Results for: hillary

Can RNC Delegates Say 1 Nice Thing About Hillary Clinton?
– Say One Nice Thing about Hillary We asked Republicans at the RNC in Cleveland to say one nice thing about Hillary Clinton…With…
Steve King: 'Ted Cruz Will Be Involved' in Electing President Trump
– endorse Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday 00 will nevertheless “be involved” in the effort to defeat Hillary … More importantly, King emphasized that Cruz “will be involved” in the effort to defeat Hillary Clinton. … Sure it does, especially when you think of Hillary.” Check out the video on the next page!…
MSNBC Viewers Given Trigger Warning Before Viewing RNC Anti-Hillary Buttons…igger-warning-before-viewing-rnc-anti-hillary-buttons-n47252
– see, MSNBC’s special snowflake viewers might have felt “uncomfortable” or even gotten woozy and swooned at the sight of the anti-Hillary … The admittedly crass  buttons included some that read “Hillary for prison” and “Vote no to Monica’s ex-boyfriend’s wife in 2016.” … Maddow didn’t approve of some of the pre-printed signs either: “We’ve also seen pre-printed signs saying ‘Hillary Clinton for prison…
Cornel West: Hillary Presidency 'Could Lead to World War III'
– CLEVELAND — Author and political activist Cornel West told PJM that presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is “much more of … “When it comes to foreign policy, Hillary is of course much more of a hawk than he is. There’s no doubt about it. … I think Hillary is a neo-liberal disaster, which still makes her dangerous, not as dangerous as Trump, but in some ways in foreign…
Calculated Risk
– crucible of events have thrown penetrating lights on the strengths and weaknesses, characteristics and flaws of Rubio, Cruz, Trump, Hillary … The question of whether Hillary or Trump will create more favorable opportunities down the track is interesting one to consider.  … The case against voting for Hillary is that it is like taking a serum that might kill you before effecting a cure.…
Cruz Is Right: Of Course You Should 'Vote Your Conscience'
– It’s a completely pragmatic choice based on the alternative of Hillary Clinton, and it’s a choice that goes against their own privately…
Perry 'Very Comfortable' with Trump as Commander in Chief
– According to a recent survey, active-duty service members prefer GOP nominee Donald Trump over presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton.…
Chris Christie Implicates Hillary Clinton at RNC Speech
– Chris Christie presents a prosecutor’s case against Hillary Clinton, and suggests that every American render their own verdict…
Rick Scott: 'Best Melting Pot in the World' Can Hand Florida to Trump
– Rick Scott (R-Fla.) predicted a “big win” for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in Florida despite Trump trailing rival Hillary … But this election is not actually about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. In fact, it’s not the election about you or me. … “And on every one of these measures, Hillary Clinton fails, she fails, she fails.”…
17 Pieces of the Yugest Trump Swag at the RNC
– Donald Trump knock-out Hillary Clinton t-shirt, Photo Credit: Tyler O’Neil, PJ Media Next Page: Donald Trump is strong like a lion … Hillary sucks, but not like Monica! … Vulgar Hillary sucks t-shirt, Photo Credit: Tyler O’Neil, PJ Media Ugh, I wish I didn’t see what you did there.…
Texas Delegates Split on Whether Cruz Should Endorse Trump
– “I am talking people that were hardcore Cruz supporters – they know Trump is far, far better than Hillary Clinton.…
Attorney General Warns: Not Enough Federal Oversight of Election…ns-not-enough-federal-oversight-of-november-election-n123852
– But groups complaining about the lack of federal observers are doing so because they want Hillary Clinton to win the White House. … But they know deep down that scaring minority voters into thinking it is still 1965 will help elect Hillary.…
DOJ Staffer Tweets Snark About Melania Trump on Official Twitter Account…about-melania-trump-on-dojs-official-twitter-account-n47229
– And there certainly is nothing to be gleaned from this regarding the DOJ’s decision not to indict Hillary Clinton.…
Do We Need Party Presidential Conventions?
– Trump Family stalwarts (Tiffany and the aforementioned Don Jr.), Chris Christie made a particularly strong impression attacking Hillary
Do Candidates Need a Campaign?
Hillary Clinton might be the most disliked candidate for president in American history. … But no one thinks he will spend anything like what Hillary will spend. Does he need to? No one knows. … Hillary has something like 1000 people working for her. Trump has his family and, what — a few dozen consultants?…
Chris Christie Prosecutes Hillary Clinton on the RNC Floor
– FBI Director James Comey said “no reasonable prosecutor” would do — bring a criminal case against presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary … Did Comey Actually Destroy Hillary Clinton by ‘Exonerating’ Her? … @ChrisChristie ignites storm of cheers attacking Hillary, “Lock Her Up!”…
Ryan to RNC: 'What Do You Say That We Unify This Party?'
– “I’m here to tell you Hillary Clinton will say anything, do anything, and be anything to get elected president, and we can not allow … “Not Hillary. She lied about her emails. She lied about her server. She lied about Benghazi. She even lied about sniper fire. … Why, even she lied about why her parents named her Hillary.”…
Cain Open to Serving in Trump Cabinet, But Would Weigh Pay Cut
– and that the anti-Trump voices at the GOP convention are losing sight of the goal to defeat the presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary … sleep and start coming together so we can win this thing – because they are losing sight of the ultimate, biggest goal to defeat Hillary … “Let Hillary keep telling that lie because that’s exactly what it is.…
Where in the World Is John Kasich?
– I’ve suspected for a while now that Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown could be Hillary Clinton’s choice as running mate. … If Hillary were to win the presidency, Governor Kasich would get to appoint the replacement to fill Brown’s senate seat.  … (Whether the Democrats would gamble a safe Senate seat to win Ohio for Hillary remains to be seen.…
Melania Trump Strikes a Blow to Outdated Seventies Feminism
– could have been broken years ago — it happened in Pakistan, of all places, in 1988 — if the right person presented herself and Hillary … Elizabeth Warren, and for that matter Hillary Clinton, are products of the seventies feminist movement that Melania Trump decidedly … What we saw from Melania on Monday night is something I have never seen from Hillary — that she really loves her husband.…
Thoughts on the RNC Convention, #1
– They survey the field and they see only Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Both are bad. But which is worse?” … I think it’s pretty much the same regarding Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. … The choice really is between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.…
Battle of the Beams
– To her detractors Hillary is no longer just crooked but the most crooked candidate in history, and traitor to boot, etc, etc. … If things blow up, it will be advantage Trump, or at least disadvantage Hillary.   … Trump vs Hillary are signals converging from opposite ends of the spectrum until they meet explosively in the middle of the range.  …
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