Results for: global warming
NASA/NOAA Say 2014 Warmest on Record...Unless it Isn't...Until it is
Fun with global temperatures. … The global surface temperature average for 2014 was nominally the warmest since the global instrumental record began in 1850; however … What NASA and other global warming advocates never talk about is the huge difference between what the climate models relied on by the…
Watching the World Fall Apart
Denial that temperatures have been stable for the last eighteen years and that the diminution of sunspot activity heralds an age of global … cooling rather than warming, as John Casey, president of the Space and Science Research Corporation, has decisively established in … When the multi-billion dollar swindle that is “global warming” devastates the economy and temperatures begin to decline, leading to…
The Lying Sleeps Tonight
fancies itself intellectually superlative, yet whom the Chinese can manipulate like mere rustics simply by telling them stories like Global … Warming and I’d Like To Buy The World a Coke.…
Political Correctness is the Essence of Leftism
denialists” and “insane” a year ago, which simultaneously dovetails with his aforementioned wish to blacklist those who don’t tow the global … warming orthodoxy, and mashes up a callback to Holocaust deniers with the classic Soviet political psychiatric style of declaring…
Scenes from The Dark Knight Rises
Related: Andrew Klavan on the media, decades of their zany global warming predictions, and “All of the Leftists, All of the Time.”…
All of the Leftists All of the Time
Not just one global warming idiot but a lot of them, repeatedly. … — global warming. Less snow: global warming. More snow: global warming. Get it? Good. … claimed that global warming was somehow to blame.…
First Time as Tragedy, Second Time as Iowahawk Fodder
. — John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) January 26, 2015
A few years ago when New York was pounded by many inches of global warming despite … Quite simply, the next time your elected local or state official holds a press conference about global warming, the Middle East, or … Update: One Twitter user squares the circle:
Curious to know how many Global Warming alarmists are mauling each other right now trying…
Doomsday Clock Ticks Two Minutes Closer to Midnight
The Bulletin’s Science and Security Board looks at global issues on a regular basis and decides whether to move the minute hand of … But it will be a hundred years before global warming is at its peak, if you accept the modeling. … Including global warming in calculations for the Doomsday Clock is political, not scientific.…
Political, Scientific Chicanery Underlies Global Warming Alarmism…scientific-chicanery-underlies-global-warming-alarmism-n6588…scientific-chicanery-underlies-global-warming-alarmism-n6588
Why is it that when a political figure makes a misstatement about a global warming-related issue, which happens many times every day … Similarly, badging the theoretical global warming problem as a “carbon” issue represents scientific illiteracy because it fails to … warming exists, or will shortly exist.…
The Science Trap
How dare conservatives mock the God of global warming?…
The Sad Truth About the Vaccine Debate's Superstitious Roots
Well, look at the case of manmade global warming.
Well, wait. Here the elites have science. … Global warming alarmists have their own version of chicken bones, in the form of computer climate models:
Chart via the Wall Street…
Hey, You Spelled 'Core MSNBC Viewers' Wrong, UPI
So what’s the over/under on how long before Bob Costas lectures NASCAR fans on global warming and the importance of reducing energy…
The Democrat/Media Complex Attacks: Vaccinations Are the New Birth Control…mplex-attacks-vaccinations-are-the-new-birth-control-n120319…mplex-attacks-vaccinations-are-the-new-birth-control-n120319
The Times continues battlespace prep for its Democrat overlords, throwing in evolution and “global warming” into the mix just for the … It is what makes the fight over global warming such a liability for their party, and what led last year to a widely criticized response…
Confessions of a Conservative Vaccine Truther
Much like the debate over global warming, there’s no room for middle ground; preaching prudence is basically blasphemous.…
Fear and Loathing at the Nanny Bowl
Besides, why is global warming-obsessed NBC in bed with NASCAR anyhow? … Only our mandated health insurance will treat your Bain cancer or protect you from global warming,” Stephen Miller writes at his Wilderness…
From the Network that Brought You Brian Williams
According to MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes, global warming apparently trumps terror concerns such as ISIS.…
The Reckoning
Is global warming just a new phenology? Is curvy Kim Kardashian just Rita Hayworth? Is Al Sharpton just Martin Luther King?…
Apocalypse Maybe: 12 Really Cool Ways Civilization Could End
Probability: 0-10%
Bad global governance
This category covers mismanagement of global affairs so serious that it is the primary … warming by up to 4C. … Mann and Hanson that there’s a 0.001% chance of us all dying as a result of global warming. Not that it would matter to them.…
And Speaking of Obama and Religion!
on Americans, “particularly Americans living in this country,” Earnest confirmed in not so many words that the president views global … warming as a valid national security challenge on par with, if not more significant than, climate change. … Further proof that belief in global warming really is an alternative religion, one with its own alternative bible.…
Now They Tell Us -- Fat's Not Bad for You
If you want to know where “global warming” came from, look no further than the Great Fat Scare of the late seventies and early eighties…
The Liberal Circus
We no longer live in an age of debate over global warming. … two-bit McCarthyesque effort to demand from universities information about scientists who do not embrace his notions of manmade global … warming.…
The Trouble With Entropy
institution involving men and women to almost any combination conceivable in the blink of an eye, wonder at record winters in an age of “Global … Warming”, who ask themselves why their “Affordable Care” is so expensive and why the “free and open internet” has 300 pages of secret…
Inhofe Armed with Snowball While Arguing Terrorism a Bigger Threat Than Climate Change…rguing-terrorism-a-bigger-threat-than-climate-change-n199115…rguing-terrorism-a-bigger-threat-than-climate-change-n199115
“Despite a long list of unsubstantiated global warming claims, climate activists and environmental groups will cling to any extreme-weather … related headline to support their case for global warming and to instill the fear of global warming in the American people,” Sen. … Obama’s position “that global warming is our biggest problem is underscored by the fact that he won’t even publicly state that the…
Gaia and Man at the UN
—“Top climate scientist says global warming is his religion,” Debra Saunders, the San Francisco Chronicle, today.…
‘Cap and Trade’ Is Alive and Well - Despite Having Never Passed Congress
The anti-market allegedly “market-based” “solution” to man-faked global warming climate change? … Which raises our food prices – and makes our farmers less competitive on the now-global market.…