Results for: hillary
Did She or Didn't She?
(AP photo)
The State Department is doing its best not to answer questions regarding Hillary Clinton and the OF-109 separation form … signed after leaving her job as SecSate:
State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki was asked whether former Secretary of State Hillary … If Hillary did sign the form, then she’s should be in all kinds of serious legal trouble for deleting State Department emails.…
March, 2015
In them are woven long running dramas, such as the Hillary Clinton story and the yet unfinished saga of Barack Obama. … As for Hillary, Barack Obama, Putin and the principal actors of our age, we shall see whether they fare better than Napoleon. … Trust Betrayed: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Selling Out of America’s National Security [Kindle Edition]
Did you know…
New York Times Columnist Compares Clintons to Iranian Mullahs
If you, Hillary Rodham Clinton, are willing to cite your mother’s funeral to get sympathy for ill-advisedly deleting 30,000 emails,…
20 Reasons Why Former Maryland Governor O’Malley Could Be Worse than Obama…maryland-governor-omalley-could-be-worse-than-obama-n199462…maryland-governor-omalley-could-be-worse-than-obama-n199462
With Hillary on a downward spiral and the fact that many American women vote for the best looking candidate with no other considerations…
Legendary Hollywood Film Director Declares Hillary and Her Voters Racist, Sexist
Ephron, writing at the Huffington Post in April of 2008 noted that she had the ever-so-mildest disagreement with the worldview of Hillary … put it bluntly, the next president will be elected by them: the outcome of Tuesday’s primary will depend on whether they go for Hillary … If Hillary pulls it out in Pennsylvania, and she could, and if she follows it up in Indiana, she can make a credible case that she…
There Is No Fatwa Condemning Nuclear Weapons by Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei…ndemning-nuclear-weapons-by-irans-ayatollah-khamenei-n123718…ndemning-nuclear-weapons-by-irans-ayatollah-khamenei-n123718
Secretary of State Kerry, like his predecessor Hillary Clinton and his boss President Obama, took time out from his tirades against … Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also sounded a hopeful note about this supposed fatwa in 2012, claiming to have discussed it…
Carville Suggests Political Motive Behind Hillary's Destruction of Emails…litical-motive-behind-hillarys-destruction-of-emails-n199443…litical-motive-behind-hillarys-destruction-of-emails-n199443
James Carville, former aide to President Clinton, told ABC’s This Week that Hillary Clinton not only used a private email account … He may have thought he was doing Hillary a favor by hinting that she was trying to hide her emails from evil conservatives, but all…
The Judo Master
Trust Betrayed: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Selling Out of America’s National Security [Kindle Edition]
Did you know…
Gridiron Dinner: Obama Jokes About Walker Evolution Punt, Kenya, Biden Groping…okes-about-walker-evolution-punt-kenya-biden-groping-n199437…okes-about-walker-evolution-punt-kenya-biden-groping-n199437
“Hillary has a server in her house! I didn’t even know you could have one of those. I am so far behind.”…
Walker a Hit in New Hampshire
He also took aim at presumed Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton, saying she was among those who “I think believe that…
'David Brock Slinks Out of His Leather Onesie'
Jonah Goldberg writes that it’s “Hillary All the Way Down,” as she’s getting the old band back together to fight her battles once … It’s Hillary All the Way Down
But it also speaks even louder about what kind of president she would be. … If you want to know what Hillary Clinton would be like as president, you’re seeing it right now. There is no other Hillary.…
Obama Urges Democrats to 'Turn the Page,' Abandon Hillary's Failed Candidacy
A reminder that when it comes to Hillary, we should “vote different,” if given the chance:
[jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”79350″]…
Still Not Ready for Her Closeup
