Results for: global warming
Bill Nye, the Nihilism Guy
(As Climate Depot reported a few years ago, when asked why he didn’t have someone on to argue against his global warming riffs, Pelley…
Oh, That Return of the Primitive
Do Islamic terrorists and the doomsday fringe of the global warming cult have something in common?…
With Only a Few Months Left to Live, What Would You Do?
I shall no longer pay any attention to politics or arguments about global warming. … This is not indifference but detachment — I still care deeply about the Middle East, about global warming, about growing inequality…
OFA's Social Media Blunder of the Day
Of course, 100% of America’s current eighth graders have not lived a day of global warming, as temperatures haven’t peaked since 1998…
Biden Says Denying Climate Change like 'Denying Gravity'
The leading global warming authority on the planet, the IPCC, contradicts Biden’s claim that climate change is making weather more … Roger Pielke, recently targeted by Democrats for his mild global warming skepticism, wrote in USA Today, “…from 1900 through 2013, … They are betting on winners and losers in the carbon race, not on whether global warming is going to happen or not.…
unite the world under its glorious banner, bring all Americans together, abolish nuclear weapons and roll back the dark clouds of Global … Warming contemplates a scene in ruins. …
Legendary CBS Anchorman Ponders if New Ice Age is On the Way
“Global warming activists have claimed for years that the 1970s global cooling scare never existed. … “Climate fear promoters switched effortlessly from global cooling fears in the 1970s to global warming fears in the 1980s. … In the present day, the phrase ‘global warming’ has lost favor in favor of ‘climate change’ or ‘global climate disruption’ or even…
Breaking: Food, Language, Global Warming, and Your Mother Are Now All Racist
Al Gore long ago declared global warming to be racist (when he wasn’t comparing it to the Nazis); Australia’s Tim Blair stands ready … (Since everything is now racist and causes global warming, someone really should do a mash-up of these two great Websites.)…
Snowfalls Are Now Just a Thing of the Past
warming. … warming. … Good Morning America news reader Amy Robach on Friday mocked Republican James Inhofe as “bizarre” for a global warming speech he gave…
How To Untangle Orwellian Doublethink: 4 Secrets To Help You Spot BS…orwellian-doublethink-4-secrets-to-help-you-spot-bs-n160124…orwellian-doublethink-4-secrets-to-help-you-spot-bs-n160124
Another politician is an advocate of “climate change” – Orwellian Doublespeak for belief in man-caused global warming and a denial … of solar–driven climate change which results in both global warming and global cooling. … In the mind of a co-believer the words “climate change” evoke an image of man-made global warming.…
Racism Should End Soon Now That Starbucks Has Their Baristas Tackling It…on-now-that-starbucks-has-their-baristas-tackling-it-n199471…on-now-that-starbucks-has-their-baristas-tackling-it-n199471
If Archer does a “very special episode” about global warming, I’m outta here.…
Global Warming Gives Boston the Snowfall Record
The northeast has been grateful to Al Gore for warning us all of the dangers of global warming for so many years. … The city of Boston in particular has witnessed the horror of global warming winter first hand, having set a record for the most snowfall…
Fear Mongering Senator, Presidential Candidate Tells Impressionable Young Child That World Will Soon End
That’s how old the left’s doomsday rhetoric is; the actual causes come and go — pollution, acid rain, global cooling, global warming…
The First Family Fights Global Warming Fiercely!
‘Rolling my eyes so hard’: Schedules ‘not in sync’, Obamas take separate cross-country flights
— Ed Driscoll (@EdDriscoll) March 14, 2015
Mr. Obama really was the ultimate troll in 2008, wasn’t he?
[jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”79409″]
Insert the Professor’s reminder that he doesn’t want to hear...
Let Us Count the Gulags
Whether we believe in the discredited canard of global warming, or the easily dispelled myth of Palestinian stewardship in the Holy…
The Undersea World of Wernher Von Braun
Wouldn’t that also help reduce global warming? … Besides, isn’t all of NASA’s “global warming” “research” all for naught these days, anyhow? … Of course, Goddard made his observation the same week that Al Gore declared Mission Accomplished on the decades old global warming…
Required Reading
warming. … warming by a mere four percentage points. … warming, but an entire ideological framework that supposedly “addresses” the problem.…
The National Journal's Eliminationist Rhetoric
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) March 24, 2015
Related: “Reporters Explain Why Balance Isn’t Needed On Global Warming.”…
[WATCH] Governor Jerry Brown: Ted Cruz 'Absolutely Unfit to Be Running for Office’…n-ted-cruz-absolutely-unfit-to-be-running-for-office-n199614…n-ted-cruz-absolutely-unfit-to-be-running-for-office-n199614
And many of the alarmists on global warming, they’ve got a problem because the science doesn’t back them up.” … Brown went on to blame California’s water problems on global warming climate change.…
Letter Circulated on Behalf of a Victim of Global Warming Witch Hunt
Soon fell victim to a witch hunt by global warming hysterics who accused him of accepting money from the fossil fuel industry and not…
Dying for a Little Peace
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, that 2014 was a bumper year for global terrorism: “Worldwide, from January to September … And when Pajama Boy warming his hands on a cup of hot chocolate meets the Ginger Jihadist clutching an assault rifle, the result, I…
Overconfidence Ruining Climate Debate
Global warming activists are working hard to prime the public, politicians, and the press to support what they hope will be the largest … soon make a UN announcement in support of strong action to curb “greenhouse gas emissions” (GHG) that are supposedly threatening global … “We must limit global warming to two degrees,” is their battle cry, as if we had a global thermostat.…
We Are Ready to Believe You!
Vitas’ Dance of the moment, and we see this on a grand scale with things like global warming and other groupthink problems.…
An antidote to climate-change hysteria
After the most prolonged spate of “global warming” I can remember, Spring seems finally to be arriving here in the Northeast. …
'And So I Came To Feel Miserably Conflicted About Climate Change'
warming. … warming by a mere four percentage points. … warming, but an entire ideological framework that supposedly “addresses” the problem.…