Results for: the daily caller

You Stay Classy, Loretta Sanchez
Daily Caller: Behind closed doors, California Democratic Rep. … the head on Jan. 8 in Tucson, The Daily Caller has learned. … Silvestre Reyes told The Daily Caller, adding that there was outrage among some members in the room when Sanchez made the suggestion…
Democrat tries booting Giffords from House committee
– Gabrielle Giffords from the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) until she recovers from injuries sustained after being shot in … the head on Jan. 8 in Tucson, The Daily Caller has learned. … The proposal sparked an outrage, according to those in the room — including from those in Sanchez’s own party.…
Racial Epithets to overrun Sunday Television
– “National Journal’s Hirsh: Time for a moral sanction against gun metaphors similar to the ‘N’ word,” Jeff Poor writes at the DailyCaller: National Journal’s Michael Hirsh wants to raise the bar on decorum to an entirely new level. … The Special Teams Gunner The Shotgun The Suicide Squad Tackle The Trenches I await Hirsh’s condemnation of the war and firearm-related…
Clearing the Browser Tabs, a Harlington-Straker Production
– Jim Treacher at the Daily Caller: “The ‘Teabaggers Inspired Loughner’ narrative continues to crumble.”  … Very often, it seems that merely the first four words of that sentence will do. Climate Depot: “Oh My! … Michael Walsh in the New York Post: “Cultural vandalism — State Dept. v. Mom & Pop.”…
Common Core Opponents Labled 'Far Right Extremists' by SPLC
– Unfortunately for the SPLC, there doesn’t appear to be a far right wing extremist in the bunch: As the uproar grows against the Obama … Daily Caller: “Across the United States, a fierce wave of resistance is engulfing the Common Core State Standards, threatening to … I suppose the bigger the lie, the easier it is to believe but that’s a doozy.…
'He Said We Got No Guidance from the White House'
– “What We Left Behind in Iraq” is explored by Matt Lewis of the Daily Caller, who quotes from an NPR interview with the New Yorker’ … So what’s the problem? And so then you turn to the White House and its like, well, what does the White House want? … warned the State Department about the situation in Benghazi.…
The Attack of the Lawyers
– Moreover, the Daily Caller notes that Obama gratuitously took credit for deploying the Stuxnet worm when he wanted to appear gung-ho … The NSA comes in for the worst denunciation. … The War of the Words for $3.99, Understanding the crisis of the early 21st century in terms of information corruption in the financial…
Michelle Obama Instructs Children of Oceania: Monitor Your Parents For Thoughtcrime
– “There can be no aspect of your daily life that’s removed from politics,” Jim Treacher writes at the Daily Caller, “Now you will … Perhaps the children -‘ There was a trampling of boots and another blast on the comb as the children charged into the living-room … Winston let out the water and disgustedly removed the clot of human hair that had blocked up the pipe.…
Barryshack: White House Reporter Sent To Shed During Obama’s Golf Game
– “A reporter got stuck in less than stellar surroundings Saturday,” according to Betsy Rothstein at the Daily Caller: As President … On the way to the shed, Houston Chronicle‘s Kevin Diaz first waited in the equipment shack cafeteria (whatever that means). … to Joe the Plumber.…
Governor Moonbeam Lectures GOP on Climate Change
Daily Caller: Brown spoke with Sunday with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos about the fires, most of which are in San Diego County and … The study, however, found Southern California was different from the rest of the West, with no increase in the frequency of fire as … The White House releasing a big climate change study designed to scare the pants off Americans.…
5 Sharia Atrocities for Jay Leno and Ellen DeGeneres to Protest
The Sultan – through the Brunei Investment Agency – owns the Dorchester Collection luxury hotel chain, which manages the Hotel Bel-Air … of all the Muslims, and called the cops. … Daily Caller contacted Muslim leaders in the U.S. and asked them to pronounce takfir on Boko Haram – that is, declare it to be non-Muslim…
Question Asked and Answered
– Who will the thought police come for next?” —Kirsten Powers, USA Today, Wednesday. … —The Daily Caller, today. And the Gleichschaltung continues to roll on.…
SEIU's 'Occupy' Fast Food
– “I don’t care if I was in the back, I was in the White House with the president in front of me!” she said. … The Daily Caller did a series on this effort back in 2012, illustrating the many different names and websites used, yet all operating … groups, some of which function alongside the Occupy Wall Street movement, a Daily Caller investigation shows.…
