Results for: the daily caller

Human Rights Watch Labels U.S. a 'Human Rights Abuser' Because of Trump
The Daily Caller: As The New York Times notes, the designation of the U.S. as a major human rights abuser marks a first for HRW in … the death penalty, the use of torture and the fairness of their judicial systems. … In its preview of the report, The Times noted that while HRW has criticized the U.S. in the past, most notably after the 9/11 attacks…
Sessions to Recuse Himself From Hillary Investigations, Though Loretta Lynch Did Not…m-hillary-investigations-though-loretta-lynch-did-not-n49693
– Citing an unnamed former official in December, the Daily Caller reported that officials at FBI headquarters ordered New York field … investigation, but to continue its work,” the former official told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview. … “It was potentially one of the largest breaches in security in the history of the State Department.…
Democrat Wants Criminal Charges Against GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter for Removing Offensive Anti-Cop Painting…uncan-hunter-for-removing-offensive-anti-cop-painting-n49686
– According to Kerry Picket of the Daily Caller, Clay said the police “have not been helpful to the congressman in his quest to file … However, Clay denied he asked law enforcement for protection when asked by The Daily Caller about it. … According to the Caller, Hunter’s top aide brushed off Clay’s threats of prosecution: “We’re less than zero percent worried about…
Back to the Future: Marines to Return to Helmand Province
– Helmand Province in Afghanistan, the scene of some of the fiercest fighting during the war, will be the destination of several hundred … Marines who will be deployed there in the spring to help the Afghan government retake the province from the Taliban. … Daily Caller: “We’re viewing this as a high-risk mission that really requires training that is going to ensure that our Marines are…
Michael Moore Promises to 'End Trump Carnage'
Daily Caller: Moore proposed a series of steps that people should take in order to push back against the new administration. … Making a black Muslim the face of the Democratic Party not because he is the best spokesman or even the best “organizer” but because … staff to hang up on the caller?…
Stop Making Me Defend Trump!
the effect by adding “Uday and Qusay” to the Trump family. … It was neatly overtaken by a story that both the Daily Beast and Daily Caller (sadly) fell for. It was on the Daily Beast. … It was on the Daily Caller. Climate Depot picked it up. Even Ed Driscoll picked it up on Instapundit. The story?…
Sun Sets on Clinton Global Initiative
– Fallout from the bad press for the Clinton Foundation during the recent election campaign has resulted in the shuttering of one of … Daily Caller: The layoffs will take effect April 15, the Clinton Foundation said in a filing with the New York Department of Labor … way to handle the fallout from the allegations.…
Activist Screams: 'We Need to Start Killing People'
The Daily Caller reports that an activist associated with Black Lives Matter screamed, “F**k white supremacy, f**k the U.S. empire, … First off, we need to start killing the White House. The White House must die. … The White House, your f**king White House, your f**king Presidents, they must go!”…
Who's on First? WH Now Says Green-Card Holders Not Subject to Order
Daily Caller: Green card holders will not be included in President Donald Trump’s executive order barring travelers from seven countries … Someone must have whispered in the president’s ear that the first challenge to the interpretation of the executive order that prevented … But beyond the ignorance of the law and incompetent prosecution of the order, there is a question of why the massive chaos.…
CFPB Chief Cordray Urged to Run for Ohio Governor
– Republicans have long argued that, at the very least, the agency should be structured similar to regulatory agencies such as the Federal … Regardless of whether one believes in the mission of the CFPB (and there are plenty reasons to doubt it’s a wise one), the single director … The Daily Caller published an extensive investigation of Cordray’s professional communications on private devices while at the agency…
Hillary's Email Saga: Time to Move On?
