Results for: the daily caller

I'm Sure It was a Different Sarah Hall Ingram Who Visited the White House So Many Times…all-ingram-who-visited-the-white-house-so-many-times-n182213
Daily Caller reports that IRS chieftain Sarah Hall Ingram visited the Obama White House a lot. … The New Black Panther racist radical Malik Shabazz  wasn’t the Malik Shabazz who visited the Obama White House in 2009. … So the IRS’ Sarah Hall Ingram probably isn’t the Sarah Hall Ingram who spent hundreds of hours at the White House during the period…
IRS Illegally Shared Taxpayer Info with the White House
– According to the Daily Caller, emails released by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee reveal that IRS official Sarah … The emails provided to Oversight investigators by the IRS had numerous redactions with the signifier “6103.” … to the general public.…
The Return of the Prisoner Snatch
– Vince Coglianese at the Daily Caller quotes the author of Chuck Pfarrer, author of Seal Target Geronimo as saying the administration … The computer drives, the hard drives, the videocasettes, the CDs, the thumb drives, everything. … The War of the Words for $3.99, Understanding the crisis of the early 21st century in terms of information corruption in the financial…
Pardon the Language
– House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and provided to The Daily Caller. … half the country and weary shrugs from the other half. … And Reid would have the Mainstream Media fetching the Hefty bags and the bleach.…
Decades-Old Jesus Portrait Kicked Out of Ohio School
– To set the stage, here are headlines from three conservative news sites that reported on the case, the first of which has the largest … ● The Daily Caller — ACLU, Freedom From Religion Foundation pocket $80,000 off Jesus portrait shakedown. … The school district wanted to fight the suit and moved the portrait to the high school where the Hi-Y Club is now based.…
Robert Spencer's Vital Role in Creating Conservatism 3.0
the old is a reason the Left has contempt for the Bible. … At the Daily Mail: Jimmy Carter says today’s middle class Americans resemble the poor of the 1970s Up is down. … At the Daily Caller: Self-described ex-racist Shirley Sherrod sues nicest person in Los Angeles Truly horrific — Andrew Breitbart’…
Police State Blues
– In Soviet Russia, subversives feared the midnight knock on the door. … In modern America, they do it in broad daylight: In an interview with The Daily Caller, journalist Audrey Hudson revealed that thethe law from possessing firearms.…
Federal Agents Seize Story Notes from Investigative Reporter's Home…seize-story-notes-from-investigative-reporters-home-n182475
– In an interview with The Daily Caller, journalist Audrey Hudson revealed that the Department of Homeland Security and Maryland State … She said no subpoena for the notes was presented during the raid and argues the confiscation was outside of the search warrant’s parameter … The agent, Miguel Bosch, won’t answer the Daily Caller’s questions about the raid.…
NBC News' Vivian Schiller To Become Twitter's 'Head Of News'
– after a couple of embarrassing incidents, including the release of a video showing a staffer nicking the GOP and the Tea Party. … She was ultimately “ousted” as president and CEO of NPR by its board according to the Daily Caller, after an NPR vice president was … caught on camera “calling the tea party ‘racist’ and disclosing that the organization could survive without government funds.”…
Red Plenty, Blue Nightmare
– But during the Soviet moment there was a serious attempt to apply the intellectual resources of the educated country the Bolsheviks … The main question is the scale of the attempted planning; the socialism applied to the U.S. healthcare, agriculture, and education … Obamacare website debacle, Kansas political insiders told The Daily Caller.…
Is Technology Replacing Sex?
– Matt Lewis asks this question in the Daily Caller: This summer, I interviewed Dr. … Her premise is simple: More and more American men are making the conscious decision to avoid the drama and heartache that comes with … The Japanese word for this is “Mendokusai.” How do I know?…
No One Is Responsible
The New York Times describes a high level meeting aimed at getting to the bottom of the disastrous failure of the Obamacare website … The Daily Caller writes President Barack Obama is using the disastrous crash of his Obamacare website to extract cash and volunteer … The War of the Words for $3.99, Understanding the crisis of the early 21st century in terms of information corruption in the financial…
Twitter Playing Partisan Politics?
