Results for: hillary

The Morning Briefing: WaPo Goes Low, Jeff Sessions Deja Vu and Much, Much More…apo-goes-low-jeff-sessions-deja-vu-and-much-much-more-n51605
– /EU to meet Wednesday about laptop/airplane threat Trump hotel in D.C. vandalized Hillary Clinton launches new revenue stream…
Krauthammer: 'It's Rather Unseemly' for Dems to Criticize Trump for Info Release When Hillary Spilled a Lot…ize-trump-for-info-release-when-hillary-spilled-a-lot-n88524
– way, if Trump did release info it would have been legal since the president has broad authority to declassify intelligence, but Hillary
How Common Core's 'One Easy Trick' Philosophy Fails Children
– ever again, and they assume it will be so; they see successful politicians and assume everyone can perform at that level, even Hillary
'The Bachelorette's' Lee Garrett Finds Himself on the Wrong Side of the SJW Mobs…rett-finds-himself-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-sjw-mobs-n167641
– For example, Garrett’s offending tweets include things like, “Hillary Clinton would be a Westernized Kim Jung Un,” and “Never trust…
When No One Knows the Answer
– And Hillary lost to covfefe. Trump’s unexpected competitiveness is a reminder of how low the political bar has fallen. … But the more serious problem is not many people are convinced Hillary knows, either. … The mojo left Hillary when people realized she was just a befuddled old lady.…
The Morning Briefing: Paris Accord Burning, Hillary's Latest Tantrum, Subpoena City and Much, Much More…larys-latest-tantrum-subpoena-city-and-much-much-more-n51839
Hillary Clinton was spinning like a whirling dervish yesterday, blaming everyone but herself for her presidential loss. … Clinton also said the Russians were spreading #fakenews which is laughable if you consider the MSM, very much in the tank for Hillary … , barely covered the WikiLeaks emails and was very clearly promoting positive coverage for Hillary and negative coverage for Trump.…
Poll: Most Backing Trump Impeachment Admit He Doesn't Deserve It
– Director James Comey to go easy on Michael Flynn, Obama is just as guilty of the same, when he delivered a not-so-veiled message that Hillary
Clinton: I Was a 'Victim' of a 'Very Broad Assumption I Would Win'
– The interview Hillary Clinton gave at a California tech conference yesterday on the reasons she lost the election is pathetic. … Oh for Pete’s sake, Hillary.…
'Feminist' Huma Abedin Invites Her Admitted Sex Offender Husband Back Home…n-invites-her-admitted-sex-offender-husband-back-home-n51833
– Just when you thought Huma Abedin finally had enough, the Hillary Clinton aide has invited her admitted sex offender hubby back home … What in the world does her lying, cheating husband have on her (or Hillary)?…
GOP Launches Major Offensive Against Elizabeth Warren to Take Her Out Before 2020…against-elizabeth-warren-to-take-her-out-before-2020-n51831
– The only thing better than a fight between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump would be one between Warren and The Donald.…
College Gender Gap: Women Earn More Degrees AND Get Special Treatment
– success of shows like Hulu’s “The Handmaid’s Tale,” a misogynist dystopia which is nothing at all like modern America, whatever Hillary
Portland GOP Chair Explains Why They're Considering Using a 'Security Force' to Protect Free Speech…idering-using-a-security-force-to-protect-free-speech-n51826
– convenient for the media to refer to Christian as a white supremacist and use this tragedy to paint everyone who is to the right of Hillary
Cory Booker: 'I'm Not Going to Rush to Impeachment'
– Cory Booker (D-NJ) wanted the media to give Hillary Clinton a little more credit (as if they aren’t already fans of hers), but did…
Why Journalists Loved Obama and Hate Trump (Hint: Those Glorious Words!)
– After Obama and all his yap-yap (and confronted with the sluggish, somnolent alternative of Hillary), they wanted a man of action.…
Impeach Judge Gregory: He Has Violated His Oath
– As an ACLU lawyer acknowledged, had the very same executive order been issued by Hillary Clinton, it would have been just fine.…
The Rise of Jack D. Ripper, Democrat
– According to the recent book “Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign,” by the day after her concession speech: Mook…
Wall Street Drama: 'Pissing Pug' Triggers SJW 'Fearless Girl' Supporters
– The spirits of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are very much with us, and the 2016 election seems unlikely to end anytime soon.…
Forget Russian Collusion. We Are Russia.
– Obama, who at the time was trying to aid Hillary Clinton in her campaign against the Republican nominee.…
Should We Hit Reporters and How Hard?
– Well, that’s what I see when I look at “news” organizations that hire and elevate guys like George “I-love-you-Hillary” Stephanopoulos…
Farewell Aquarius
– By contrast, Corbyn, Sanders and Hillary are the fantasy alternative. They are still waiting for the Mother Ship to come. … In stark juxtaposition is New York Magazine’s long feature on the “surreal post-election life of” Hillary Clinton, “the woman who would … Not just Hillary but Corbyn and Sanders. Vaudeville ain’t coming back, but its fading stars don’t know it yet.…
In the 'Russia' Investigation, Democrats, Spooks and Media Have Most to Fear…tigation-democrats-spooks-and-media-have-most-to-fear-n44409
– A fever dream cooked up by Sore Loser Hillary and her malignant consigliere, John Podesta, it began its demonic life as a way to explain … Whether Russia exploited Facebook to proliferate fake anti-Hillary news is a necessary question. … But so is the provenance of the Steele document and the fake email purporting a Democratic coverup of Hillary Clinton’s server activity…
Extraordinary Delusions and the Madness of Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton says that she “beat” Donald Trump—and Bernie Sanders—in a lengthy feature article by New York Magazine.  … And in the Daily News, Gersh Kuntzman delivered a column that began, “Hey, Hillary Clinton, shut the f— up and go away already.” … What if, far from having a lock on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. come January, Hillary Clinton’s margin-of-error lead — currently between…
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