Alec Baldwin Arrested for Metaphor Overload
– Alec Baldwin arrested for going the wrong way is the perfect metaphor of the man’s life. … Baldwin was allegedly riding his bicycle north on Fifth Avenue in the center of the street between 15th and 16th streets, the official … Jim Treacher has a photo of Baldwin’s latest run-in with authority atop his post at the Daily Caller:“Alec Baldwin? Belligerent?…
(UPDATED) Rep. Gutierrez (D-IL) Spokesman: 'We're Aware Of Cantor's Anti-Amnesty Mailer'…il-spokesman-were-aware-of-cantors-anti-amnesty-mailer-n7472
Daily Caller, astute Cantor-tracker Mickey Kaus appears to have been first to note Gutierrez’s and Cantor’s seeming win-win. … Gutierrez is here repeating the exact contact of the message on the mailer that Cantor paid thousands for.” … Considering the group’s mere month-long presence on the internet, I’m guessing her resume is heavier on the condo-storming than the
Soft Pink Eloi on the Outside, Ravenous Morlocks in their Hearts
the sun does not revolve around Saturn makes one the center of the solar system. … Read the whole thing. … Bang Theory, but he was quoted by the Daily Caller as saying, “We have no morals, and we will attack you:” “I am a Liberal Fuck,”…
A Primary Primer for Primary Voting
– Cue the spooky music, because despite repeated attempts by the media and by the South Carolina GOP to contact him, nobody has heard … That might explain — OK, it totally explains — Saturday’s Daily Caller poll showing Cantor with his head barely above water at 52%. … all eyes on the mid-terms, PJ Media is launching The Grid.…
This Is CNN
Daily Caller: Cable news network CNN has promoted David Chalian — a man fired in 2012 from Yahoo News for claiming the GOP is “ … Chalian was hired by CNN last July to be the supervising producer for “Crossfire,” the political debate program brought back to the … No one wants to come because we scrap things after a year,” the source told the Post.…
The Scatological Obama Doctrine
– Glenn Reynolds suggested that the McCain-Palin team should have videotaped the interview separately, to allow viewers to compare the … *t,” Jamie Weinstein writes at the Daily Caller: “For those pining for an Obama Doctrine victory for the president, here it is: … ‘Don’t Do Stupid Shit,’” Politico’s Mike Allen wrote in his daily tip sheet, the Politico Playbook, Saturday.…
The Face of Defeat
– “Bergdahl deal could be first step to emptying Gitmo,” writes Josh Rogin in the Daily Beast. … The Daily Caller noted that after Obama’s announcement that Bowe Bergdahl had been freed, “the soldier’s father, Bob Bergdahl, recited … The Taliban echoed Bergdahl, saying the trade happened “due to the benevolence of Allah Almighty and the sacrifices of the heroic and…
Faithless Execution in the News
– In the Sunday edition of the New York Post, I have an opinion column about the book. … In it, I discuss the origins of impeachment in the Constitution. … I also had the opportunity a few days back to discuss the book with my friend Ginni Thomas for her “Leaders” series at The Daily Caller
Hillary Clinton Invites You to Come and See the Violence Inherent in the System
– CBS Sunday host Jane Pauley asked Clinton in yet another interview the former First Lady has given during the week of the release of … “Whoever runs has to recognize that the American political system is probably the most difficult, even brutal, in the world.” … As Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller writes, paraphrasing O’Keefe’s tweet, “Benazir Bhutto, who served twice as prime minister of Pakistan…
Quote of the Day
– They alone could have kept the peace. Arabs have a phrase to the effect that some mistake has opened the doors of Hell. … Update: And now for the Tweet of the Day: Click to enlarge. … —”Former Obama Administration Official DESTROYS Obama’s Foreign Policy In One Tweet,” Jamie Weinstein writes at the Daily Caller
Anatomy of Victory: Why No One Is Getting Brat's Story Exactly Right Yet…why-no-one-is-getting-brats-story-exactly-right-yet-n119746
– smearing Brat as a “liberal college professor” are not the actions of a man thinking he is comfortably ahead — the Daily Caller poll … Trust me: the Daily Caller poll was huge in Brat’s office.  … And this event occurred between the Allen “34-points” boast, and the Daily Caller poll.…
PJ Media Symposium: How Big Will the GOP Wave Be in 2014?
– for the Republicans, with the higher end of the range being a shade likelier than the lower.” … gain for the GOP in the House. … Her columns have appeared in PJ Media, National Review, The Daily Beast, The Daily Caller, RedState, BizPacReview, and Liberty Unyielding…
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