornel West: Hillary Presidency 'Could Lead to World War III'
CLEVELAND — Author and political activist Cornel West told PJM that presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is “much more of … “When it comes to foreign policy, Hillary is of course much more of a hawk than he is. There’s no doubt about it. … I think Hillary is a neo-liberal disaster, which still makes her dangerous, not as dangerous as Trump, but in some ways in foreign…
Calculated Risk
crucible of events have thrown penetrating lights on the strengths and weaknesses, characteristics and flaws of Rubio, Cruz, Trump, Hillary … The question of whether Hillary or Trump will create more favorable opportunities down the track is interesting one to consider. … The case against voting for Hillary is that it is like taking a serum that might kill you before effecting a cure.…
Cruz Is Right: Of Course You Should 'Vote Your Conscience'
It’s a completely pragmatic choice based on the alternative of Hillary Clinton, and it’s a choice that goes against their own privately…
Perry 'Very Comfortable' with Trump as Commander in Chief
According to a recent survey, active-duty service members prefer GOP nominee Donald Trump over presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton.…
Chris Christie Implicates Hillary Clinton at RNC Speech
Chris Christie presents a prosecutor’s case against Hillary Clinton, and suggests that every American render their own verdict…
Rick Scott: 'Best Melting Pot in the World' Can Hand Florida to Trump
Rick Scott (R-Fla.) predicted a “big win” for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in Florida despite Trump trailing rival Hillary … But this election is not actually about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. In fact, it’s not the election about you or me. … “And on every one of these measures, Hillary Clinton fails, she fails, she fails.”…
17 Pieces of the Yugest Trump Swag at the RNC
Donald Trump knock-out Hillary Clinton t-shirt, Photo Credit: Tyler O’Neil, PJ Media
Next Page: Donald Trump is strong like a lion … Hillary sucks, but not like Monica! … Vulgar Hillary sucks t-shirt, Photo Credit: Tyler O’Neil, PJ Media
Ugh, I wish I didn’t see what you did there.…
Texas Delegates Split on Whether Cruz Should Endorse Trump
“I am talking people that were hardcore Cruz supporters – they know Trump is far, far better than Hillary Clinton.…
Senate Dems Get Irrational During 'Web of Denial' Climate Change Event…t-irrational-during-web-of-denial-climate-change-event-n5703…t-irrational-during-web-of-denial-climate-change-event-n5703
Hillary Clinton, the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party for president, promises the same.…
Attorney General Warns: Not Enough Federal Oversight of Election…ns-not-enough-federal-oversight-of-november-election-n123852…ns-not-enough-federal-oversight-of-november-election-n123852
But groups complaining about the lack of federal observers are doing so because they want Hillary Clinton to win the White House. … But they know deep down that scaring minority voters into thinking it is still 1965 will help elect Hillary.…
DOJ Staffer Tweets Snark About Melania Trump on Official Twitter Account…about-melania-trump-on-dojs-official-twitter-account-n47229…about-melania-trump-on-dojs-official-twitter-account-n47229
And there certainly is nothing to be gleaned from this regarding the DOJ’s decision not to indict Hillary Clinton.…
Do We Need Party Presidential Conventions?
Trump Family stalwarts (Tiffany and the aforementioned Don Jr.), Chris Christie made a particularly strong impression attacking Hillary…
Do Candidates Need a Campaign?
Hillary Clinton might be the most disliked candidate for president in American history. … But no one thinks he will spend anything like what Hillary will spend.
Does he need to? No one knows. … Hillary has something like 1000 people working for her. Trump has his family and, what — a few dozen consultants?…
Chris Christie Prosecutes Hillary Clinton on the RNC Floor
FBI Director James Comey said “no reasonable prosecutor” would do — bring a criminal case against presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary … Did Comey Actually Destroy Hillary Clinton by ‘Exonerating’ Her? … @ChrisChristie ignites storm of cheers attacking Hillary, “Lock Her Up!”…
Nintendo's Stock Has More than Doubled Since Release of Pokémon Go
Hillary Clinton Will Come for Your Video Games…
Ryan to RNC: 'What Do You Say That We Unify This Party?'
“I’m here to tell you Hillary Clinton will say anything, do anything, and be anything to get elected president, and we can not allow … “Not Hillary. She lied about her emails. She lied about her server. She lied about Benghazi. She even lied about sniper fire. … Why, even she lied about why her parents named her Hillary.”…
Cain Open to Serving in Trump Cabinet, But Would Weigh Pay Cut
and that the anti-Trump voices at the GOP convention are losing sight of the goal to defeat the presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary … sleep and start coming together so we can win this thing – because they are losing sight of the ultimate, biggest goal to defeat Hillary … “Let Hillary keep telling that lie because that’s exactly what it is.…
Where in the World Is John Kasich?
I’ve suspected for a while now that Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown could be Hillary Clinton’s choice as running mate. … If Hillary were to win the presidency, Governor Kasich would get to appoint the replacement to fill Brown’s senate seat. … (Whether the Democrats would gamble a safe Senate seat to win Ohio for Hillary remains to be seen.…
Melania Trump Strikes a Blow to Outdated Seventies Feminism
could have been broken years ago — it happened in Pakistan, of all places, in 1988 — if the right person presented herself and Hillary … Elizabeth Warren, and for that matter Hillary Clinton, are products of the seventies feminist movement that Melania Trump decidedly … What we saw from Melania on Monday night is something I have never seen from Hillary — that she really loves her husband.…
Thoughts on the RNC Convention, #1
They survey the field and they see only Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Both are bad. But which is worse?” … I think it’s pretty much the same regarding Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. … The choice really is between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.…
Battle of the Beams
To her detractors Hillary is no longer just crooked but the most crooked candidate in history, and traitor to boot, etc, etc. … If things blow up, it will be advantage Trump, or at least disadvantage Hillary. … Trump vs Hillary are signals converging from opposite ends of the spectrum until they meet explosively in the middle of the range. …