Results for: the daily caller

Leftists Apoplectic Over Koch Bros. Donation to United Negro College Fund…over-koch-bros-donation-to-united-negro-college-fund-n192475
– Our friends over The Daily Caller have compiled left-wing Twitter outrage over a $25 million donation from the infamous Koch Brothers … to the United Negro College Fund. … Eric Owens writes: Marybeth Gasman, a higher education professor at the University of Pennsylvania claimed that the UNCF – a charitable…
The Sad Life of Sergeant Franklin Rock
– Franklin John Rock eventually died, according to the canon, in the European Theater of Operation “on the last day of the war by the … Recently the Daily Caller noted that the people behind the failed Oregon Health Care exchange got bonuses. … The guy who washes the dishes is left with the pile.…
IRS Canceled E-Mail Storage Firm Contract Just Weeks After Lerner Computer Crash…firm-contract-just-weeks-after-lerner-computer-crash-n192969
– We read earlier in the week that the IRS employed an email storage firm to backup communications at the agency. … The Daily Caller is reporting that the IRS canceled its contract with Sonasoft, an email archiving company, just weeks after it was … The freedom to oppose the government and the party in power without fear of retribution is at stake.…
Paul Ryan to IRS Commissioner: 'Nobody Believes You'
– IRS’s lost emails,” Patrick Howley writes at the Daily Caller: “I am sitting here listening to this testimony. … Watch the video at the Daily Caller, which features Koskinen delivering the same imperious nose-upward gaze as Lois Lerner and the … It might upset “The Media’s President”: Da Tech Guy makes the obvious point: The reason the media aren’t going after the IRS scandal…
Breitbart (and PJ Media) vs. Shirley Sherrod
– at the Alabama official. … Let’s hope they hold the views of the redeemed Sherrod, not the racialist Sherrod. Back to my subpoena. … Apart from PJ Media, Twitchy, the Daily Caller and few others, hardly anyone even covered the disgraceful story of Sherrod dragging…
Very Quietly, Obama Administration Is Reuniting Illegal Alien Kids with Their Families in U.S.
– who have crossed the border illegally in recent months in the Rio Grande Valley to cities around the county.” … But the reality is that immigration activists fiercely oppose the change and Democrats in the Senate won’t vote for the expedited deportation … (Hat Tip: Daily Caller)…
HMM: Cochran Camp Had Ability to Mute Audience During 'Hijacked' Call
– Russell used the incident — as of now, the caller remains unidentified — to slam reporters that are not “legitimate media.” … The Daily Beast, with the gently titled “Racists and Conspiracy Nuts Turn Cochran Call Into The Biggest Campaign Sh*tshow of 2014“, … used the incident of a crackpot caller to slam an opposition-supporting journalist and the opposition in general … could have avoided…
The Danger of Symmetry
The Daily Caller pointed out that the hidden agenda within Obamacare was to replicate the Illinois scheme on a giant scale and create … The story in the air was identical. … The War of the Words for $3.99, Understanding the crisis of the early 21st century in terms of information corruption in the financial…
Now Out on Kindle: Ron Rosenbaum's Explaining Hitler
– Ultimately such efforts, as Rosenbaum writes, do little to explain the epoch-shattering events of the 1930s and ’40s, but like the … to explain away German complicity in the Holocaust through the metaphor of illiteracy.) … Oh and by the way, “California Eighth Graders Denied Holocaust In Essays After Reading Required Bizarro Screeds,” the Daily Caller
'Lawlessness is Now the Dominant Theme in the Obama Saga'
– While the government typically wins 70 percent of the cases at the Supreme Court, this term its win percentage is only 39 percent of … It is that disregard for the rule of law that has become the central narrative of the Obama administration. … As Patrick Howley notes at the Daily Caller today, “Former Obama administration Labor Secretary Hilda Solis illegally solicited funds…
'Harry Reid is the da Vinci of Distraction'
– “Harry Reid Slammed By Hometown Paper For ‘Race-Baiting,’” Chuck Ross writes at the Daily Caller: The trigger for the Review-Journal … The issue there is that only four of the justices that sided with Hobby Lobby are white. … “In the majority leader’s mind, Mr.…
Rep. Gutierrez Blasts Senator Kirk for Suggesting Criminal Background Checks on Illegals…for-suggesting-criminal-background-checks-on-ilegals-n193784
The Daily Caller reports that a diocese in California is acting as a way station for the illegal children, housing them until other … , at the Office of Hispanic Affairs, told The Daily Caller. … “Some of them are going to the East Coast, some of them are going all the way up north,” she told The Daily Caller.…
Has Obama Already 'Checked Out' of the Presidency?
