Results for: global warming

Palin on ‘Arrogant’ GOP Delegates: ‘They've Got Another Thing Coming’
– “We need to keep in mind how important it is for parents to understand this issue and to understand the political agenda behind globalwarming – it being used as a fundraiser and being used as a campaign issue and a partisan issue, unfortunately – so that parents can…
Bernie Gets First Senate Endorsement
– very determined voice on the biggest issues facing America, whether it has been restructuring our financial system, campaign cash, globalwarming, these issues and certainly living wage jobs.”…
This Solar Scandal More than Twice as Big as Solyndra
– grants made by the Treasury to solar companies since 2009 as part of the president’s effort to grow green energy markets and fight globalwarming.…
The Age of Discontent
– As these charts show, the forces shaping the disruption of global politics have been building for years and aren’t about to diminish … In the light of these global trends the situation in the Philippines is not unique but typical.   … Global Warming, the lack of a woman in the White House?  …
The Spring Offensive
– They would have explained to the former secret policeman that Global Warming, transgender bathrooms and safe spaces were for some incomprehensible…
Global Warming Will Kill Our Sex Drives
– Is there anything global warming can’t do? … It’s absolutely amazing the impact on our planet global warming will have just because the temperature rises a few degrees. … He said with the onset of climate change and global warming, the implications could grow.…
Disney's 'Jungle Book' Celebrates Liberty and Capitalism
– Disney’s ‘Jungle Book’ Departs From the Usual Global Warming Snorefest Mowgli uses his mind to craft solutions to numerous problems…
Kerry: 'Smearing' Muslims for 'Actions of a Few' Is Like Blaming All Christians for Bosnia…s-of-a-few-is-like-blaming-all-christians-for-bosnia-n103444
– He turned his speech to global warming, and what religious leaders can do to “save our planet from the most harmful consequences of…
Inhofe: Climate Change a ‘Hollywood Problem’
– Inhofe said a global cooling period began in 1945 until about 1980, adding that people would not buy into the term “global warming”…
– Yet the Salt Lake Tribune could bemoan the fact “global warming has mostly made the weather more pleasant for Americans during the…
Bill Nye to Climate Skeptics: Stop ‘Whining’ About What Other Countries Are Doing…cs-stop-whining-about-what-other-countries-are-doing-n103497
– Inhofe told PJM that climate change is a “Hollywood problem” and reducing emissions in the U.S. would not impact global temperatures … to Inhofe, the East Anglia University Climatic Research Unit’s 2009 email controversy known as Climategate should have ended the globalwarming debate.…
A Melancholy Calculation
– exploitation of natural resources and an increasing standard of living” in order to propitiate its gods and ensure the preservation of a global … A cooling climate is obviously warming. … is punishable by law or fine or ostracism or loss of employment or worse, and when the scale of such abuses becomes effectively global
4 Big Problems With Trump's Alleged Global Warming Hypocrisy on the Irish Sea Wall…rumps-alleged-global-warming-hypocrisy-on-the-sea-wal-n46569
– Scratch that — I mean he’s a global warming hypocrite. … Next Page: Trump himself did not cite global warming. 4. … So isn’t this conclusive proof that The Donald accepts global warming? Not so fast.…
Energy Producers Must Target Radical Environmentalists, Not Each Other
– change concerns, many in the natural gas, nuclear, and hydroelectric power sector now promote their products as “green solutions” to globalwarming and extreme weather. … French Nuclear Energy Society, the American Nuclear Society, and the European Nuclear Society launched “Nuclear for Climate“: a global
'Moral Narcissism': Roger L. Simon's New Book Targets Political Vanity
– With that concept, he weaves together an array of dysfunctional philosophies on topics ranging from global warming to Islam denialism … warming to nation-building to the Laffer curve, and personalities from Morgan Freeman to Bill Kristol to Barbara Streisand. … On global warming: It’s absolutely immaterial [whether the planet needs saving] because what’s important is that you are a person…
ISIS Terrorist Offers Sex Slaves for Sale on Facebook
– Sure, a few thousand Yazidi girls are treated as sex slaves by ISIS, but what about global warming?! …
15 Conspiracy Theories Donald Trump Has Given More Air Time
– Next Page: Who invented “Global Warming” and why? 6. The Chinese invented Global Warming — to hurt U.S. manufacturing. … The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive. … Donald Trump’s theory on how global warming came about, however, quite simply does not. 7.…
Global Warming Skeptic Has A Most Elegant Reply to MA AG's Subpoena
– shown for decades that global warming was a problem. … Healey isn’t the first AG to target groups that disagree with her on global warming policy. … Healey isn’t the first AG to target groups that disagree with her on global warming policy.…
Without ‘Oneness,’ Dalai Lama Warns of ‘Miserable Century’
– He warned of a “miserable century” if there isn’t global action, particularly from youth, to achieve “oneness through education.” … Now, interdependent including more global economy — that’s also an environmental issue,” he said. … “So now global warming also create more and more natural disaster, so now the time comes. Every human being has to act.”…
The GOP Strikes Back Against Climate Change Fascism
– “We think this effort by our colleagues to police the global warming debate through the power of the subpoena is a grave mistake,” … warming. … Warming Hypocrisy on the Irish Sea Wall  …
The Problem with Hate Speech
– When we observe pervasive cultural trends which are based on demonstrable falsehoods, like the global warming boondoggle or the feminist…
Guests Will Fly Halfway Around the World for DiCaprio Climate Change Speech…y-around-the-world-for-dicaprio-climate-change-speech-n47029
– Leonardo DiCaprio is a leading Hollywood advocate for fighting global warming. Or, at least, he says he is. … Pointing a finger and giggling at how incongruous it is for a global warming advocate to dump more CO2 into the environment on one…
Are You Ready for Y2K Part Deux?
– Not about terrorism, or global warming, or Katy Perry performing during halftime of the Super Bowl.…
What Are the Biggest Controversies In Catholicism Today?
– willingness to cross the line from spiritual affairs to those of politics by supporting the Church’s stand on illegal immigration, globalwarming, and income inequality– all aspects of the Church’s social teaching to be sure but also of the social justice movement that…
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