– Despite these dismissals as old news, the Daily Caller says that a University of New Hampshire poll shows Bernie Sanders leading Hillary … The Caller cited the email scandal as a factor. … The Daily Caller adds that most Democratic voters are  relatively disinterested in national security scandals.  …
Pro-Migrant Filmmakers Robbed Filming at Refugee Camp
Daily Caller: The Jungle has been home to 5,000 refugees and is located close to the tunnel connecting France and the United Kingdom … Refugees aspiring to settle in the U.K. began occupying the ground during the fall and it has since grown to a large community on the … Engels went on to explain the behavior with the simple condition the migrants live under in The Jungle.…
Report: Iranian Captors Ordered Sailors to 'Act Happy' in Propaganda Video
– While the nine men and one woman sailor were not physically mistreated, the information from the defense official was the first indication … Tom Rooney , a member of the House Select permanent Intelligence Committee, told The Daily Caller Thursday during the GOP retreat,  … According to the Daily Mail, reports from Iran say the Pentagon was “forced” to make a groveling apology in order to have the sailors…
Oregon State University to Hold Segregated Workshops on Race
The Daily Caller reports that a total of four workshops will be held: one for non-white students, another for white students (to educate … square, about 1.5 miles from the campus on the hill. … Per Dean Ball: “The AHI connected me to all of the like-minded students on campus and the AHI gave me the intellectual firepower…
Your ♡bamaCare!!! Fail of the Day
– and arbitrarily by the tax code, rather than broadly and based on a desire for religious freedom, in order to make the maximum number … “The fact that these officials are drawing these distinctions without having any relationship to the real, actual religious freedom … concerns shows they’re not actually interested in religious freedom,” Severino told The Daily Caller News Foundation.…
GOP: Dems Have Wasted More Than $2 Million Obstructing Benghazi Investigation…ore-than-2-million-obstructing-benghazi-investigation-n45344
– A Democratic committee spokesman told The Daily Caller that they have not been trying to obstruct the investigation at all. … Benghazi Committee,” a Democratic committee spokesman told The Daily Caller News Foundation. … The Democrat spokesman neglected to address any of Wolking’s specific points about the Democrats on the committee, which are as follows…
Did the NOAA Cook the Books to Show Warming During Hiatus?
– ) for cooking the books on climate data in order to erase the pause in the rise in temperature cited by, among other sources, the IPCC … Daily Caller: “We, the undersigned, scientists, engineers, economists and others, who have looked carefully into the effects of carbon … fund their research,” Smith told The Daily Caller News Foundation. …
Marco Rubio's Hilarious Football Video
– “The QB always gets the blame,” Rubio quipped. … The kid who got hit in the head nods to him, and with great fanfare, catches the pigskin in a mock-inspiring moment. … Daily Caller founder Tucker Carlson gets hit right in the head, while Colorado Senator Cory Gardner incurs Rubio’s wrath, declaring…
Why Were the Media's Iowa Caucuses Polls So Wrong?
– On the day of the Iowa caucuses,the RealClearPolitics average of polls favored real estate tycoon Donald J. Trump. … to The Daily Caller. … pollsters were active up until the night before the election.…
Election Day: Rubio Greeted by Protesters Dressed as Robots at Polling Site…eeted-by-protesters-dressed-as-robots-at-polling-site-n45457
– Kerry Picket of The Daily Caller is on the ground in New Hampshire covering the first-in-the-nation primary. … Marco Rubio at a polling location as the senator walked off his campaign bus Tuesday morning.” … Watch the altercation:…
Scenes from the Spin Room
– And on the next page, Melania Trump’s shoes… Tucker Carlson and the rest of our competition from the Daily Caller:…
Revealed: John Kerry Sent Hillary a ‘SECRET’ Email From His iPad in 2011
– Via The Daily Caller: In the heavily-redacted email, dated May 19, 2011, Kerry, who then chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee … The redactions in the email are listed under the Freedom of Information Act exemptions 1.4(b) and 1.4(d), which are categories reserved … Clinton’s private email address wasn’t discovered until August of 2014, and then only due to the efforts of the Republicans on the
Mad Voter Attends First Caucus
– One woman told me it was by far the most she had ever seen. … Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado was here to speak for Rubio, Jamie Weinstein of the Daily Caller for Jim Gilmore. … On the way over we stopped at a Caribou Cafe for coffee. We asked the twenty-something servers if they were caucusing.…
About That Mosque President Obama Will Be Visiting...
– There’s only one problem: the mosque the president has chosen to honor with his presence — the Islamic Society of Baltimore (ISB) — … Daily Caller: An imam who served at ISB for a total of 15 years has also been a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood network … in Sudan in the 1970s.…
Epic Fail: Ed Schultz Super PAC Bellyflops
– “I’m not sure  what the status of the super PAC is going to be,” Schultz said in his announcement, “but I am ending my involvement … Via The Daily Caller: “I feel like I am perfectly positioned with my national platform, with my name and visibility and credibility … with the middle class, to be the person to head up this super PAC,” he told…
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