Results for: hillary
Rubio to CPAC: 'I Have a Debt to America I Will Never be Able to Repay'…have-a-debt-to-america-i-will-never-be-able-to-repay-n199117…have-a-debt-to-america-i-will-never-be-able-to-repay-n199117
Rubio faced a lightning round for his quick reaction to a few names:
Hillary Clinton? “Yesterday.”
Bill Clinton?…
The Trouble With Entropy
Trust Betrayed: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Selling Out of America’s National Security [Kindle Edition]
Did you know…
Video: Conservative Firebrand Ted Cruz Blasts Fellow Republicans at CPAC…firebrand-ted-cruz-blasts-fellow-republicans-at-cpac-n199108…firebrand-ted-cruz-blasts-fellow-republicans-at-cpac-n199108
In his speech, the senator from Texas lashed out at Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Washington D.C., his own party included:
Washington … And Hillary Clinton? She “embodies the corruption of Washington.” That’s that. … Goodbye, Hillary — good luck trying to convince the American people that you didn’t cover up what happened in Benghazi.…
Hillary Clinton's Charity Took Major Donations from Dirt-Poor Nations That Received U.S. Taxpayer Aid…got-cash-from-u-s-development-aid-recipient-nations-n199103…got-cash-from-u-s-development-aid-recipient-nations-n199103
Embattled presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is taking some rhetorical sniper fire for her charitable foundation … Hillary Clinton’s charity took major donations from Algeria and the Dominican Republic while they received U.S. development aid from … When President Hillary Clinton takes the 3 a.m. phone call from Mr.…
Christie to CPAC: Someone Should Tell the White House to 'Shut Up'
Christie cited early polls for the 2008 election that showed a race between Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani.…
Among All the Best People
Once Hillary Clinton left office, the newly renamed Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation resumed fundraising from foreign governments…
To Ask the Question is to Answer It
I look forward to Hillary Clinton and other potential 2016 Democrat contenders to have to answer for the actions of their fellow Democrats … (Then of course, Hillary hasn’t held a press conference or done an interview in over 200 days, and her “spokesman” responds to every…
Old Media’s Embarrassing Scott Walker Spectacle
Republicans weaponize Elizabeth Warren, aim her at Hillary, score reactor core hit. … womprat h/t @instapundit
— ClarkHat (@ClarkHat) February 23, 2015
But it was the Democrats who weaponized Hillary…
What Is Hillary Clinton's Brand?
But what image best represents Hillary Clinton for 2016?…
Rudy Giuliani Causes Bloomberg's Mark Halperin to Spontaneously Combust
After driving Halperin, Milbank, Ron Fournier and countless other Hillary apparatchiks into apoplexy, Rudy may have just hit on the … Or at least have a “Hillary, Coordinate! Hillary, Coordinate!” … Or to paraphrase Caruso’s headline, from the MSM’s perspective, when you attack Obama (or Hillary), you’re attacking us.…
Hillary: Most Corrupt SecState Ever?
That’s not an outrageous conclusion after reading this story:
Hillary Clinton’s ties to large corporations have come under more…
Free Guccifer!
burning up Wednesday night with questions about how to finally get ahold of the myriad missing (deleted or otherwise) emails of Hillary … As Hillary would say — nothing to do with national security. … As Hillary assured us at her press conference, her emails had nothing to do with national security.…
EmailGate: First Lois Lerner, Then Hillary Clinton, Now Eric Holder. How Corrupt Is This Administration?…n-now-eric-holder-how-corrupt-is-this-administration-n199380…n-now-eric-holder-how-corrupt-is-this-administration-n199380
And then came in Hillary, who, the Benghazi Select Committee says, didn’t hand over all her emails and who used a personal, rather … The mainstream media focus on Hillary, but she’s merely one of many in the Obama administration who play fast and loose with the rules…
NBC Anchorwoman: Leave Hillary Alone!
So Hillary is God? … Of course, there’s always feminism for Hillary to fall back on. … Update: Maddow’s use of the word “analog” and Hillary does seam appropriate though:
I have just learned Hillary Clinton doesn't…
Associated Press Sues State Department for Access to Clinton Records…sues-state-department-for-access-to-clinton-records-n199376…sues-state-department-for-access-to-clinton-records-n199376
District Court for the District of Columbia in an effort to force the State Department to release Hillary Clinton’s emails.…
Hillary in the Bunker
But not Dumb Hillary Clinton, who said she’d done just that. … Smart Hillary Clinton seems to have invented Dumb Hillary Clinton to protect her from herself. … But Smart Hillary isn’t doing herself any favors.
Hillary's Fate
(AP Photo)
Hillary Clinton’s press conference was an attempt to “put this all behind us,” as all such press conferences are. … filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the State Department to force the release of email correspondence and government documents from Hillary … Related: Ed Driscoll on Hillary in the Bunker.…
Is Jim Webb Moving in as Clinton Gets Mired in Emails?
Jim Webb (D-Va.) see an opening in 2016 as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is on the defensive over her emails?…
A Senator, a Secretary of State, Wife, Mom, and Grandmartyr
The NYT has been — for reasons I’ll get to later this week — been harsh in its reporting on Hillary Clinton’s self-inflicted email … As for Hillary?…
The Hillary Email Scandal: Who Profits?
Hillary Clinton and aide Huma Abedin (Mrs. … (Photo by Anthony Behar/Sipa/ AP Images)
You know the Hillary email scandal is a big deal when you read a half-dozen pieces in the … Things are bad for Hillary and this is before we hear more of Bill and Jeffrey Epstein and Huma’s emails, Saudi donations, missing…
Politico Sums Up Hillary's Message at Press Conference: 'Go to Hell'
Hillary Rodham Clinton was likable enough, answering questions calmly though with a weary smile. … Only a member of the media could ever find Hillary “likable enough.”…
Gowdy: 'No Choice' But for Clinton to Turn Server Over to Third-Party Arbiter…r-clinton-to-turn-server-over-to-third-party-arbiter-n199360…r-clinton-to-turn-server-over-to-third-party-arbiter-n199360
House Republicans who have been trying to see former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails in the Benghazi investigation weren…
Don't Answer the Phone
There’s the right way, the wrong way and the Hillary way. … “Obvious prediction: Dems will become more excited about Hillary as she begins running against Republicans.” … And people will elect Hillary. Just like they elected …
No matter.…
That Hillary Show
The problem with Hillary deleting all those emails, according to Milbank, is that she deleted all the exculpatory evidence which surely…
Hillary's Checkers Speech
“Hillary trainwreck: It was ‘inconvenient’ to carry two devices for two e-mail accounts. … Also, I destroyed tons of e-mails,” as summarized by Hot Air’s Allahpundit, who also has a video of Hillary on a Silicon Valley panel … It was just Hillary and her sympathizers playing cynical games to distract from the fact of her own corruption.…