Results for: the daily caller

– Now, the administration has given the Congress the actual memo, which, one hopes, does less damage to the Constitution and the English … Flash-forward to today’s edition of the Daily Caller. … ,” who’s ready and eager to vote for The One in November: Andrew Sullivan, a blogger for The Daily Beast, still considers himself…
Taking the 'Broken Window' Economic Fallacy Far Too Literally
– “Occupy DC ruined stimulus-funded park,” according to the Daily Caller: The stimulus-funded Washington, D.C. park taken over by … of the park’s Occupiers to help with the effort. … So it’s Paul Krugman’s “Miracle of the 1940s,” or perhaps given the freakazoid nature of the some more crazed denizens of OWS, his…
Ray LaHood is Officially Shovel-Ready
– In the video of LaHood’s presentation, he was asked if the administration’s “livability initiative” is really “an effort to make driving … — “LaHood: ‘America is one big pothole,’” The Hill, today. … As CATO’s Walter Olson writes in his recent auto-da-fé (sorry) of LaHood at the Daily Caller, “Early speculation on a replacement includes…
Super Bowl XLVII: Lights Out for Today's Nihilistic Pop Culture
– book, the cover is the clearest indication of the author’s intent. … In the NFL, if a player spikes the ball before reaching the end zone, the ref will throw his yellow flag and punish his team with a … As Jim Treacher writes today at the Daily Caller, “What’s more energy-efficient than darkness? Green is the new blackout.”…
Highly Decorated Navy SEAL Shot at Texas Gun Range
The Daily Caller quotes blog run by a special ops veteran: Jack Murphy at the Special Operations Forces Situation Report (SOFREP) … The perpetrator then stole Chris’ vehicle in an attempt to escape but we have received word that the police have arrested him. … Kyle’s death is sure to raise questions about how effectively the government is dealing with vets returning from the front suffering…
Navy SEAL Who Wrote American Sniper Murdered at Charity Event in Texas
– SooperMexican has the details of the death of Chris Kyle, the author of American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper … An article at the Daily Caller has more early details regarding Kyle’s death: Kyle, a former Navy SEAL sniper and author of the best-seller … The Daily Caller adds that Kyle is survived by his wife and two children.…
Chu Chu Ch-Boogies
– gasoline to the levels in Europe.” … Sure it is — if you work for NBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Politico, who have all called for higher energy … This Daily Caller headline from last year has a hint: “Energy Sec. Chu doesn’t own car, but his wife drives BMW gas-guzzler.”…
DHS Suggests Scissors
– From the Daily Caller, some hints about what to do if a “active shooter” is in your office or workplace: hide throw things at him … They neglected options like “throw baseballs at his head”, “jump out the window”, and “cry”. Hey, I’ve got an idea! … How about a concealed-carry holder shoots the sonovabitch?…
2002 Email Links Sen. Bob Menendez to Young Prostitutes
– to The Daily Caller by a native Spanish speaker. … It could also have been an attempt to keep the flights off the books, and out of the public eye. … The Washington Post says that of all the pols in the den of villainy known as DC, Menendez had the worst week of them all.…
HUGE Generational Gap On Assault Weapons
– Jessica Stanton at The Daily Caller wrote today about the huge generational gap on the right to own so-called assault weapons. … Seventy percent of 18-24 year-olds and 58 percent of 24-34 year-olds indicated the government “should allow the private ownership of … (H/T Jessica Stanton at Daily Caller)  …
Battered Media Syndrome
– called it heckling is because Munro is from a conservative media outlet, The Daily Caller. … the president accountable dovetails nicely with the editorial stands of the vast majority of those outlets. … Just as important to the success of the White House’s puppetry is the eagerness of much of the liberal press to play ball with the
At Last, One Magazine's Photoshopped Obama Fantasy Cover Finally Comes True
The January Golf Digest cover story, 10 Tips Obama can Take From Tiger, was written over the summer and the issue went to press in … Three years after envisioning it, at last Golf Digest’s Obama-Tiger Tiger Beat fantasy has finally comes true, according to the DailyCaller: President Barack Obama is spending Sunday hitting the links with Golfer Tiger Woods in Florida, according to one report.…
Oceania has Always Been at War with Bob Woodward
