Results for: the daily caller

Yet Another Journalist Says Lying Is A-OK
– Allow me to repost liberally (pardon the pun) from an item I wrote back in August of 2010, when Jonathan Strong, then of the Daily … for Big Media — and for everyone else — in the rise of the blogosphere. … the rest of old media considered “the next messiah,” when they attempted to sell us on the joys of Obamacare.…
Melissa Harris-Perry Weeps to Keep Her Job
– intent was, the reality is that the segment proceeded in a way that was offensive, and showing the photo in that context, that segment … As The Daily Caller noted, three straight liberals went down at the end of 2013 in free speech controversies. … to break through the static.…
'We Have No Morals, and We Will Attack You'
The left-leaning Jewish Daily Forward goes all-in to defend Footie Pajamas Boy, by accusing the right of “a centuries-old nexus of … Just a reminder, this is who you’re defending, Forward: As The Daily Caller reported, Krupp was accused of racism and anti-Semitism … As the Daily Caller noted, Ethan Krupp declared himself to be a “liberal f***” before scrubbing his posts from the Internet when his…
'Our Long National Nightmare Is Only Warming Up, I'm Afraid'
– On the other hand, Deneen Borelli of The Blaze looks at the other side of the equation: at least A&E restored the show before Jesse … According to the London Daily Mail, “The Robertson family has a merchandise empire that is estimated by Forbes to be worth about $400 … earned an estimated $77 million,” the Daily Caller noted in June.…
The Ultimate Surrender
the status quo. … No matter, the liberal fuck lost to the conservative gay prick that day; one rode off into the sunset, the other ordered another whisky … —“Obamacare’s Pajama Boy: ‘I am a liberal f***’”, Patrick Howley, the Daily Caller, today.…
Weiner in 2009: Cyber Attacks 'Demand Immediate Action'
– That was then, and this is now: The New York Daily News reported the Congressman’s statement thusly [in May of 2009]: Whoa, there … The Daily Caller reported Tuesday: “Although this particular incident is a matter for law enforcement, it clearly indicates that … the issue of cybersecurity to protect our privacy and to ensure our national security,” Stearns said in an email to The Daily Caller
Dogtown and the MSNBC Boys
– Not to mention, as Joel Kotkin wrote last year at the Politico, “Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior Deanna Archuleta, for … So it was nice to see Mary Katharine Ham deftly satirize the MSNBC promo at the Daily Caller last week, recreating Spike’s camera angles … The state builds excellent dog parks — there’s quite a huge affair in Emeryville, in the suburbs of San Francisco, or at least there…
Well, So Much for Knowing 'More Than Those Who are Briefing Him'
– From the Daily Caller yesterday: First Lady Michelle Obama is back on the fund-raising circuit and she’s painting a very flattering … “See, what you all need to know about the President you helped to elect is that when it comes to the people he meets, Barack has a … He rigged the game because he knew what the probable outcome would be if he didn’t. Disgraceful.”…
You Went Full Godwin, Man—Never Go Full Godwin
– “Union leader calls New Jersey gov ‘Adolf Christie,’ compares pension battle to ‘World War III,’” The Daily Caller reports: Welcome … to the new civility. … Rally attendees are seen wildly cheering Shelton’s speech in the video. Click over to the DC for video.…
Pick Up the Darned Phone
– On the Monday after the employment news broke, The Daily Caller reported that the president went into woe-is-me mode, referring to … Bush), as well as, per the Caller, tagging “investors, consumers and even the media.” … The economic cost of such ignorance cannot be small. So pick up the darned phone. Answer the darned phone.…
Granite State Republican activist to GOP presidential candidates: 'Talk about the right to work'…presidential-candidates-talk-about-the-right-to-work-n148501
The Tatler has followed the NRLB’s actions closely. … Responding to questions from Matthew Boyle of the Daily Caller and myself, Mr. … He wants to hear the candidates so that voters can gauge their passion on reining the agency in, and on getting government out of the
Video: Al Gore Talks Population Control
– Dan, just to follow up on your previous post, I believe that this is the video that the Daily Caller referenced. … It’s hosted at the Media Research Center’s new MRC.TV Website, which I suspect may be just slightly more friendly to conservative videos … Not that it’s possible for a satirist to improve upon the sheer absurdity of reality itself in the first place, of course.…
St. Al the Gore may have tried to one-up me.
