Results for: hillary

Bernie Sanders Faces Senate Challenger Amid Escalating FBI Investigation…s-senate-challenger-amid-escalating-fbi-investigation-n42640
– Svitavsky threw his hat in the ring, running as a kind of establishment Democrat against the insurgent Independent who nearly defeated Hillary … Perhaps Svitavsky’s biggest weakness is the perspective that the Democratic National Convention (DNC) pulled the strings for Hillary
Report: More than Half of Comey's Memos Contained Classified Info
– the memos have been determined to contain classified information, raising the possibility that Comey broke some of the same rules Hillary … He added: “We are right in condemning him and holding him to the same standard he held Hillary Clinton to.…
And They Claim TRUMP Is Collaborating With Russia?
– captured Putin’s specific instructions on the operation’s audacious objectives — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary
Maxine Waters Says With Glee That She Feels Vindicated by Don Jr. Story
– He met with a Russian lawyer to, by his own account, get damning information on Hillary Clinton but wound up with no info.…
The Left Won't Let Go of the 'Russian Collusion' Meme
– cancer or the discovery of life on Mars: “President Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was promised damaging information about Hillary … You can bet Hillary wouldn’t have hung up on the person who claimed to have dirt on The Donald.…
The Morning Briefing: New RUSSIA Stuff, Obama's Back, Snortable Chocolate and Much, Much More…ff-obamas-back-snortable-chocolate-and-much-much-more-n52468
– Times is reporting that Trump Jr. met with a RUSSIAN person during the 2016 campaign who promised him damaging information about Hillary … He never led the general election polls, and the media was telling us it was a foregone conclusion Hillary would break the glass ceiling…
No Election Fraud? Let's Find Out!
– Let’s get on with it and find out whether Hillary really did carry the Golden State by a couple of million legal votes.  …
Hillary Still Searching for the Meaning of Life in 2018 Elections
– She might try just going away gracefully, but that obviously is not within her power: Hillary Clinton has been scouting around for … But Hillary has a bright future — if she wants it — in the theater.…
Oh No! Trump Jr., Jared Kushner Met With Russian Lawyer!
– continues to desperately search for smoking guns, for evidence that Team Trump and the Kremlin worked together, somehow, to beat Hillary … The only reason they do so is that they can’t accept what’s obvious to everybody else: that Hillary lost because she was a terrible … Russia obviously interfered in the election in an attempt to sow chaos and mistrust, yes, but Hillary ended up losing because of who…
Scholar: Supreme Court Allowed Administration to be as 'Restrictive as it Can' on Travel Ban…tration-to-be-as-restrictive-as-it-can-on-travel-ban-n110824
– , voters who held the Supreme Court vacancy as their No. 1 issue were twice as likely to vote for Trump than Democratic nominee Hillary
Why Does the Left Hate Russia so Much?
– That’s remarkable because it was the left who, several years ago, applauded Hillary Clinton for pushing a “reset” button with regards…
D.C. Council Weighs Move to Block Trump’s Election Commission Request…ighs-move-to-block-trumps-election-commission-request-n42636
Hillary Clinton in 2016 became the fourth candidate in U.S. history to officially win the popular vote but lose the election.…
Who Killed the Left?
– Yet the real mystery — one which even Orwell himself did not anticipate — is why, Hillary Still Searching for the Meaning of Life…
What Trump Meant When He Said 'Everyone' Was Talking About John Podesta
– Podesta served as Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, and like Clinton herself he has inconvenient ties to Russia. … This funding happened while Podesta was an advisor to Hillary Clinton at the State Department. … Why Millionaires Like Hillary Clinton…
Kris Kobach Rips Reports of Mass Boycott of Trump Voter Fraud Probe as 'Fake News'…mass-boycott-of-trump-voter-fraud-probe-as-fake-news-n52398
– In the 2016 popular vote, Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump by 2.1 percent nationwide. … Although 7.5 million more people voted in 2016 than in 2012, Obama received more raw votes than Hillary Clinton did. … Hillary fell short of Obama’s numbers.…
Vox Proclaims Bernie Sanders the 2020 Frontrunner
Hillary had been anointed as “next,” and it’s unlikely that Bernie was going to be permitted to take her place. … Hillary was probably the Democrats’ best hope in 2016 between the two.…
Maryland AG Says Commission on Voter Fraud Is a Way to 'Stop People From Voting'…on-on-voter-fraud-is-a-way-to-stop-people-from-voting-n88969
– Now they say that it’s a Republican conspiracy… As Wisconsin Recount Finishes Up, $7M Finds 25 Votes for Hillary (Update: 131…
Which Game of Thrones House Does Your Political Hero Secretly Fit Into?…nes-house-does-your-political-hero-secretly-fit-into-n168159
– If Hillary Clinton were younger, more beautiful, and more ruthless, she could be Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey).…
Democrats: Despite Trump Victory, Americans Still Want Action on Climate Change…ictory-americans-still-want-action-on-climate-change-n111228
– human activity, but Democrats argue the American public still wants government action on climate change despite Trump’s defeat of Hillary
What Does Mueller Have on Manafort?
– The meeting was called after the lawyer offered damaging information about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.…
Fusion GPS Co-Founder Refuses to Testify, Vows to Plead the Fifth
– Trump Jr. made public emails indicating that he had taken a meeting with her on the promise of receiving damaging information about Hillary
O Ye of Little Faith
– But in the end he did nothing, held back by the assumption Hillary would win. … Like the animal of the story, the former president only escape by letting the Hillary go.   … Instead he clung to Hillary until the election ended only to open his fist and find — Trump.…
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