Results for: the daily caller

Criminal Rot Spreads Through Justice Department
– Matthew Boyle at the Daily Caller has this explosive story on DOJ officials taking bribes from people they are investigating. … Justice Department source has told The Daily Caller that at least two DOJ prosecutors accepted cash bribes from allegedly corrupt finance … Consider the case of perjury inside the Voting Section. …
BREAKING: DOJ prosecutors took bribes from financial execs, still working at DOJ…ook-bribes-from-financial-execs-still-working-at-doj-n160269
– Matthew Boyle at the Daily Caller has this late breaking blockbuster story: A U.S. … Justice Department source has told The Daily Caller that at least two DOJ prosecutors accepted cash bribes from allegedly corrupt finance … The sitting governor of the U.S.…
Is That The Onion? It Only Seems Like an Onion Parody! It's the N.Y. Times Corrections Page…ike-an-onion-parody-its-the-ny-times-corrections-page-n10359
the Times for the past six months.   … engulf an entire section of the birdcage-lining daily to contain the ballooning vastness of just its known mistakes. … Rights, The Daily Caller,,,, inter alia.…
Wading in the Water(s)
– From the Daily Caller: In an unprecedented move, six members of the House Ethics Committee recused themselves from the investigation … The recusals are the latest chapter in a book full of nightmares for the committee’s seemingly cut-and-dry investigation of Waters, … The bank, where her husband was a board member at the time of the meeting, later received $12 million in taxpayer bailout money.…
Look who's Supporting Media Matters
The Daily Caller lists grants to Media Matters. … But according to the grant list published by the Daily Caller, in addition to a number individual Jewish donors and Foundations–like … I have checked by references and Page 3 of the Daily Caller printout derived from the Media Matters filings lists “Community Foundation…
Media Matters: Bought and Paid For by the One Percent
The DC examines the tax records of David Brock’s gilded loony bin. … That’s more than the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs makes to wage war on the Taliban. Quite a bit more. … During this time, The Daily Caller has already reported, Brock’s personal assistant was carrying a holstered and concealed Glock handgun…
Somebody's Watching Me
– It’s a free browser plugin for all the bigs. … UPDATE: Slate and Daily Caller top the charts with an even dozen apiece. … I suspected Drudge would have been one of the worst offenders, but Drudge Report is at a relatively benign four.…
'Is the White House Manipulating the Media through Media Matters?'
– Everybody and his cousin in the starboard side of the Blogosphere has linked to the Daily Caller’s first expose inside the paranoid … But Ed Morrissey, the source of our headline above, wonders if the Daily Caller didn’t out-think themselves and wound-up burying the … Alan Dershowitz: Read the whole thing (both Ed’s post and the underlying Daily Caller article).…
The Madness and Mania Fueling Media Matters
– v=u_9tZ3aPCFo My hat is off to Tucker Carlson and his team at the Daily Caller for delivering the first part of what promises to … The Daily Caller’s sources reveal the cause of this behavior and its role in fueling Media Matters’ increasingly aggressive political … The Daily Caller describes two MMFA staffers caught having sex in the communications war room.…
#Occupyfail: Brando Weeps
– Michelle Fields of the Daily Caller asks an astroturfed group of Occupiers in front of CPAC in the above video. … Well, other than the $60 bucks one of the would-be Occupiers said he received from the Sheet Metal Workers Local 100. … Update: “A search on ‘CPAC’ at the Associated Press’s main national site returns five stories on the conference.…
Exclusive Video: #OWS Invades #CPAC!
– Leave it to the occupy folks to give us some comic relief.  … Today a small group of occupiers tried to invade the hotel hosting the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington. … The Daily Caller talked to some other occupiers at CPAC.…
Today's Obama WTF Moment.
