Results for: the daily caller

Krauthammer Destroys Global Warming Theory in 89 Seconds
The Daily Caller: “The president pretends that this is all settled science,” he began. … drought in the West Coast.” … The president himself lied about the drought being caused by climate change when the most current models show exactly the opposite.…
Austin Police Arrest Jogger Because She Couldn't Hear Them
– According to the Daily Caller and local news, the police had camped on a corner and were issuing jaywalking citations. … That’s common around the university, around the city, around the entire world. … A witness, Chris Quintero, saw the incident and said that it was clear that the woman could not hear the police officers when they…
(UPDATED: NRSC Responds To Charge) Louie Gohmert (R-TX) Targets GOP Leadership with New PAC
Caller interview, you mentioned that Boehner’s comments on the GOP causing a government shutdown caused a “depression” within the … Now the Daily Caller article mentions your primary focus is going to be supporting the fiscal conservatives, getting support to those … That’s 40 years of kicking the can down the road, at the least.…
Gotta Demonize Something
– “White House pastry chef resigns: ‘I don’t want to demonize cream, butter, sugar and eggs,’” as spotted by Patrick Howley of the Daily … Yosses is leaving the White House in June to work on a new project focusing on “food literacy” and The New York Times says Michelle … the rest of the Obama administration has done to our relations with Russia, the Middle East, and the rest of the world.…
Hollywood Rallies for Tax Breaks…for Hollywood
The Daily Caller reports: While many of the once alive and active Hollywood studios have become vacant, film production in states … the studios have with the unions. … In order to qualify for this tax credit, either the director or the screenwriter and one of the two highest paid actors must be Canadian…
Carney to Bolt From Obama Carnival?
– That’s what the Daily Caller is pondering, in a Drudge-linked item: Insiders very close to House White House Press Secretary Jay … In the last 48 hours, Carney has been getting press attention from outlets like The Weekly Standard and the New York Daily News for … The DC notes that Carney could join the rest of the Obama flacks at MSNBC, or return to his old stomping grounds at Time-Warner-CNN-HBO…
Canada Suffering from Climate Model-Based Energy Regulations…suffering-from-climate-model-based-energy-regulations-n7640
– On February 20, 2014, the Daily Caller summed up the situation well: “Report: Farmers’ Almanac More Accurate than Government Climate … One of the worst offenders is the Ontario government. … The Canadian government has followed Ontario and now claims that we are the first country in the world that has banned the construction…
Barack to the Future
– “White House pushes ‘wooden skyscrapers’ as a solution to global warming,” Michael Bastasch writes at the Daily Caller: The White … The fire’s spread was aided by the city’s use of wood as the predominant building material, a drought prior to the fire, and strong … winds from the southwest that carried flying embers toward the heart of the city.…
MSNBC's Alex Wagner Just Broke Punditry
The Daily Caller even has emails suggesting who within the White House may have been responsible. … With the Daily Caller’s story added, the scandal looks more and more like it touches many major Democrat figures and goes to the White … Most of them had the motivation, they had the hatred of the Tea Party and the lesson of 2010, and they harbored the hatred of the Citizens…
Did OkCupid's CEO Also Once Donate to an Anti-Gay Marriage Campaign?