– On the other hand, Matt Lewis of the Daily Caller says hey, no big deal: “Bob Woodward trolled us (and we got played):”  P0litico … whoppers” the Administration told on the sequester. … cuts would constitute the plan to avoid the sequester.…
Just NBC Yet Another Deceptive Edit
– Jim Treacher at the Daily Caller paraphrases, “Rachel Maddow: Sure, this video is deceptively edited, but so what?” … But that’s not all that far removed from what Maddow actually said on the air: “Obviously, there was an edit between the end of the … woman’s question and the part where John McCain sneers the straight talk line at her.…
Where your money goes
The Daily Caller reported that taxpayers spent $1.4 billion on Obama and his family last year.  … But what about the rest of the dough? Put the federal spedning to one side for a moment. … One of the most irritating aspects of the carnival of fiscal irresponsibility we’ve been subjected to in recent decades is the fact…
'The Good, Racist People' of Manhattan
– When the Weekly Standard noted recently that in the eyes of the MSM, the customer is always wrong, they had no idea how much he was … In his epic f-bomb-laden rant inspired by California’s woes, as quoted in the Daily Caller this past weekend, Adam Carolla noted that … As much as any Democratic politician, the Times is the system as well — long before the Huffington Post, the Daily Kos, DU, and other…
'You Guys All Have Blood On Your Hands'
– “Fix the system, but you won’t fix the system, because you know what it takes to fix the system and you’re a f***ing coward. … (And/or listen to the audio of Carolla at the Daily Caller, the blistering tone of which would likely make Lee Ermey blush.) … And when it happens, the HuffPo live tweets the details.…
Obama and the Media: Old Policy Resurfacing
– Gina Channell-Allen, the president of the Pleasanton Weekly, never contested the veracity of the line. … Daily Caller received an email from Michelle Obama’s press secretary, Katie McCormick Lelyveld, that denied the office knew of the … was bigger than the threat to the newspaper and put the story up on the S.F.…
That'll Leave a Mark, Part II
– “If anything Obama may resemble Gerald Ford more than any other president,” Mark Judge writes at the Daily Caller, dubbing the 44th … Like Ford, Obama seems like a placeholder between the liberalism of the past and the financial reckoning to come, when a president … Of course, there is the possibility that America can’t produce another Reagan — that the country in the 21st century has become as…
Our Modern World
– According to the Daily Caller,  “Ryan Rotela, a devout Mormon”, was told by his professor ” to write the name JESUS in bold letters … The text begins with the broadest context; the cultural component of the model and progresses chapter by chapter through each component … The later chapters then apply the model to the development and maintenance of intercultural relationships, the management of intercultural…
Study: Sex in Space Could be Deadly; William Shatner Hardest Hit
– “Sex in in outer space could be deadly, according to a new study from the University of Montreal,” the Daily Caller reports.…
This is CNN
– More on the above CNN segment from the Daily Caller: In a subsequent interview with senior legal correspondent Paul Callan, Crowley … of the story from the MSM: The actual story, disturbing enough on its own was far less salacious than the Anonymous embellishments … from the rest of the world,  foments ‘rape culture.’…
Ashley Judd's Naked Run for U.S. Senate
The Daily Caller responded to the news with a jab at Judd’s character, pointing out how often she has been nude throughout her film … If past performance proves enough to disqualify a candidate from public office, one might have imagined that the Daily Affirmation … Instead of tilting at the windmill of celebrity past, activists on the Right must look ahead to the future.…
We Don't Need No Stinkin' Balanced Budget
Daily Caller has the video, but for today’s lesson all we need is the text of a quick Q&A between a Washington reporter and Jay Carney … What the president’s proposal will do, as his previous proposals have done, is achieve the economically important goal of bringing … What the president’s proposal will do, as his previous proposals have done, is achieve the politically necessary goal of indenturing…
Two Redfords In One
– to rein in its depiction of gun violence in the wake of the Newtown school massacre,” the London Guardian reported in January. … the Weather Underground. … * To paraphrase the late Andrew Breitbart’s remarks in response to the dinner that Ayers himself served him, after the Daily Caller
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