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Hillary Clinton as Norma Desmond in 2008, portrayed by actress Lisa Donovan (aka Lisa Nova … The Sunset Boulevard analogy works here as well; had Hillary thought out her performance on Wednesday more carefully — and adopted … “Hi Reverend Sharpton, it’s me Hillary.” “What’s up?” “Can I borrow a cup of arson? I need to get rid of some stuff.…
Joan Walsh: Email Scandal Over but Dems' Bench Is Awesome Just in Case…scandal-over-but-dems-bench-is-awesome-just-in-case-n199427…scandal-over-but-dems-bench-is-awesome-just-in-case-n199427
The Hillary Clinton email orgy is starting to break up, leaving some pundits seeming spent and a little hung over. … Klein provides Bernstein some cover by claiming that this laundry list is on the sidelines because Hillary is “crushing” them.…
Ezra Klein Moves to the Head of Hillary Clinton's Fan Club
Oddly enough, if Hillary is the nominee her best chance of winning is if the GOP sticks to that same formula. … Klein gives himself an out at the end and questions whether Hillary will do well in the visible primary, which is the real point. … He is the one who looks like he’d love to jump in should Hillary opt to be a full-time grandma.…
Foreign Policy Elite MEME OF THE WEEK: Accept 'Moderate' Al-Qaeda
Abdelhakim Belhadj (whom the CIA had renditioned back to Libya in 2004) to overthrow Gaddafi at the behest of the warhawk trio of Hillary…
Required Reading
In reality, Hillary Clinton is running on two things: gender and name. Gender is not to be underestimated. … People like Hillary better when she isn’t around — and isn’t that a helluva way to run a presidential campaign? … UPDATE: From the comments…
formerly Neil
Hillary is compromised.…
Noonan: Hillary Seems Tired, Not Hungry
I could almost feel an army of oppo people of both parties saying, “You can do better than that, Hillary!” … She no doubt assumed no one outside would ask and no one inside would insist—she’s Hillary, don’t mess with her. … Of course — if Hillary advocated the policies that Clinton governed with (at least after Hillarycare and gun control ushered in the…
Shocking: You'll Never Guess How Much 'Dead Broke' Bill Clinton Received in Post-Presidency Benefits…ke-bill-clinton-received-in-post-presidency-benefits-n199414…ke-bill-clinton-received-in-post-presidency-benefits-n199414
Remember Hillary Clinton saying she and Bill were “not only dead broke, but in debt” when they left the White House?…
Hillary Clinton -- Once a Congenital Liar, Always a Congenital Liar
What an awful person Hillary Clinton is should come as no surprise to anybody over the age of 30, except of course her designated, … this instant classic with this:
Another reason for recent revelations is the imminent turning of former aides and partners of Hillary…
30,000 Criminal Acts
Here’s the Fox News item from the link:
How did Hillary Clinton know that the tens … DID HILLARY SIGN ON THE LINE? … And if there isn’t, if [Hillary Clinton] didn’t sign that, why not? There are a lot of questions to be answered.”…
Gallup Poll: Hillary Still Leads All Potential Rivals
Via Politico:
In a Gallup poll released Thursday, Americans were asked whether they had a favorable or unfavorable opinion of 16 possible presidential candidates in 2016 — 11 Republicans and five Democrats — as well as their familiarity with each name. Gallup then charted the data, into four quadrants,...
The Men Who Would Be Kings
The New York Times writes that Democrats See No Choice but Hillary Clinton in 2016. … They shrug off questions about Hillary Rodham Clinton’s email habits. … Hillary will rule by divine right. …
Hillary's Crime: Section 1001
to Vice President Dick Cheney, told Fox’s Megyn Kelly on Wednesday night that there is “no doubt” that former Secretary of State Hillary … If Hillary Clinton signed this form, she could be prosecuted under 18 U.S.C. §1001. … ever prosecute Hillary Clinton is probably slim to none.…
Politico Sowing Seeds of White House Distrust of Hillary
This president doesn’t need Hillary to win to validate his legacy. … It’s no secret that the Obama faithful aren’t Hillary Clinton fans.…