– warming the planet. … Another article at Daily Caller noted that during an appearance in New York Mr. … The internal link within the Daily Caller article presents a YouTube video of Mr.…
Emails reveal: Obama administration meddled in GM operations
– New emails obtained by The Daily Caller contradict claims by the Obama administration that the Treasury Department would avoid “intervening … As owners, the UAW benefited from Treasury’s move against the non-union employees. … the union as a condition of the bailout.…
NPR Host: Oceania has never been at War with the Taliban
The Weasel Zippers catch a little “Taxpayer-funded weapons-grade liberal stupidity” from NPR host John Hockenberry: (Daily Caller … Washington, D.C., Hockenberry challenged the notion of the Taliban being an enemy of the United States and declared that the idea … “The Taliban has never been an enemy of the United States.…
President Obama: Promises Made, Promises Kept
– ” — Headline, the Daily Caller, today. … the numbers.  … the Rose Garden.…
[Fill In Blank] Industry Furious At Obama
– This week, it’s the jet industry, according to the Daily Caller: Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPO) President Craig Fuller … told The Daily Caller that Obama’s comments have cast a pall over the industry, causing many who were considering buying a plane … Update: And again… Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPO) President Craig Fuller told The Daily Caller that Obama’s comments…
Jet industry to Obama: Your demagoguery is hurting our companies
– Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPO) President Craig Fuller told The Daily Caller that Obama’s comments have cast a pall … It was back in the 1980s, and the Democrats went on and on about the luxury yacht industry. … hurting the people who build the yachts.…
ACORN still getting federal dollars
– Perhaps the cut wasn’t deep enough. … Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that that the Obama … (h/t Daily Caller)…
Documents detail the Holder DOJ's release of a Marxist terrorist from prison…lder-dojs-release-of-a-marxist-terrorist-from-prison-n149636
The heist netted $1.6 million for the terrorists, which was a coalition of the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army (the … You can read most of the details of her life in the obit the NYT ran when she died. … case, told The Daily Caller nobody will ever know if Buck’s views ever changed because there’s no substantial evidence of the claims…
Free your breasts, free your mind
Daily Caller: Since 1986, women have been able to walk around Washington, D.C., topless. … a line on the site proclaims. … “The ultimate goal is for the laws to change on the national level so that women have the same rights as men,” said Lara Terstenjak…
Video: Democrat Dennis Kucinich praises Syria's Assad on Syrian TV
– Kucinich even lauds Assad for caring, when Assad is the author of the crackdown. … The Daily Caller transcribed some of Kucinich’s additional remarks. … different ways that would be the best way to address the needs of the people,” Kucinich said in the interview, video of which was…
The Final Nail in the Coffin for Newt Gingrich's Campaign?
– I don’t see how it could possibly get any worse that what Matt Lewis reports at The Daily Caller: FEC reports released today show … In a political cycle where the Debt is issue #1 and the Tea Party is the most dynamic political force in the country those five sentences … should be the end.…
Gunwalker Terrorizing America, Too: Guns Show Up in U.S.
– Neil Munro of the Daily Caller reveals that criminal defense attorneys are seeking discovery to determine if they can use Gunwalker … the drug war” in Mexico, the statement said. … The Daily Caller article notes that the four-store hunting supply chain Carter’s Country was one of those targets.…
Arianna Online: AOL buys Huffington Post for $315 million
– At the Tatler, Bryan Preston asks “Will Huffington Post have to follow the ‘AOL way?’” … The new group will have a combined 117 million unique visitors a month in the United States and 270 million around the world, according … I think the answer can be found indirectly at the Daily Caller, where Herman Cain writes, “Liberalism is not in America’s DNA,” — but…
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