Results for: hillary
FBI Director Comey's Remarks Were Devastating to Hillary
His comments were devastating to Hillary Clinton. … I believe Hillary Clinton has a sound foreign policy, but that is not enough for me.…
The Day the Rule of Law Died
clueless FBI director stands before the nation to repeat the well-worn Clinton mantra of “insufficient evidence,” and to attribute to Hillary … Hillary and Obama, all smiles, out campaigning together this very day. … Is Hillary the Democratic Nixon?
But in times such as ours, more was needed than dutiful punctiliousness.…
Wargaming the Electoral College
It isn’t that he’s necessarily wrong to give Hillary Clinton an Obama 2008-sized blowout; it’s just way too early. … So if Election Night were tonight, the East Coast early returns would tell us if Hillary has the election as fixed as she has the DOJ…
FBI: 'No Charges are Appropriate' in Hillary's Emails
Federal Bureau of Investigation revealed results of its “painstaking” investigation into multiple private servers and devices used by Hillary … Tweeted Clinton’s likely general election opponent, Donald Trump: “FBI director said Crooked Hillary compromised our national security…
Surprise: Obama to Campaign with Hillary Today
President Obama will stump with Hillary Clinton in Charlotte, North Carolina. … Adding to growing suspicion over potential conflicts of interest, The New York Times reported this weekend that Hillary Clinton is … The FBI Interrogates Hillary at FBI Headquarters…
President Hillary 'Wants to Drink with the GOP'
The New York Times, having thrown just about everything they had at Hillary Clinton in order to derail her presidential candidacy, … now reaches the “acceptance” stage of Democrat grief:
Should she win the presidency, Hillary Clinton would quickly try to find common…
Trump, Clinton Clash Over Tweet with 'Blatantly anti-Semitic Image'
Donald Trump accused the media of being “dishonest” about a controversial Hillary Clinton image he tweeted, while the Clinton campaign…
Muslim Nations Defend Palestinian Terror During UN Terrorism Review After U.S. Citizen Murdered Near Hebron…rrorism-review-after-u-s-citizen-murdered-near-hebron-n94286…rrorism-review-after-u-s-citizen-murdered-near-hebron-n94286
Hillary Clinton enthusiastically backed the OIC’s push for criminalizing “Islamophobia,” with the U.S. co-sponsoring UNHRC Resolution…
Good and Bad Royals: Elizabeth II and The Clintons
When Hillary decided she wanted to have all her emails on a private, personal server, she was, in a very real sense, reversing 1215 … Queen Hillary was not just being sloppy. … So Bill and Hillary are what we can call bad royalty, exploiting their position for power and their own greedy and selfish ends.…
Yes, the Clintons Are Playing Us. But Will They Get Away With It?
If Loretta Lynch is to be believed, it was to talk about his grandchildren, not Hillary.
That’s so nice. … Does that mean that Hillary will be brought to justice over her willful compromising of national security?
Again, maybe. … Christian Adams on Rush Limbaugh: ‘Loretta Lynch ‘Recusing’ Herself BENEFITS Hillary!’…
Federal Environmental Lab Cooked the Books for Two Decades and No One Is Being Punished…he-books-for-two-decades-and-no-one-is-being-punished-n47027…he-books-for-two-decades-and-no-one-is-being-punished-n47027
This should be kept in mind when the resolution of the investigation into Hillary Clinton is concluded and a determination is made…
Hillary: 'I've Been Eager' to be Interviewed by FBI
Hillary Clinton’s spokesman said that the presumptive Democratic nominee was “pleased” to meet with the FBI this morning about the … Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus chimed in with a statement: “Hillary Clinton has just taken the unprecedented…
2016 and Paris: It's the Jihad, Stupid!
Hillary Clinton, obviously, is as far from that as you could get, except for Barack Obama.…
6 Ridiculously Radical Steps Hillary Should Take to Become President...…adical-steps-hillary-should-take-to-become-president-n198118…adical-steps-hillary-should-take-to-become-president-n198118
Drudge), you’re ticked off about your husband’s closeness to convicted sex offender and alleged slavemaster Jeffrey Epstein:
Hillary … Sources at the funeral of Mario Cuomo also said they saw a peevish-looking Hillary angrily “storm” past the former president after … “Talk in Washington is that Hillary is furious with Bill about all this new information on Jeffrey Epstein,” said a DC insider familiar…
Martin O'Malley Weighing a Run at Hillary Clinton
O’Malley has struggled to gain media attention amid the constant coverage of Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, and appearing … Hillary Clinton is tremendously vulnerable from the far left, which is why the talk about any potential primary threats always involves…
'We Must Reform Our Religion.'
The fact is that potential Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton helped midwife the fall of secularist Mubarak for the…
Elizabeth Warren Sure Gives A Lot Of Campaign Style Speeches For Someone Not Running For President…style-speeches-for-someone-not-running-for-president-n197933…style-speeches-for-someone-not-running-for-president-n197933
The Massachusetts Democrat, who many on the left are pressing to run for president as an alternative to Hillary Clinton, also praised … When Hillary starts stumbling all over herself (as she always does with increased scrutiny), Warren can enter the fray with a, “Well…
Two Small Children Predict Hillary! Will Carry 42 States
Still, from Newbusters:
Journalist Ezra Klein on Monday pronounced that if economic conditions continue, Hillary Clinton will win … Talking to Chris Hayes, he cited falling gas prices and declared, “If this was one year from today, if this were 2016, Hillary Clinton … would be about to carry 42 – …if it continued on, Hillary Clinton would be looking to carry 42 states, right?”…
How Mario Cuomo Honestly Defined Zero-Sum Liberalism
Obama’s, and not the position of his party, one need only see presumptive 2016 Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton reminding us that businesses…
'The Real Target of Obama's Speech on Tuesday? Hillary Clinton'
writes, “Neither Reagan nor Clinton tried to hem in their party’s likely next nominees in the way that President Obama is hemming in Hillary … Of course, Hillary Clinton can see all this, too. So can Bill Clinton, perhaps even more acutely. … still ice-cold relationship with the Clintons, whatever happens in November of 2016, it will be fun to watch Hillary traverse the…
Hillary Clinton's Charlie Hebdo Problem
The response from Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state and likely 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, hasn’t been any better … Concurrently, Hillary pushed the “video did it” theme at Dover Air Force Base, as the remains of the Americans killed by al-Qeada were … returned to US soil on September 14th of 2012:
But in addition to her role in the Benghazi cover-up, Hillary Clinton’s highlight…
Support the Troops: Tear Them Down
The Democratic Party primary the following year would hinge, in part, on Hillary Clinton’s vote in favor of the war.…
Krauthammer on Obama: 'Charlie Who?'
But even Rove at his most prescient couldn’t have predicted that in addition to therapy and empathy (as Hillary herself proffered last…
What Romney Can Do
He demonstrates how repellent and dangerous to us all Obama and Hillary are.…
Romney 3.0 not Getting the Warmest Welcome so Far
presidential nomination, said that the reemergence of Romney could offset the Republicans’ advantage if their Democratic opponent is Hillary…