Results for: hillary

Report: Comey Asked DoJ to Deny Trump Wiretapping Claims
– Comey’s behind-the-scenes maneuvering is certain to invite contrasts to his actions last year, when he spoke publicly about the Hillary
Ed Schultz: Trump Didn’t Tap Into ‘Anger’ to Win, But Tapped Into Voters’ ‘Livelihood’…into-anger-to-win-but-tapped-into-voters-livelihood-n107793
– Schultz praised Trump for pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as the “moral thing to do” for America, adding that Hillary … “I mean, how the hell did Hillary Clinton lose Michigan?…
Trump Now Knows the Dems Want to Take Him Down
– faithful lapdogs and public relations department, AKA the mainstream media, the media that (for example) leaked debate questions to Hillary … Or Hillary Clinton’s criminal mishandling of (and subsequent lying about) classified information on her homebrew email server. … Remember when, during the presidential debates, Trump said that, if elected, he might have Hillary investigated by the Department of…
Donald Trump Accuses 'Bad (or Sick)' Barack Obama of Tapping Trump Tower
– criminal investigation after determining it lacked evidence of crimes.” 3 Reasons Mike Pence’s EmailGate Is Nothing Compared to Hillary … onto something when he suggested that the Russians weren’t trying to aid Trump’s campaign, but rather attempting to destabilize Hillary
Merkel Coming to Washington to Meet with Trump
– During the campaign, he slammed Hillary Clinton as wanting “to be America’s Angela Merkel.”…
Dems Think Increased Outrage Is Helping Their Cause
– Trump: “In almost every special since Trump’s election, regardless of outcome, Democrats performed better in these districts than Hillary … Trump scored a surprise victory over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in November. … are plenty of variables to consider: no Jill Stein or Gary Johnson, and almost any Democratic candidate will be more likable than Hillary
Don Lemon Says A.G. Loretta Lynch Recused Herself from Hillary Email Probes…retta-lynch-recused-herself-from-hillary-email-probes-n87735
– journalist,” Don Lemon, uttered this bold-faced lie on Thursday’s program — “Loretta Lynch recused herself from any decision regarding Hillary … Clinton because of that meeting of Hillary Clinton and Loretta Lynch, who was the attorney general at the time, on the tarmac.” … Firstly, it was Bill Clinton who met with the attorney general, not Hillary. But secondly, she didn’t recuse herself.…
3 Reasons Mike Pence's EmailGate Is Nothing Compared to Hillary Clinton's…ces-emailgate-is-nothing-compared-to-hillary-clintons-n50586
Hillary Clinton, however, deleted nearly 1,000 work-related emails to David Patraeus, the FBI reported last September. … This is still a scandal — but it is nowhere near the level of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. … Will the DOJ Reopen the Hillary Clinton Email Case Under Jeff Sessions?…
WaPo Columnist: Term ‘Fake News’ Has ‘Lost Its True Meaning’
– it meant a story – perhaps one of these things that was done in some other country, in Asia, that were pumping out stories about Hillary
Jeff Sessions and the Democrats' Politburo Politics
– clear by, of all people, The New Yorker’s David Remnick, who pointed out the obvious — the Russians, like almost everyone, assumed Hillary
Pelosi: 'Couldn't Be Starker Difference' Between Sessions' Russia Meetings, Lynch's Clinton Meeting…ween-sessions-russia-meetings-lynchs-clinton-meeting-n107714
– from Russia investigations and not calling for former Attorney General Loretta Lynch to rescue herself from investigations into Hillary … She did not have a major role in the Hillary Clinton campaign,” Pelosi said. “This is a completely different thing.” … We should have that even if Hillary Clinton had won the White House.”…
The Eight Most Disgraceful Democrat Reactions to Trump's Speech
– A former Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama volunteer said SEAL widow Carryn Owens looked like “an idiot” What most of us regarded…
Trumpism Takes Over CPAC as Conservatives Take Wait-and-See Approach
– or sixteenth choice in the primary, but he won and we’re all on the same team so it’s time to get over it, or did you vote for Hillary
PwC Apologizes for Oscars 'EnvelopeGate' Best Picture Mix-Up…ologizes-for-oscars-envelopegate-best-picture-mix-up-n166702
– Many made political jokes like this one: Every Hillary voter's thought process this morning. Some Trump voters too.…
Tom Perez Elected Chairman of the Democratic National Committee
– conference center here comes after months of tense campaigning that has convulsed a party desperate to avoid a redux of 2016’s Hillary
Hillary Clinton Tells Democrats to Keep Fighting
Hillary Clinton has released a video for her Democrat Party in crisis; she instructed Democrats to “keep the faith” and to “keep fighting…
Trump to CPAC: Border Wall 'Way, Way, Way Ahead of Schedule'
– Trump took another stab at Hillary Clinton describing some of his supporters as “deplorable” during the campaign.…
Obama Demoted Andrew Jackson on the $20, Trump Visits His Tomb
– Trump was already attacking such a “corrupt bargain” before the election, when elites thought Hillary Clinton would defeat him.…
What's Up? Obama Meeting with Deep-Pocketed Donors, Warren Buffet, Tech Leaders...…with-deep-pocketed-donors-warren-buffet-tech-leaders-n50789
– There have even been reports in recent days that people across the country are receiving robocalls from Obama and Hillary Clinton raising…
Putin Spokesman: Russian Ambassador Also Met With Clinton's People
– Vladimir Putin’s spokesman claimed over the weekend that the infamous Russian ambassador also met with a number of Hillary Clinton … “Well, if you look at some people connected with Hillary Clinton during her campaign, you would probably see that he had lots of meetings … “There are lots of specialists in politology, people working in think tanks advising Hillary or advising people working for Hillary
The Trouble With Barry
– Dunn writing in American Thinker has said of Hillary, “the most repellent and corrupt American presidential candidate since Aaron Burr…
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