Results for: hillary

Danny Glover Talks to PJM: 'State Universities Should Be Free’
– When asked if Hillary Clinton should be the Democratic nominee in 2016, Glover was not sure. “She’s a woman.…
LENO: Hillary Seems "Very Slow"
– because it might prove more important than it seems at first: While on the HBO show “Real Time with Bill Maher,” Jay Leno said Hillary
Largest Islamic Body in the World Calls for More Anti-Free Speech Laws in Wake of Charlie Hebdo Attack…odes-defamation-laws-in-wake-of-charlie-hebdo-attack-n198177
– In fact, in my annual “National Security ‘Not Top 10’ of 2011” (no. 7) here at PJ Media, I noted the active cooperation of Hillary
Required Reading
– I imagine that Hillary Clinton and her husband are kicking themselves for not hopping on a corporate jet to get here. … Can you picture Hillary and Bill walking in the front row, arm-in-arm with Netanyahu and Hollande?…
Romney Drops Out
– And certainly, the Jonathan Gruber connection wouldn’t have helped him in 2016 if he was competing with Hillary Clinton, the mother…
In Other News of People Who Will Never Be President
Hillary Clinton “may delay” her campaign, reports Politico: Hillary Clinton, expecting no major challenge for the Democratic nomination…
Newt Gingrich on the Islamist Threat and America's Survival
– Yet, under Hillary Clinton, the State Department would not even designate it as a terrorist organization – even though, Gingrich sharply…
Has 'Hillary Fatigue' Already Set In? MSNBC's Donny Deutsch Thinks So (VIDEO)…already-set-in-msnbcs-donny-deutsch-thinks-so-video-n198551
– A couple of weeks ago Jay Leno told Bill Maher that he didn’t see Hillary’s “fire” anymore. Throw in this from the MSNBC faithful today and it could very mean that the Democrats are more weary of the inevitability talk than anyone else.
Warren Supporters Fund Anti-Hillary Poll
– room… A group of major liberal donors who want Elizabeth Warren to run for president have paid for a poll intended to show that Hillary … The only people who desperately want the public to believe Hillary Clinton’s nomination is a foregone conclusion are some in the MSM … They will keep working to convince her to run and the tides could start to turn against Hillary once her handlers can’t hide her from…
Hillary in Freefall?
– Clinton starting to worry: In just the past month, when no one with a real life was thinking about the 2016 presidential race, Hillary … A smart Democrat primary contender might want to think about quietly market-testing one or two “Where Was Hillary?”…
Trump: Romney Should be Out of 2016 Because He Couldn't 'Close the Deal' in 2014…ut-of-2016-because-he-couldnt-close-the-deal-in-2014-n198479
– I don’t think he would beat Hillary or whoever it may be,” he said. Trump says that he “could make America great again.”…
Palin's Trial Balloon
– added there had “better be a competition and not a coronation,” making it clear she thinks that’s the only way Republicans can beat Hillary … “Big competition, and that competition in the GOP … will surface that candidate who can take on Hillary, be ready for Hillary and show … She also implies that Bush/Romney aren’t strong enough to get in the trenches with Hillary and the Clinton machine to duke it out.…
Campaign 2016 in Congress: Oval Office-Minded Senators Strategize
– The situation is a bit less frenetic on the Democratic side, perhaps because former first lady, senator and secretary of State Hillary
You Won't Believe Why Martin Scorsese Is Abandoning His Documentary About Bill Clinton…ese-is-abandoning-his-documentary-about-bill-clinton-n198418
– Also, “Rodham,” a planned feature film about the romance between a young Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham, has been struggling through…
Biden: GOP Will Work with White House Because They're Taking Credit for Dem Moves…ite-house-because-theyre-taking-credit-for-dem-moves-n198364
– Biden said “there’s a chance” he’ll challenge Hillary Clinton for the right to give his own State of the Union address.…
A Star Is Born: Joni Ernst
– Now when Hillary Clinton comes to visit Iowa, rather than having a friendly liberal trial lawyer senator by her side, she will be bracketed…
'Obama and de Blasio are Both Learning to Shave On Our Whiskers'
– This is the guy who explained that Hillary Clinton’s supporters in the Democratic primary in Pennsylvania were backward yokels bitterly…
The Science Trap
– In the 2008 Democratic nominating contest, then-Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama offered comments not too different from what … Undoubtedly aware of their own more equivocal 2008 comments, both President Obama and Hillary Clinton issued their own statements yesterday…
New Yorker Journalist Suffers Amnesia Defending Brian Williams
– Gee, according to Ryan Lizza’s Wikipedia profile, “Since joining The New Yorker in 2007, he has written profiles of Hillary Clinton…
Quote of the Day
– (Note, too, how similar Williams’s story is to Hillary Clinton’s lie about “landing under sniper fire” in Bosnia.)…
NBC's Brian Williams Admits He 'Misremembered' Being in Helicopter Shot Down in Iraq
– No word yet if Sinbad, Sheryl Crow and Hillary Clinton were also onboard when the attack didn’t occur: [jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid…
Clinton-Era DNC Boss Chucks Obama Under Bus Defending Rookie AG from Grand Jury Claims…under-bus-defending-rookie-ag-from-grand-jury-claims-n198651
– “I fell in love with Hillary Clinton,” wrote former DNC chair Ed Rendell in his 2012 memoir. … Advocates now claim we’re “Ready for Hillary,” but she was ready for us years ago. … I said that I fell in love with Hillary during those seven weeks [the Pa. campaign], and I did…Hillary is a great person…I have told…
Poor Little Barry, Unhappy Even in Victory
– More horrifying tidbits: * Shortly after winning the Democratic primary in 2008, Obama briefly considered appointing Hillary Clinton … Think Hillary, who won’t run in 2016 and would lose anyway, wishes she had that Supreme Court seat right about now?…
Here's How You Know Who Won't Be President
– Messina is now co-chairman of the super-PAC Priorities USA Action, which is working to elect Hillary Clinton. Um, yeah.…
Tomorrow's Campaign Ads Today
– In 2008, Hillary asked Democrat primary voters who they wanted to answer the 3:00 AM phone call. … Given her husband’s predilections, Hillary asking if you want her to babysit your kids would seem icky, though in retrospect, it’s…
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