Results for: hillary

Hillary! and the Rest of Clinton Inc. Hit with RICO Lawsuit Over Emails…est-of-clinton-inc-hit-with-rico-lawsuit-over-emails-n199708
– It’s about time: The conservative group Freedom Watch has filed a racketeering lawsuit against former Secretary of State Hillary … The complaint, which lists Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation as defendants, alleges the Clintons sold access to other…
Beck and O'Reilly Clash: Are Political Parties Outdated?
– See how Elizabeth Warren Democrats think compared to Hillary supporters, or how Cruz supporters think compared to Mitch McConnell and…
Jeb's Secret Email!
– That said, I’d be happy — thrilled, even — if this ongoing scandal, defection, and smokescreen were to result in both Jeb and Hillary
Plan B for the Democrats
– something for you from his latest column for The Hill: It’s a huge mistake to treat the 2016 nomination as the coronation of Queen Hillary … Instead of gleefully climbing aboard the Hillary Express, Democratic leaders should be encouraging other Democrats to run in 2016 — … But the odds of avoiding a Queen Hillary coronation seem …long… after reading stories like this one: On Monday evening, mainstream…
Is Everybody in the Obama Administration Corrupt? Sure Looks That Way…the-obama-administration-corrupt-sure-looks-that-way-n199697
– enterprise led by Terry McAuliffe, who is now Virginia governor, and involving Anthony Rodham, the brother of then-Secretary of State Hillary
Do Michelle Obama's 'Girlie' Dresses on Asian Tour Send Message about Dowdy Hillary's Pantsuits?…ian-tour-send-message-about-dowdy-hillarys-pantsuits-n199688
– Merkel, the German chancellor, and Hillary Rodham Clinton adopt what is effectively the male uniform in softer, brighter colors to … Meanwhile, that frumpy drudge, Hillary Clinton, waddles about swaddled in her Maoist conformity to old feminist man-aping tropes. … I would suggest that you picture Hillary in a bright and winsome party skirt, festooned with newly-empowering 1950s patterns, but as…
Hillary: More Journalists Needed to 'Get to the Hard Truths That Matter'…urnalists-needed-to-get-to-the-hard-truths-that-matter-n6469
– Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decried “wild claims about socialism and death panels” in Obamacare as “fear tactics”…
Report: DHS Deputy Chief Created Appearance of Politically Motivated Favoritism…eated-appearance-of-politically-motivated-favoritism-n199679
– cases involving prominent Democrats, including a company run by the youngest brother of likely Democratic presidential candidate Hillary
Gentlemen, You Can't Ask Questions Here, This is a Press Conference!
Hillary Rodham Clinton launched a trailblazing campaign for the White House on Saturday, a former first lady turned political powerhouse … In a speech in front of a crowd full of journalists at Syracuse University on Monday, Hillary Clinton declared that she had a new hairstyle … —“Hillary Doesn’t Take Questions After Speech Promising Open Relationship with Press,”  Katherine Timpf, NRO, today.…
Israeli Official Spills: We Knew Obama Wanted 'Revenge'
– they know that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas himself said no [to a deal], twice — once to then-secretary of state Hillary
Paul on Cruz: I've Got 'Winnability' on My Side
– “…Right now I’m the only one that beats Hillary Clinton in certain purple states. … “We won’t win unless we do aggressively combat [Hillary Clinton] and make sure that she has to explain her record as well,” he added…
Hillary Clinton Leaves Her Millions for an Hour to Pontificate on Income Inequality…ions-for-an-hour-to-pontificate-on-income-inequality-n199626
Hillary Clinton made an appearance with labor leaders Monday, calling for a non-partisan struggle against economic inequality in one…
The Giver: A Chilling Cinematic Peek into Hillary Clinton’s Infamous Village
– hologram and with her clipped and condescending speech patterns, Meryl Streep as the “Chief Elder” seems eerily reminiscent of Hillary … Clinton — and indeed The Community is the futuristic yet primitive village that Hillary believes it takes to raise a child.…
Hillary to Announce Sunday
– Regarding the comments on Hillary hoping(!) … Team Hillary may be hoping that the press will only have a short window before chasing the next 2016 squirrel in Rubio’s candidacy, … In that sense, Sunday works even better for Hillary than Saturday.…
Politico Flails About in Pathetic Attempt to Explain What Could Go Wrong for Scott Walker…empt-to-explain-what-could-go-wrong-for-scott-walker-n200062
– Rest assured, they won’t be asking Hillary Clinton about where she was on gay marriage three years ago. … The Leftmedia knows that Jebster isn’t really a threat to Hillary so he is, naturally, their preferred candidate. … Any threat to Jeb is a threat to Hillary, however, so that candidate must be destroyed.…
Hillary Expected to Launch Presidential Campaign This Weekend
– Multiple outlets are reporting that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will announce her intention to gun for the Oval Office … Business Insider cited its own source, someone “with knowledge of Hillary Clinton’s plans,” confirming that she’ll announce this weekend…
Over the Hill
– (AP photo) Quinnipiac has some not-so-welcome news for Hillary Clinton: Secretary Clinton has lost ground in almost every matchup…
Rand Paul Brilliantly Tosses Abortion Question Back into MSM-DNC's Faces
– No problem — just as soon as Hillary tells us when life begins. Want to hear Ted Cruz’s take on gay marriage? … He’d be happy to provide it — just as soon as Hillary answers a simple question about how many genders she thinks there are. … Welcome to the party, Hillary.…
Ready for Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton?
– A Hilary Clinton sticker is displayed on a laptop in a workroom at the Ready for Hillary super PAC offices in Arlington, Va, on Friday … The super PAC that has promoted Hillary Clinton on college campuses, at Democratic rallies and book signings for the former secretary … But Hillary Clinton has become known simply as Hillary in bumper stickers and headlines, on Twitter and Facebook, around water coolers…
New York Magazine to Hillary: As a Candidate, You Suck
– Another Democratic operative says, “I’m a huge Hillary Clinton fan. … You’ll find his name in the history books, right before President Hillary Rodham Clinton.…
'Does It Really Matter if Hillary Stinks as a Candidate?'
– That’s Hot Air’s paraphrase of a New York magazine story’s headline, which asks, “Is Hillary Clinton Any Good At Running For President … [jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”79811″] And of course, whatever signals New York has been sending to the Hillary campaign, you can … That’s from Investor’s Business Daily, which notes that “Hillary Clinton’s Private Server A Foreign Spy Magnet.”…
Chelsea Clinton Calls Secret Service 'Pigs'
– If you require medication to control your blood pressure, take it before reading “The Secret Lives of Hillary and Bill in the White … House” in the Politico*, which begins with Hillary throwing heaving objects at Bill and calling him “goddamn bastard!” … * And oh the calls they must be getting from the Clinton campaign’s media enforcers right now. ** Buried lede: Hillary actually…
Can You Believe This Crazy Sarah Palin Gaffe?!
– “Sneak peek inside Hillary Clinton 2016: There’s no ‘I’ in campaign,” screams this latest in-kind contribution to her campaign from … past in some of the most blatantly Orwellian journalism ever displayed by the MSM, Time-Warner-CNN-HBO is definitely  “Ready for Hillary … As I said, the story itself is headlined, “Sneak peek inside Hillary Clinton 2016: There’s no ‘I’ in campaign.”…
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