– account, told The Daily Caller. … Higgins speculated about why the account was canceled on the website … Just like the GOP was captured by a small group of business interests in the late 19th Century and was made to do their bidding, the
"The Five Year Plan Was Overfullfilled"
– In the words of Matthew Yglesias before the rollout: I’ve got a new column up about the White House’s plans for the rollout of the … “At the end of the day, we are all stuck in the same queue.” But at least the public feels better. … The Daily Caller reports: President Barack Obama will go on the offensive this week to shift the public’s focus away from the catastrophic…
Lenin, Stalin, Ceausescu, Obama: How Marxist Leaders Conceal Their Pasts…usescu-obama-how-marxist-leaders-conceal-their-pasts-n122291
– During the years I was at the top of the KGB community, glasnost was the code name for an ultra-secret intelligence tool of the KGB … Since the 16th century’s Ivan the Terrible, the first ruler to become tsar of all the Russias, all that country’s leaders have used … [xvii] George Landrith, “The ‘it’s all about me’ president,” The Daily Caller, May 5, 2011, as posted on…
The Daily Caller shoots and scores: “Here’s a guarantee that I’ve made: If you have insurance that you like, then you will be … Nobody is trying to change what works in the system. We are trying to change what doesn’t work.”…
Barackian Known Knowns and Known Unknowns
– ” — Mark Helprin in the Wall Street Journal, Oct. 31, 2000, and later a near-daily leitmotif of James Taranto’s “Best of the Web … ” — Headline, the Daily Caller, yesterday. … ran a damning report on the administration and Benghazi, the transcript of the text reveals no actual mentions of the words “Obama…
Clooney Cross with Crony Corporatist Car
– on the side of the road in the Roadster sports car he used to own. … Oh, and speaking of Tesla, “Corvette Sales soar as Tesla stock price plunges,” the Daily Caller recently reported. … Ben Affleck’s Batman has a brand new costume that promises to supersede its predecessors,” the London Daily Mail claims.…
Your ObamaCare Fail of the Day
– Get used to stories like these: The Cleveland Clinic, which is ranked among the top four U.S. hospitals, is making layoffs and cutting … its budget more than $100 million as a direct result of the Affordable Care Act, the Daily Caller has learned. … “The cuts for 2014, about half of those are related to the Affordable Care Act…We anticipate a reduction in workforce” Cleveland Clinic…
Risk Corridors
The Daily Caller says Joe Biden appears to be distancing himself from the crowning achievement of the president. … The Obamacare screwup and the offload of its fallout to the to the insurers has done three things at once. 1. … The War of the Words for $3.99, Understanding the crisis of the early 21st century in terms of information corruption in the financial…
The MSM Gang-Raped the Truth This Week
The real point of the article, she says, is that the University of Virginia didn’t respond forcefully enough to the incident. … As Chris Bray of the Daily Caller writes, Sabrina Rubin Erdely, the story’s author, was “rape shopping,” perhaps the ultimate example … Sometimes the truth punctures the bubble.…
Boehner Reaches Out to Democrats on Budget, but Will Bring Symbolic Bill to Nullify Obama Exec. Amnesty to the Floor…olic-bill-to-nullify-obama-exec-amnesty-to-the-floor-n197063
– But word is that Boehner is reaching out to the Democrats to overcome the “snowballing” of the GOP opposition to the leadership’s big … Neil Munro at the Daily Caller describes the leadership spending bill as containing mere “token efforts to stop President Barack Obama … Tim Huelskamp told the Daily Caller: “Right now, it is just snowballing opposition.…
Mark Levin Caller Has a Great Idea About the One Person Who Needs a Body Camera…at-idea-about-the-one-person-who-needs-a-body-camera-n197001
The caller said the country’s chief law enforcement officer — The Great and Terrible Attorney General Eric Holder — should be required … days of 2014 (or between now and the time the Senate confirms his replacement).  … Most folks, and most lawyers, who didn’t devote daily attention to him might not have noticed the ground shifting during his tenure…
Fun With Flags
– MSNBC Host: ‘Too Early To Tell’ If Man Asking For ISIS Flag Was Motivated By Islam [VIDEO] — The Daily Caller
Elizabeth Warren Goes Full Orwell
– credit to likely repay the loans, ushering in the subprime mortgage bubble that, when it burst, created the economic crisis that ushered … because of the increased risk to the lending institution). … As Neil Munro noted in 2012 at the Daily Caller, “With landmark lawsuit, Barack Obama pushed banks to give subprime loans to Chicago…
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