– Jacobson of the popular Legal Insurrection blog notes that Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller was the first to report on Yagan’s donations … After all, the people who took down Eich did so based on the, ahem, purest of principled judgments.” … Related: The Rise of the Anti-Tech California Left.…
Hong Kong Economists Totally Groovy with Lying about Global Warming
– Jim Treacher writes at the Daily Caller, linking to Marc Morano of Climate A new peer-reviewed paper published in the … ” global warming and then the offer their paper to “provide a rationale for this tendency” to exaggerate for the good of the cause. … Yes, the left is nothing but Potemkin Villages all the way down — but unlike the builders of the original namesake, the 21st century…
Muslim Parents in Dearborn Upset About Flyer for Easter Egg Hunt
The Daily Caller: The Muslim parents assert that the flyers – emblazoned with the word “Eggstravaganza!” … – violate the separation of church and state widely ascribed to the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause, reports the Detroit Free … As for the parent, Mr.…
Are Taxpayer-Funded Sex Change Operations Part of the Democrat Platform Now?…change-operations-part-of-the-democrat-platform-now-n190522
The media enjoys talking up how Tea Party candidates and competitive primaries often cause Republicans to run to the right. … , according to the Daily Caller. … These two are competing to take on the incumbent Republican in the May 20 primary.…
Through a Google Glass, Darkly
– played a few downs of preseason football for the Detroit Lions to describe what it was like to see the world through the eyes of an … In a recent post at the Daily Caller, Jim Treacher (who makes a few snarky cameos via Twitter and Instant Messenger in Labash’s article … I ran after, through traffic, to the corner of the opposite block.…
White House Wanted Apology Because Barry Got His Feelings Hurt
– Carson, the former director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, recalls the events surrounding his 2013 speech in … The Daily Caller obtained an advance copy of the book, which is set for release May 20. … , I received a call from some of the prayer breakfast organizers saying that the White House was upset and requesting that I call the
Required Viewing
– [jwplayer mediaid=”38387″] Best political ad of the year? … As he watched the country decline and witnessed a failure to lead by Republican leadership, he made the decision to run for Congress … The Daily Caller reports that upon informing him of his firing, Cedarville University cited this ad specifically as the reason.…
CBS: Clippers' Donald Sterling Receives Lifetime Suspension from NBA
the Clippers. … Who the heck gets to pick the new team caretaker is beyond me. … But in any case, as Sarah Hofmann writes at the Daily Caller, “The NBA’s investigators determined that the tape had not been altered…
More P.C. Crap from the Ivy League
– found the theme of the event—“Phiesta,” i.e. … As The Daily Caller reports, the self-described “Mexican-born, United-States-raised, first-generation woman of color”  (where’s thethe fundraiser.”…
Liberal Website Suggests RNC Spokesman Is a Skinhead
Daily Caller: Democratic National Committee spokesman Mo Elleithee felt compelled to protect his Republican counterpart from a subtle … over the line.” … the issue.…
Sterling Cooper Clipper Meltdown
– On his way out of the office for the evening, Bert Cooper (played by veteran actor Robert Morse), the eponymous founder of the agency … I say it all the time: the Democrat Party is the country’s natural home to racists and ethnic eliminationists. … At least their total lack of judgment is colorblind. — Popehat (@Popehat) April 26, 2014 More at the Daily
Tom Ridge Quits Bloomberg's New Anti-Gun Group
The DC reports: Former Republican Gov. … Tom Ridge is stepping down from his position with Michael Bloomberg’s new anti-gun organization, The Daily Caller has learned. … takes on Americans,” Ridge told The Daily Caller in a statement, through a spokesman.…
GE: We Bring Bad Karma to Life
– “General Electric to investors: Obamacare is hurting our medical business,” Patrick Howley writes at the Daily Caller: General Electric … is telling its investors that Obamacare is to blame for recent losses in the company’s health care division, The Daily Caller has … Patrick Howley of the Daily Caller noted above that when asked at the shareholder meeting “about Obamacare’s impact on the company’…
Man Plans Obnoxious 'BundyFest' to Mock the Nevada Rancher
The Facebook page for the event promises no permits will be required, full nudity will be permitted, and the atmosphere will be gay-friendly … in the desert. … The Daily Caller reported that environmentalists pushed the BLM to act against Bundy over a species of endangered tortoise, the Mojave…
Unearthed Footage Shows Progressive Hero Calling for Ban: 'No More Babies!'…hows-progressive-hero-calling-for-ban-no-more-babies-n191064
The clip is from 1947, just two years after World War II ravaged civilization. The timing is therefore interesting. … The world was certainly not overpopulated, not after the Soviet famine, not after the Nazis and the Holocaust. … h/t Daily Caller
Margaret Sanger and the Department of Disastrous Timing
– As Eric Owens of the Daily Caller notes, in one of those clips, “American birth control activist Margaret Sanger (here called Margaret … Sanger was the president of the America Planned Parenthood Federation at the time. … the lowest American birthrate in the country’s history and the smallest increase in absolute population since the decade of the Civil…
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