Results for: the daily caller

Is the IRS Fishing for Lists of Veterans?
– If the president wants to get angry about something, how about getting mad about the IRS leaping on the American Legion, requiring … As the Daily Caller has learned, this targeting of the American Legion is happening under a 13-part section of Part 4, Chapter 76 of … statutes passed by Congress and approved by the president,” American Legion legal counsel Philip Onderdonk Jr. told The Daily Caller
The United States of Paranoia
– than the views of the fringe. … At the time of Hofstadter’s essay, the center of politics in the Northeast Corridor meant the liberal Democrats of the FDR-through … item at the Daily Caller: A Department of Defense teaching guide meant to fight extremism advises students that rather than “dressing…
The Most Valuable Writing Advice Roger L. Simon Gave Me...
– At the Atlantic Wire: Wonder Woman Can’t Have it All At The Daily Beast: Paula Szuchman: No Dad? No Problem. … Daily Caller: Meet the privileged Obama-supporting white kids who perpetrated cruel Oberlin race hoax At Mediaite: Matt Wilstein: … But these days, he thinks about it nearly daily, and the prospect excites him more than any other project has since his time at the
'I am Chelsea Manning. I am a Female'
The hyper-PC Gray Lady reaches for both the smelling salts and the style guide; meanwhile, Jim Treacher goes on pronoun watch with … assorted MSM publications and concludes: As for the Daily Caller, we just have the Associated Press story, which mostly avoids gender … If we’ve learned anything from this exercise, which we haven’t, it’s that Politico, the Wall Street Journal, the Today Show, the New…
Video: Chatting with Ginni Thomas of the Daily Caller
– In her latest Daily Caller column, she was kind enough to write: J. … Service audit on the side. … Watch/read the whole thing.…
Bloomberg Slams Possible Successor as Racist
– “Class-warfare and racist,” Michael Bloomberg describes the campaign of possible Democrat successor Bill de Blasio, the Daily Caller … “But the mortgage crisis was not the exclusive creation of the banks. … I’m not taking the banks off the hook.…
Begun, The Air War Has
the U.S. … On September 5, the Daily Caller reported that Forghani issued his statement “last week.” … They’re also the ones who have to choose between heeding the desires of the leader of their party, and the desires of the American…
End Game
The Obama of the press conference seemed the very picture of dejection, not too far from one shock too many. … When you’ve lost Madonna, you’ve lost … And now the Daily Caller says “Obama hints he may abandon Syria strike.” … The War of the Words for $3.99, Understanding the crisis of the early 21st century in terms of information corruption in the financial…
O'Bagy Plays Word Games Over Her Connection to the Syrian Emergency Task Force…er-her-connection-to-the-syrian-emergency-task-force-n181604
The 26 year old advocate for US aid to Syrian rebels granted an interview to the Daily Caller today. … By the time the Daily Caller’s Charles C. Johnson got to her, she had her lines ironed out. … FrontPage’s article, ours, and the Daily Caller’s should be entered into the congressional record.…
Miley Cyrus and American Malaise
– “Even though the 1990s were a good economic time, something during that time soured in the culture,” Mark Judge writes at the DailyCaller. … One man, strolling onto the set at precisely the right moment in the youth of the Entertainment Age, made himself the prototype of…
And You Thought Keith Richards Looked Bad...