– According to The Daily Caller: WASHINGTON (AP) — Senior administration officials tell The Associated Press that President Barack … Obama’s Republican opponents have criticized his handling of the issue. … I’d ask if Obama really thinks we’re all idiots, but the answer is obvious.…
LightSquared CEO Resigning -- Sort Of
The Daily Caller first reported one week ago on emails and documents that indicate political ties and numerous meetings between LightSquared … same day he wanted the meeting. … But, for a small ‘donation,’ we’ll pass the word to the right people.”…
Inhofe: Cap and Trade is ‘Dead, Gone, Forever’
– James Inhofe, the ranking Republican member of the Environment and Public Works committee, told The Daily Caller on Monday that climate … Inhofe, the author of “The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future,” says that he initially believed … But after reviewing the science behind the claim, Inhofe now says he believes that the theory is a lie, and that the United Nations…
LOL: How Could a Libertarian Endorse Newt Gingrich?
The Daily Caller provides your morning laughter with a story yesterday further confirming the irrelevancy of 2008 Libertarian Party … Bob Barr supports Newt Gingrich’s campaign for president, and told The Daily Caller other libertarians should consider joining him. … Explaining his support for Gingrich, a politician not often considered a libertarian darling, Barr told The Daily Caller, “I’m very…
Alan Dershowitz Vs. David Brock's Antisemitic Media Matters
The most effective advocate for Israel in the Democratic Party stands up to challenge one of the President’s most valuable activist … Tucker Carlson’s extraordinary Daily Caller expose. Let’s connect some dots. … to hear more of the story and understand the conspiracy theory version of the Conservative Movement believed by Democrats.…
Asking the Important Questions
– “Could someone explain why the Daily Caller felt compelled to ask a race car driver/swimsuit model [Danica Patrick] about Obama’s…
Surging Santorum Visits Brown County, Ohio
The reason for the venue change and overflow crowd: Rick Santorum. … Because of that, the nonstop efforts by the Obama administration and the press (as seen in numerous Daily Caller reports during the … gets the resources he needs to fight through the long campaign.…
The Whole Media Matters Megillah
– Ever since the Daily Caller released a list of foundation donors to Media Matters For America (MMFA) there have been posts pointing … The issue of course is the fact that MMFA promotes anti-Semitism mostly through M.J. … same Jews (he calls them the Israel lobby) control the media and America’s foreign policy.…
Foundation Follies
– Once again we have proof of the need to rein in our too wealthy, uncontrolled foundations. … Daily Caller reveals how wealthy foundations,in this case principally the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, meddled to scotch the Keystone … Perhaps we ought to start with a low ceiling on foundation salaries so the meddlers can get a better idea of the economic costs of…
Chu Chu Ch'Boogie
– But The Daily Caller has confirmed that Chu’s wife does — and it’s quite an automobile. … Chu doesn’t own car, but his wife drives BMW gas-guzzler,” David Martosko, the Daily Caller, today. … Add that to the reported battery-bricking risks of the Tesla and the complete overall suckitude of the temporarily(?)…
This Is CNN: The Wright-Free Zone Beclowns Itself Yet Again
Daily Caller. … The joke was on the scolds because they had to cover the stories anyway. And the stories got results. Congress defunded ACORN. … It goes beyond the soft bigotry of low expectations; it is the overt bigotry of the falsely pious.…
Obama's Mentor: We Hid this Video Throughout the 2008 Campaign
– updates the Obamacon avatar for the 2012 campaign. … As he writes, ” If Obama’s going to spread the hate — which, given the close White House / Media Matters coordination that the DailyCaller uncovered, is what he’s doing — then he needs to take responsibility for the hatemongering that has already resulted in Limbaugh… Rolling Out Video of Obama at Harvard Tonight
The Daily Caller reports today: A new video of then-student Barack Obama in 1991 is revealing another corner of the president’s murky … Watch for the reaction from the MSM for the video to be dismissed as “old news,” and “everybody knows this stuff,” despite the fact … that the consensus from the MSM on the eve and the immediate aftermath of the 2008 election, was that nobody knew much about the Man…
For Hollywood Leftists, Racialism in Defense of Socialism is No Vice
The Daily Caller has a video of Tom Hanks, along with Glenn Frey of the Eagles shot at “a 2004 fundraising auction, playfully interacting … John Nolte of Big Hollywood responds: Our friends at the Daily Caller have obtained video of what Congress of Racial Equality national … You know, the same media that declares the use of the words “basketball” and “food stamps” as racist.…
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