Results for: hillary

Giuliani: Hillary’s Deleted Emails ‘Can Be Used to Extort Her’
– PHILADELPHIA – Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s missing emails could … Secretary [sic] Comey said he wouldn’t be surprised if our enemies were able to get sensitive national security information because of Hillary … Giuliani said he “guarantees” Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails contain incriminating information about connections between the Clinton…
Being #NeverTrump Doesn't Make Me Pro-Hillary
– Like Trump, there are too many reasons why I do not want Hillary as POTUS to name, much less detail, in one article. … Of course, if I were a progressive, I would have zero faith in Hillary. … On the other hand, the DNC and Hillary Clinton think that murdering babies is A-ok.…
The Democrats Definitely Still Control Hollywood
– We believe in Hillary Clinton. We love the sound of the first woman president! … Posted by Elizabeth Banks on Tuesday, July 26, 2016 Elizabeth Banks got some celeb friends together and made this video for Hillary
Media-Proclaimed 'Devout Catholic' Kaine Now Favors Taxpayer-Funded Abortions…t-catholic-kaine-now-favors-taxpayer-funded-abortions-n44235
– Despite the fact that Planned Parenthood’s head ghoul Cecile Richards was thrilled with Hillary Clinton’s choice of Time Kaine as…
Why Does Putin Own Everything?
– Trump said Wednesday that he hoped Russia had hacked Hillary Clinton’s email, essentially encouraging an adversarial foreign power … Pick one, Hillary camp.” … That’s what the Hillary server symbolizes: the sellout of both sides to the highest bidder.…
18 Different Ways You Can #FeelTheBern Outside the DNC
Hillary is a Mother Fracker! Bernie supporter holds a “Hillary is a Mother Fracker” sign outside the DNC in Philadelphia. … Hillary has got to go! Woman starts "hey hey ho ho, Trump has got to go!" … These Bernie or busters change it to "Hillary has got to go!"…
Bill Clinton's Sad, Surreal Speech
– That was the question I was asking myself as I listened to his hagiographic speech about Hillary Clinton on Tuesday night. 50? … Explosive New Book Details Hillary Clinton’s Violent Tirades While First Lady I thought of Anna Karenina, Tolstoy’s masterpiece on … Is Hillary the Democratic Nixon? In the face of this power grab, the real problems of the world drop away.…
Manafort: Trump Will Not Release Tax Returns
Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has gone after Trump’s comments on Russian President Vladimir Putin this week in the wake of a hack on the…
Once Again, Trump Shows He Is Not Fit for the Presidency
– Trump also told the press they should “be quiet,” since he knew they “want to save” Hillary Clinton. … What would Donald Trump have said if Hillary Clinton held a press conference saying exactly what he told us? … WikiLeaks Not Done With Hillary, Suggests More Leaks Coming…
EXCLUSIVE: How Hillary Clinton Mainstreamed Al-Qaeda Fundraiser Abdurahman Alamoudi…mainstreamed-al-qaeda-fundraiser-abdurahman-alamoudi-n94357
– It’s a long way down from being one of Hillary Clinton’s favorite colleagues. … Hillary Clinton and Abdurahman Alamoudi were no mere acquaintances.  … Alamoudi’s donation to Hillary Clinton’s 2000 U.S. Senate campaign became an issue in October 2000.…
Trump to Russia: I Hope You Hack Hillary
– In a press conference on Wednesday morning, Donald Trump said he hoped that Russia had hacked Hillary Clinton’s email server, and…
Billy Baldwin on Trump: 'He’s Like a Baboon of a Child'
– Cornel West during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, where West said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton … I think that Hillary Clinton is more comfortable on Wall Street and more comfortable in the Pentagon, especially after her experience … That is the one thing Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump could do to have the greatest impact, and if the Democrats can control the Senate…
BREAKING: Prosecutors Drop All Remaining Charges Against Baltimore Cops in Freddie Gray Case
– Protesters at the Democratic National Convention have already raised #BlackLivesMatter signs and chanted against Hillary Clinton — … DNC #BlackLivesMatter: ‘Don’t Vote for Hillary, She’s Killing Black People’ In a hearing meant to start the trial of Officer Garrett … before the speeches, however, there was a huge protest in Philadelphia, where blacks and whites marched, chanting, “Don’t vote for Hillary
Kucinich: Hillary's Foreign Policy 'Goes Beyond Bad Judgment'
– PHILADELPHIA — Former Ohio Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich said Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy “has not…
Gone Fishin'
– Of course this means I’ll miss Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech tomorrow night, but I’m fine with that.…
If Hillary Wins, What Becomes of Bill?
– Whatever else can be said of Hillary Clinton, her candidacy for president proves historic in more ways than one. … Sidelined by Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, Bill Clinton went rogue and started lashing out at Barack Obama. … Even if Hillary loses, that’s a question which time will eventually compel us to answer.…
Israeli Flag Set on Fire Outside DNC
– Protestors outside the Democrat National Convention burned an Israeli flag, chanting “intifada” and “Go home, f*** Hillary!”…
WikiLeaks Not Done With Hillary, Suggests More Leaks Coming
– After railroading her way to the Democratic nomination for president, Hillary Clinton may find more controversy on the horizon.…
Bill Clinton Upsets Some Muslims with DNC Call to Aid Terror Fight
– Clinton spent much of his talk, though, describing how he met Hillary Rodham in the Yale law library — “in the spring of 1971, I met…
Holder at DNC: 'Should Be No Tension' Between Protecting Cops and Community…d-be-no-tension-between-protecting-cops-and-community-n44231
– Holder spoke at the beginning of a social justice segment and recognized his 25-year friendship with Hillary Clinton.…
Jerry Springer on Hillary Sticking by Wasserman Schultz: 'I Trust Her Judgment'…ry-sticking-by-wasserman-schultz-i-trust-her-judgment-n44230
– PHILADELPHIA – TV host Jerry Springer defended Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s decision to make Rep. … him on the issues and he has helped move the Democratic platform to a more liberal stance and frankly I think he’s helped move Hillary … “I’m a lifelong Democrat and you know, I really love Hillary Clinton and I want her to be the president.…
DNC #BlackLivesMatter: 'Don't Vote for Hillary, She's Killing Black People'
– It does seem unique, however, to blame Hillary Clinton for the police attacks on black people. … After all, Hillary gained the support of blacks in the Democratic primary. Perhaps this is a sign of buyer’s remorse? … “Don’t vote for Hillary, she’s killing black people!”…
O’Malley: ‘Real Outrage’ Is Russia Hacked DNC to Help Trump
– Putin doesn’t care for Hillary Clinton and he knows that every bully like Donald Trump is really a weakling in disguise. … “They don’t pick on immigrant groups or people with disabilities or women, so Putin would much rather have Donald Trump than Hillary … Because Hillary Clinton is tougher – that’s why he has his people involved in trying to embarrass the DNC on the eve of Hillary Clinton…
Michael Brown's Mother Speaking at DNC Tonight
– spoken before a United Nations committee at a human rights conference in Switzerland, appeared at presidential campaign events for Hillary
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