– be devastating to those who actually grab the brass ring at the highest levels of power. … But the Daily Caller has a terrifying slideshow today which is titled, “Faces of meth: ‘Five years of Obama’ edition.” … the start of your career.…
I Shall Call Him...Mini-Munich
– As sure as the sun comes up, somebody has looked at this President, and we need to protect the interests of the United States not in … “As it happens, the day after the San Diego speech, Mussolini invaded Ethiopia. … “Woman informing Kerry, McCain’s opinions on Syria also an advocate for Syrian rebels,” the Daily Caller recently noted.…
Proving Their Manhood in Syria
– According to Reza Kahlili in the Daily Caller, an Iranian official named Alireza Forghani, whom Kahlili describes as “an analyst and … the world and the rape and killing of one of Obama’s daughters should the United States attack Syria.” … The international community’s credibility is on the line.” He also said that he “didn’t set a red line,” the world did.…
'Let Obamacare Collapse?' We Can't Wait That Long
The public’s three-decade support for the idea allowed Lyndon Johnson to pass the Medicare and Medicaid entitlements even in the absence … Daily Caller noted last month. … rhetoric coming out of the White House, the port side of the aisle in both houses of Congress, and their enablers in the MSM, “It’s…
Always the Last to Know
– “Should Ezra Klein quit The Washington Post? … Ben Domenech says it might be smart,” Matt Lewis writes at the Daily Caller: Ezra Klein of the Washington Post is a prime example … In just the last year, we’ve seen bloggers like Andrew Sullivan (formerly of the Daily Beast/Newsweek) and David Catanese (formerly…
Lerner Negotiating for Immunity Now
The Daily Caller reports that disgraced and now retired IRS officer Lois Lerner is negotiating for immunity with the House Oversight … was offered,” Oversight Committee adviser Ali Ahmad told The Daily Caller. … What does she know about the origins of the IRS abuse?…
Ted Cruz: A Toe in the Waters of Defiance
The Daily Mail put it far more brutally, pointing to the discovery that Barack Obama has 19.5 million fake Twitter followers: Just … The Daily Caller reported on Tuesday that Michelle Obama’s Twitter followers included nearly 2 million nonexistent people, a number … The War of the Words for $3.99, Understanding the crisis of the early 21st century in terms of information corruption in the financial…
Death to the Infidels!
– Or as Jim Treacher writes today at the Daily Caller: As the disaster that is Obamacare looms closer and closer, the leftists defending … “Survivors reveal how gunman executed non-Muslims — after asking them to name Prophet Mohammed’s mother,” the London Daily Mail claims … The “death to the infidels!!!!!!”…
Separate but Equal at NY's Hamilton College
– students,” Eric Owens of the Daily Caller writes: The leftist hothouse has announced an event entitled “Real Talk: A Dialogue about … The brochure explaining the event states: “Conversations about race in the U.S. mostly focus on race relations between white communities … The discussion is scheduled to take place on Thursday, Sept. 26 at 4:15 p.m. at the school’s Bristol Center (named for the co-founder…
'Meet the First Victim of Defund Obamacare'
– Allan Brauer, “Democratic Party flack fired after psychotic tweets against Ted Cruz aide,” Tim Cavanaugh writes at the Daily Caller … : A top Democratic flack in one of the country’s most Democratic state capitals became the first victim of the Obamacare defunding … We explored Brauer’s hate-filled tweets yesterday, including the examples at the top of this post; at the Daily Caller, Cavanaugh adds…
The Paranoid Center of Power
– “House Oversight memo: Washington Post’s tea party coverage inspired IRS to target conservatives,” Patrick Howley writes at the Daily … And as the Daily Caller story highlights, the paranoia that elites are more than willing to gin up in their imaginations can have serious … — Former Democrat consultant Kirsten Powers in the Daily Beast today, in a piece that bears the delicately nuanced title of “The
'There Are No Questions Here. This is a Press Conference!'
– But the Gang ignored him and he was eventually escorted to the wings in order to allow the play to continue. … Daily Caller: Chris Crane, head of the immigration officers union, was pulled out of a Senate press conference today when he tried … Crane, who heads the president of the National ICE Council, has been a vocal critic of the bill.…
Emergencies Bring out the Best in Citizens and First Responders, Worst in First Reactors…itizens-and-first-responders-worst-in-first-reactors-n177875
– They drove into the night and directly toward the fire that at that point was still blazing away. … The same cannot be said for the media or the “first reactors.” … Hat tip to the Daily Caller for catching that headline. It has been a shameful week in media and social media.…
Robert Redford Picked the Wrong Week to Quit Sniffing Glue
– Unfortunately, this was a case of the right actor in the wrong movie, at the wrong time. … kinetic filmmaking sunk the movie at the box office: It’s conceivable that the movie has failed because it’s a stiff. … Related: Speaking of the Company You Keep, “New York Times shows sympathy for Boston terrorist suspects,” as spotted by the Daily Caller
Today's 'It's Come to This' Moment: Snopes Verifies that Gosnell Trial Exists
– But talk about burying the lede. … I had originally planned to add a link to Jim’s post at the Daily Caller as an update to the previous item on the Washington Post attempting … I don’t see Snopes verifying the existence of Adam Lanza. Read. The. Whole. Thing.…
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