Results for: hillary

Philly Phanatic Out-Polls Trump in PA
– In that question, voters preferred Hillary Clinton over Trump, 41 percent to 40 percent.…
Trump's Foot-in-Mouth Disease Is Making Donors Nervous
– On the Democratic side, presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton’s well-oiled operation is well ahead of schedule.…
Is Fauxcahontas Auditioning for VP?
– heads of Democrat voters for a second and hope we don’t get any stray ideological STDs while we’re there: They aren’t voting for Hillary … A lot of those voters are young women who Hillary thought she could count on BECAUSE HISTORIC during the primaries but they’ve been…
Obama Says He's 'Worried About the Republican Party'
– while Obama and fellow Democrats are feeling more confident about the general-election matchup shaping up between Donald Trump and Hillary
Will Mitt Romney Save the Republican Party from Donald Trump?…tt-romney-save-the-republican-party-from-donald-trump-n46750
– Sure, a President Hillary would be bad for America, but there’s no reason whatsoever to believe that Trump will be much better. … Yes, the Republican Party has a presumptive nominee who’s further to the left on some issues than Hillary.…
Ralph Peters: An Obama Endorsement of Hillary Undercuts the Constitution…ama-endorsement-of-hillary-undercuts-the-constitution-n46748
– Ralph Peters (ret.) said that an Obama endorsement will likely save Hillary Clinton from being indicted in the investigation of her … “This endorsement sends a very powerful signal — don’t go after Hillary.” … “The poor man on the street, the homeless person, and Hillary Clinton have to be equal before the law.”  …
It'll be so wonderful
– Recently purchased by readers: Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary … , Bill, and How They Operate, Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne exposes the truth behind Hillary, Bill, and their public facade…
Hillary Clinton Claims She's Earned Your Trust...
– Clinton on voters' trust issues "You can't just talk someone into trusting you," Hillary Clinton said about voters' views. … "You've got to earn it." Posted by CNN on Monday, June 27, 2016 Hillary Clinton talks about earning people … Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the same Hillary Clinton who has lied and cheated her entire life to get where she is, leaving…
Benghazi Report: Obama Administration Failed to Protect Americans in Benghazi…dministration-failed-to-protect-americans-in-benghazi-n46972
– The report also concluded that Hillary Clinton and other administration officials pushed the video explanation for Benghazi despite … The report chose not to draw conclusions against Hillary Clinton, opting to let the American people read the report and decide for … Clinton’s allies in the media are today pushing the narrative that the report found no new evidence of wrongdoing against Hillary Clinton…
Trump Calls Elizabeth Warren Racist While Scott Brown Demands She Take DNA Test…en-racist-while-scott-brown-demands-she-take-dna-test-n44148
– National Committee on Monday to denounce the senator’s “very serious character flaws” as Warren debuted on the campaign trail with Hillary … Trump fired back first on Twitter: “Crooked Hillary is wheeling out one of the least productive senators in the U.S.…
Trump Conducts Business Like an Ayn Rand Villain
– manner in which Trump conducts business indicates that he effectively shares the same economic worldview as Bernie Sanders and Hillary
Liz Warren's Anti-Trump Ad Features Man Who Voted for Trump
– Elizabeth Warren Comes Out for Hillary “On Monday I got a text from a friend who said, ‘Hey, I just saw you in the new Warren video…
Elizabeth Warren Comes Out for Hillary
– Clinton and Warren join forces in Ohio JUST IN: Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren join forces at Ohio campaign event. … Posted by CNN on Monday, June 27, 2016 Clad in similar pant suits, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Hillary … Clinton appeared together on stage, so that Hillary could potentially shore up her progressive support.…
Clinton Camp: Brexit 'Instructive,' But Not Campaign-Changing
Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager said Sunday that the Brexit vote was “very instructive,” but he doesn’t want to “create too many … Hillary Clinton looks at this through the lens of how it’s going to affect middle-class families, Donald Trump through the lens of … “Hillary Clinton is ignoring the reality because she’s part of the establishment.…
Sen. Lee: Presidency Not 'Something That You're Either Qualified for or Not'…not-something-that-youre-either-qualified-for-or-not-n44146
– prepared script more often, which I think is absolutely appropriate for any candidate, whether you’re a longtime politician like Hillary
Why George Will's Moral Narcissism Matters
– Anyone rational (i.e. not coming from a place of moral narcissism) would certainly place his bet with Trump over Hillary Clinton when … Another crucial area a rational conservative would place his bet with Trump over Hillary is immigration, especially immigration from … The End Is Near: Hillary 51%, Trump 39% Roger L.…
Gizmodo Founder: If Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg 'Wanted to Tilt This Election, He Could'…mark-zuckerberg-wanted-to-tilt-this-election-he-could-n44145
– the perception” of having a lot of power, “the truth is that if Mark Zuckerberg wanted to tilt this election to Donald Trump or Hillary … Mark Zuckerberg came out and said, ‘I’m going to tilt this election,’ or he just decided, ‘I’m going to throw this election to Hillary
ISIS Video Threatens Las Vegas, San Francisco, Shows Golden Gate and Skyscraper…eatens-san-francisco-shows-golden-gate-and-skyscraper-n94268
Hillary Clinton Politicizes Las Vegas Shooting Footage is shown of President Obama making statements in the Oval Office and in the…
The End Is Near: Hillary 51%, Trump 39%
– Republicans and large majorities of voters overall in the course of a month of self-inflicted controversies, propelling Democrat Hillary … According to the poll, Hillary is supported by 51% of American voters. And Trump? … Hillary is going to win this thing with two fingers up her nose.…
My Last Post on Polls—Promise
– The ABC News/Washington Post poll out today shows Donald Trump trailing Hillary Clinton by 12 points. … But a Wall Street Journal poll also out today shows Trump within 5 points of Hillary Clinton and virtually tied when third-party candidates … Republicans and large majorities of voters overall in the course of a month of self-inflicted controversies, propelling Democrat Hillary
Trump: Tom Cotton and Chris Christie 'Both Great,' 'High on List for Something,' Possibly VP…tie-both-great-high-on-list-for-something-possibly-vp-n46944
– said, any of our candidates right now would be a better commander in chief, they’d be a more serious leader for our country than Hillary
'This Is Not My Party': George Will Goes from GOP to Unaffiliated
– Will, a Fox News contributor, said a “President Trump” with “no opposition” from a Republican-led Congress would be worse than a Hillary … PJM asked Will about concerns among Republicans that a Hillary Clinton victory guarantees another liberal justice on the Supreme Court…
Forget the Lifeboat, It's the Iceberg that Counts
– “Little known fact: UK Cameron’s campaign adviser was Jim Messina who was Obama’s campaign adviser & heads biggest pro-Hillary super…
Bernie, Still in the Race, Confirms He'll Be Voting for Hillary
– Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) confirmed with a “yes, yes” this morning that he’ll be voting for Hillary Clinton in November. … Asked if he’d accepted that he won’t be the nominee, Sanders noted, “I’m pretty good at arithmetic, and what I know is that Hillary
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