Results for: hillary
Hillary Clinton: 'The Server Will Remain Private'
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton emerged before a horde of press at the United Nations today to defend herself over using…
Hillary Email Press Conference as Substance-Challenged as You'd Expect (VIDEO)…ference-as-substance-challenged-as-youd-expect-video-n199353…ference-as-substance-challenged-as-youd-expect-video-n199353
All you need to know about this bit of grand political theater is that the first “reporter” called on was from something called “Turkish Television” and asked Her Madameship if she thought she was being treated unfairly because she’s a woman. When some real questions started coming, she got snippy...
Hill Climber
Nice column today on Hillary Clinton from Ashe Schow, but this Nate Cohn quote stands out the most:
“Her ratings started out high … Hillary is great at politics — except when it comes to actual politicking. And I’m not being facetious, either. … Keep Hillary on speed dial.…
Ed Schultz Joins Growing List of Dems Realizing Hillary is a Problematic Candidate (VIDEO)…s-realizing-hillary-is-a-problematic-candidate-video-n199350…s-realizing-hillary-is-a-problematic-candidate-video-n199350
What he’s saying, without actually saying it, is that he thinks they won’t win the White House with Hillary.…
More Trouble for Hillary: The Washington Post Brings Up Benghazi
Certainly, the lede makes it seem that way:
The public deserves answers, not stonewalling, from Hillary Clinton
A PARAMOUNT test … Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is expected to announce her candidacy soon for the Democratic nomination, is at one of those revelatory…
Rep. Peter Roskam: 'Significant' Gaps in Clinton's Emails at 'Pivotal Times'…significant-gaps-in-clintons-emails-at-pivotal-times-n199338…significant-gaps-in-clintons-emails-at-pivotal-times-n199338
Congressman Peter Roskam (R-IL) told Greta Van Susteren on Monday that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has only turned … American people, and the truth about Benghazi as it relates to those emails and that one person is the former Secretary of State Hillary…
The In-Betweeners
James Taranto writing in the Wall Street Journal notes that Hillary Clinton is responding to a request for her official emails in a … If you were following the revelations about Hillary Clinton’s private State Department IT operation last week, you probably heard that … It’s not just Hillary either.…
Media Bus Accelerating, Bearing Down Hard on Hillary
You knew this was coming:
Prominent liberals are criticizing Hillary Clinton for using a personal email account on a private server … Jon Stewart, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson, uber-hack Dana Milbank, neo-Stalinist David Corn and — just to make sure Hillary…
Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep Only Dem to Visit All Early Primary States So Far…ep-only-dem-to-visit-all-early-primary-states-so-far-n199325…ep-only-dem-to-visit-all-early-primary-states-so-far-n199325
It’s not Hillary Clinton. Nor is it Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, or even Martin O’Malley. … The assumption: He’s not crazy enough to think he could take on Hillary, his good friend and former Cabinet-mate…is he? … the prospect of the Democrats being forced to turn to their only realistic candidate who is older, whiter and more masculine than Hillary…
The Cult of Hillary
And that “Ready for Hillary” logo? … Surely there must be someone who wasn’t in politics in the 1990s who’s equally willing to fall on a grenade for Hillary. … Who’s up for another decade of quality TV time with Bill and Hillary and their screaming sclerotic media surrogates?…
Robert Reich Smells Blood In the Water
Hillary’s blood, that is:
Former secretary of labor Robert Reich says Hillary Clinton should face “a tough primary challenger” and … when she served as the Obama administration’s secretary of state, and by reports of foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation, Hillary … Polls mean nothing at this point — if they did, we could have called the nominations for Hillary and Jeb Bush and been done with it…
Required Reading
And his work here on Hillary and the Clinton Foundation is devastating:
Under fire, Bill Clinton said his namesake charity has “done … Due to the fact that Hillary Clinton chose to skirt federal regulations and house her State Department emails on an off-the-books server … Hillary has been in the public spotlight for a quarter century, but she’s covered her tracks so well that we still don’t know really…
Glaciers at the NYT: The Democrats' War on Women and Blacks
fighting the horrible mistreatment of her sex under Islamic Sharia — has her honorary degree withheld by Brandeis University while Hillary … The publication of an article in the New York Times under the headline “Hillary Clinton Faces Test of Record as Women’s Advocate” could … modify an obvious contradiction…. and, sure, she ends her article, in time-honored NYT fashion, with a quote (slightly) favoring Hillary…
Israel, Jews, and the Obama Administration
I thought it strange that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would leak the fact that for 43 minutes — not 42 or 44 — she berated Prime…
Is Hillary Toast? Sure Starting to Look That Way
Now the stenographers at the Washington Post are beginning to connect the dots between Hillary Clinton’s private emails and her disastrous … Hillary Rodham Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state was supposed to be a central argument for her forthcoming run for president. … If Hillary were smart, which she’s not, she’d take the hint.…
Biden Says Denying Climate Change like 'Denying Gravity'
What happens if Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the presidency goes completely off the rails?…
Hillary and the Mines of Moria
President Obama told Bill Plante of CBS News that “he had learned only last week that Hillary Rodham Clinton used a private email … It wasn’t as if Hillary was an infrequent user of her email system. … Hillary was exchanging a lot of emails to various someones.…
Trust Betrayed: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Selling Out of America’s National Security [Kindle Edition]
Did you know…
Jarrett Says She Never Got an Email from Secretary of State Clinton…e-never-got-an-email-from-secretary-of-state-clinton-n199289…e-never-got-an-email-from-secretary-of-state-clinton-n199289
advisor Valerie Jarrett told Bloomberg News in an interview aired today that she never got an email from former Secretary of State Hillary…
(VIDEO) Chuck Todd: 'I Would Bet' Obama Emailed Hillary
Todd begins the interview by saying that nobody at the White House knew about Hillary’s private email account but then speculates that the president had to have emailed her from his Blackberry. That would undercut some of the distancing the White House has been trying to do.
White House Not Exactly Rushing To Hillary's Defense Over Email Scandal…actly-rushing-to-hillarys-defense-over-email-scandal-n199283…actly-rushing-to-hillarys-defense-over-email-scandal-n199283
Since the news of Hillary Clinton’s latest episode of blatant disregard surfaced, many of the usual suspects in the media have been … This is understandable, the Clintons have always had a stranglehold on the media, so much so that Team Hillary has even been able to…
Go Dark
Try to play the long game, and help Hillary Clinton self-destruct.
Proceed against Clinton with a measured pace and tone. … “Where’s the Brutalizing Media Narrative Demanding Hillary Clinton Answer Questions?,” John Nolte asks at Big Journalism. … But since such a beast is impossible to imagine, as Jonah Goldberg writes in his column today, “The E-mail Scandal Won’t Doom Hillary…
I Have Just One Word for You: President Biden
Oh please oh please oh please let Harpootlian have it right when he says Hillary is “going to die by 1,000 cuts on this one.” … Secondly, a wounded-but-not-dead Hillary would bring out the long knives of her opponents and the absolute worst behavior from her…
Hillary Counting On Dem Ops in Media to Save Her Bacon
But now someone’s coming right out and saying it:
Hillary Clinton won’t be presiding over a soul-searching press conference or sitting…
Email Eruption: Hillary Hidden Emails Multiply By Ten
When Hillary Clinton tweeted yesterday in the midst of her latest scandal “I want the public to see my email,” did she mean all … use a piece of software, things have gone, shall we say, a little haywire:
A prominent hacker tells Fox News’ James Rosen that Hillary … Now Hillary has her “email eruptions.”…