The fact that people are seriously discussing the idea that the president of the United States has given up and is pining for retirement … Matt Lewis of the Daily Caller penned a column for the Telegraph this weekend that states “Barack Obama has already checked out of … He would stride to the podium during one of the daily White House press gaggles and lay into the press for even suggesting he was less…
Joyous, Adorable Reunions Between Returning Soldiers and their Dogs
– To end your weekend on a real upper, Daily Caller has assembled 15 of the most adorable and emotional videos you’ll ever see; soldiers … Those of us who have had dogs for many years know the answer to that. … This is my favorite among the 15 entries. I love how the dog is trying so hard to speak. Enjoy.…
Why Is the IRS Abolishing the Mandatory Expiration Date for Illegals' Tax ID Number?…mandatory-expiration-date-for-illegals-tax-id-number-n194620
The Daily Caller is reporting that the IRS is abolishing the mandatory expiration date for illegal aliens’ Individual Taxpayer Identification … The ITIN program is primarily used by undocumented workers to follow the law and file income taxes in the United States. … The IRS was forced to reform the ITIN program at the start of 2013 – but this new regulation undoes that reform.…
I'll Show You Oscar Nominations!
– Here’s me in The Daily Caller on the Oscar noms: Ever since the now-famous Senate investigation into Non-Democrat Activities in … be constitutional limits on the powers of the government. … whitewashes the near-criminal incompetence of the Obama administration in the Middle East; Lincoln, a hagiographical snoozer that…
High School Teacher Employs Proven Career Advancement Technique
– “South Carolina teacher on leave for stomping on American flag in front of class,” the Daily Caller reports: A high school teacher … Scott Compton, an English teacher at Chapin High School in Chapin, S.C., reprised the unpatriotic deed in three classes over the course … No word yet if the University of Illinois at Chicago has already put an employment application in the mail to Compton.…
Sundays with Mr. Will: Countdown to Obamacare's Destruction
The physics of American politics — actions provoking reactions — continues to move the crucial debate, about the nature of the American … Conservatives distraught about the survival of the individual mandate are missing the considerable consolation prize they won when … ”  Jeff Poor of The Daily Caller, who penned this story, added that Levin said …conservatives are so used to losing — particularly…
Meanwhile, Back in Big Education
– “Moody’s downgrades higher ed financial forecast,” the Daily Caller notes: The outlook for the U.S. higher education sector is universally … Will the bursting of the higher education bubble have ripples in K-12 as well? … Elsewhere at PJM, Myra Adams warns of the coming “Tsunami of Seniors: The Crisis Begins In 2026 When The First Baby Boomers Turn 80…
God and Manti at Notre Dame
The Daily Caller proffers an 11-step slideshow to help you decipher what’s currently known. … If you’re in group two, click the image below and watch. … And as anybody familiar with the history of the Tom Landry-era Cowboys knows, Brandt’s witnessed — and been in the midst of — some…
Can We 'Roll Obama On Immigration?'
– unicorn on the Hill.   … Marco Rubio’s alternate Dream Act that Matt Lewis at The Daily Caller posted about shortly after the 2012 election.   … for the W-1 visa: – “Applicant must have lived in the U.S. for five year’s prior to the Act’s enactment”; – Must have entered…
Two Administrations In One!
– During a hearing on the bill, Kerry made the astounding statement that the recession has been the environment’s best friend, and he … The United States has already this year alone achieved a 6 percent reduction in emissions simply because of the downturn in the economy … Why is just one reason why “Environmentalists hail newly confirmed Secretary of State Kerry for climate change activism,” as the Daily
Just NBC Yet Another Deceptive Edit
The media’s claim? he was callously “heckled” and interrupted while speaking. More from Jim Treacher at the Daily Caller: Mr. … Twitchy, which found the full 17 minute video, adds the transcript of the above segment, in addition to rounding up the expected freakout … where NBC cut out the long lag between the question Heslin asked the crowed and their eventual response, to create the appearance…
60 Minutes: Obama Versus Cantor
– substance of the questions posed in an interview. … I’ve put a number of clips from the two interviews side-by-side above. Read the whole thing. … Related: At the Daily Caller, Mark Judge believes that the fault lies not in our media stars, but in ourselves: “The media is corrupt…
Feinstein's Ban Would Outlaw Dozens of Firearms By Name
– Chuck Schumer are spearheading the charge, despite the fact that neither can use terms like “clip” and “magazine” correctly. … The ban is based on cosmetic features. … h/t The Right Scoop, Daily Caller
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