Results for: hillary

Chuck Schumer: Democrats Should Blame Themselves, Not Russia, for Trump Win…rats-should-blame-themselves-not-russia-for-trump-win-n52659
– Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 24, 2017 Trump chose to omit Schumer’s justification for this, his lament that Hillary Clinton lost … Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign is a blueprint showing what not to do if you want to win a presidential election…
Trump Shuts Down CIA Support for Syrian 'Rebels' After Years of Chronic Failure…port-for-syrian-rebels-after-years-of-chronic-failure-n97634
– rebels in the first place — a group that, in addition to congressional Republicans, happened to include former Secretary of State Hillary … indications where the conflict was going: "[al-Quada] is on our side in Syria"–email from policy advisor to Secretary of State Hillary
Dr. Kevorkian's Lawyer Considering Run for Michigan's Top Job
– the single digits, Michigan Democrats face a tough choice in the 2018 gubernatorial election: a candidate who stirs memories of Hillary … Liano Sharon, an organizer with the progressive group Michigan for Revolution, told MLive Whitmer is too much like Hillary Clinton.…
Newly Uncovered Email Reveals the Roots of Hillary Clinton's 'Progressive' Christianity…compared-her-2016-defeat-to-jesus-death-on-the-cross-n99432
– On Friday morning, CNN published an email Hillary Clinton’s pastor, the Rev. … Pastor Hillary? … Hillary Clinton’s Insidious Threat to Traditional Christianity…
Glamour Writer Infiltrates Conservative Women's Conference and Is SHOCKED by What She Sees…eally-think-of-conservative-women-and-its-not-pretty-n168435
– Av3zl03mcl — Samantha Leach (@_sleach) August 5, 2017 Leach, a 24-year-old liberal who proclaims that she “cried watching Hillary … What will she wear to this gathering of strange non-Hillary-supporting females, she wonders.…
2020 Tease: Democrat Julian Castro Forms New PAC
– Democrats were while Obama was still in office, but there was speculation that Castro was being hurried along just in case Biden or Hillary
Docs Show Obama White House Was Involved in Clinton/Lynch Tarmac Meeting Spin…ouse-was-involved-in-clintonlynch-tarmac-meeting-spin-n52867
– Comey himself who testified that the Clinton-Lynch meeting was the impetus for his now infamous public announcement exonerating Hillary
FBI Seized Records from Manafort's Home as Trump Tweeted Displeasure with Acting Director…me-as-trump-tweeted-displeasure-with-acting-director-n111671
– the campaign, including the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting in which the Trump campaign had been promised damaging information on Hillary … McCabe, a Comey friend who was in charge of Clinton investigation but got big dollars ($700,000) for his wife’s political run from Hillary
Pastor Hillary? New Book Suggests Clinton's Next Stop May Be the Pulpit
– After her second failed attempt at the presidency, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may be gunning for ministry. … “Hillary Clinton wants to preach. … Hillary Clinton’s Insidious Threat to Traditional Christianity “Hillary finds it hard to talk about religion a lot,” Mike McCurry…
Two Maxine Waters Moments in One Day! She Says Trump Will Be Impeached by December…one-day-she-says-trump-will-be-impeached-by-december-n89308
– She also echoed Hillary Clinton’s infamous remark (which may have done more to lose Clinton the 2016 election than any possible collusion…
Rosenstein: If Mueller 'Finds Evidence of a Crime Within Scope' of Probe, Pursue It…evidence-of-a-crime-within-scope-of-probe-pursue-it-n111615
– Asked about President Trump’s recent statement that the DOJ should be investigation Hillary Clinton’s emails, Rosenstein said the president…
Stephen King's 5 Whiniest Trump Slams
– Never Go the Full Hillary King is one of many liberals who still believe the election was stolen/rigged/name-the-conspiracy-theory…
Gore: 'I Think I Carried Florida' in 2000 Election
Hillary didn’t lose the election. Trump colluded with the Russians and stole it! Outrage! Call for a special counsel.…
Mueller Moves Forward with D.C. Grand Jury as Senators Try to Protect Special Counsel…rand-jury-as-senators-try-to-protect-special-counsel-n111544
– Natalia Veselnitskaya, lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin, publicist Rob Goldstone and others after Goldstone promised damaging information on Hillary
Chelsea Clinton Wants Films to Be Rated on Whether or Not They 'Defy Gender Stereotypes'…rated-on-whether-or-not-they-defy-gender-stereotypes-n168330
– Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, thought this was a marvelous…
Saturday Night Live Cast Members Admit Liberals Are More Fun to Upset…ve-cast-members-admit-liberals-are-more-fun-to-upset-n168325
– — an ad for a planned community where disillusioned liberals could move so they would never have to deal with the reality that Hillary
New Hampshire Politicians Offended by Trump Calling State 'Drug-Infested Den'…ns-offended-by-trump-calling-state-drug-infested-den-n111529
– Trump also claimed to Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto that he won New Hampshire, which Hillary Clinton won by 2,736 votes.…
Could Donald Trump Do Anything to Win the NeverTrumpers?
– It boils down to two things: Hillary Clinton on the negative side of the equation, and Trump’s agenda on the positive side.…
Forget About Divorce. Don't Marry a Hillary Supporter in the First Place
– Harper’s Bazaar magazine came out with a highly offensive article called “If You Are Married To A Trump Supporter Divorce Them” and it wasn’t click bait. That was their actual advice. If your partner is a Trump supporter and you are not, just divorce them….You do not need to...
Democrats Take the Bait on Confederate Monuments After Charlottesville…e-bait-on-confederate-monuments-after-charlottesville-n42674
– The AP’s Bill Barrow argued that Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump partially because she “concentrated so much on Trump’s deficiencies…
The vague yet imminent malaise
– One can’t go back to Oct 2016 to make Hillary president they way “it should have been” but they’ll try.…
Trump Responds to Bannon's Departure: The Campaign 'Was Great! Thanks Steve!'…esponds-bannons-departure-campaign-great-thanks-steve-n53056
– He came to the campaign during my run against Crooked Hillary Clinton – it was great! Thanks S — Donald J. … primary victory against reliable, stable conservative candidates like Ted Cruz, and later in the general election against Crooked Hillary
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