Results for: the daily caller

The Justice Department's Tracy Schmaler and 3 Characteristics of Political Thugs
– Others, at Investor’s Business Daily, for example, are willing to make comparisons I do not: After the acts, the DOJ then praised … The moral among us call her behavior “the ends justifying the means.”  … Daily Caller or Quin Hillyer at the American Spectator for years, is laughable. …
Emails Show Holder Justice Department Colludes with Lefist Outfit to Attack PJM Writer…ent-colludes-with-lefist-outfit-to-attack-pjm-writer-n171875
The Daily Caller has obtained emails showing that the Eric Holder Department of Justice has regularly colluded with Media Matters … the law. … with a sharply partisan organization to attack the freedom of the press.…
Newton’s First Law of Motion Applied to Political Strategy (With a Brief Excursus on Gaffes)
The case of Scott Walker and the misleading polls touches on a critical reality in modern politics, the reality of inertia. … Strategists and, by extension, journalists and the public at large look to the polls as the Romans looked to the entrails of birds: … Obama’s chief enforcer aide, to contact Gallup and, as the Daily Caller put it, attempt to “subtly intimidate the respected polling…
More Race Incitement in Obama Speeches from 2007
The revelation in the Daily Caller that Senator Obama gave a racially charged speech in Hampton, Virginia, to a group of black … The usual first responders have answered the alarm to prevent mainstream media breakout of the Daily Caller story. … the plight of his father at the hands of the British.…
Barack Obama, Segregationist
Daily Caller Tuesday night. … the extremity of the differences in what they are saying between audiences, take the measure of the man or woman. … The Daily Caller has brought back the speech in its entirety, five years after the fact.…
Observation Can Become an Intervention — The Reverse Is Also True
– “Obama’s Other Race Speech,” as Matt Drudge describes it, is now online at the Daily Caller. … An incendiary racially charged speech involving the man who is now the president of the United States emerges that 99 percent of the … For decades, the establishment media has been in the tank for the left — to the point where Bill Clinton was paraphrased by the Washington…
On Obama's Other Race Speech
– as the title of his second autobiography, The Audacity of Hope. … As we now know thanks to a 2007 video unearthed by the Daily Caller, then Sen. … The Rev. Wright whom Obama praised had blamed the AIDS epidemic and the crack addiction epidemic on the federal government.…
Drudge Teases 'Campaign Drama' Tape to Drop Tonight (Update: Is This the Video?)
THE ACCENT… THE ANGER… THE ACCUSATIONS… Ok, I’m LOLing and officially intrigued now. … The video matches the screenshot that’s up on Drudge. … DAILY CALLER: ‘For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which…
A'jad's NY Meeting of Ideological Mob Bosses
– As you see in Ahmadinejad’s own pwesidential website, the photos and the article about this meeting of the mob-minds, shows a room … Gateway Pundit and Daily Caller wrote about it but nothing much else was reported. Isn’t this newsworthy stuff?! … If it wasn’t for the Khomeinists throwing wads of cash at them in the early years of the revolution, the MB would have probably been…
Univision Uncovers More Fast and Furious Deaths
– According to the Daily Caller, Univision’s investigative unit is about to expose more Fast and Furious violence. … “The consequences of the controversial ‘Fast and Furious’ undercover operation put in place by the U.S. … “The exclusive, in-depth investigation by Univision News’ award-winning Investigative Unit — Univision Investiga — has found that the
Mickey Kaus - Wrong on Romney
– On his Daily Caller blog he writes: “If I were conspiracy-minded, I might think the press (or at least The Hill) was trying to sucker … Actually it’s Romney’s opponent who’s the awkward stiff when it comes to empathy because he’s inauthentic. … The media declares him to be inauthentic, but if you watch him, he really isn’t. via Instapundit…
Lines Crossed
– Sources have told the Daily Telegraph that just five unarmed locally hired Libyans were placed on duty at the compound on eight-hour … During the recent debate with Paul Ryan, Biden laid the blame so thickly on the State Deparment that the senior editor at The Atlantic … Neil Munro at the Daily Caller notes that “administration officials are now blaming the nation’s intelligence agencies for the administration…
Indecision: Will the Obama Campaign Throw Hillary Under the Bus?
– In an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller, Klein said sources close to the Clintons tell him that Bill Clinton has assembled … Klein — the best-selling author of the Amateur, a book on President Obama — elaborated on his reporting in an op-ed for The Daily CallerDaily Caller: But as for the chance that Hillary Clinton would resign, Klein said in the interview: “At this moment, it appears unlikely…
The Apple of Discord
The Daily Caller has an article suggesting that Bill Clinton is worried that Hillary is being measured for a frame. … the U.S. … The second worst scenario would be if the the ‘Arab Spring’ sets off a war in the Middle East that impacts Israel.…
Is There a Fix in for the Vice Presidential Debate?
The Daily Caller has a disturbing story up today. … As if that all wasn’t bad enough, the Caller raised all of this with ABC on Monday but the network stonewalled. … It finally admitted Raddatz’s connections to Obama, but only after ABC went to Politico, the Daily Beast, and the Huffington Post to…
Report: Obama Campaign Soliciting Foreign Donations (Again)
The study determined three key findings: The absence of the industry-standard CVV and unknown use of AVS anti-fraud security for … on the campaign. … Powerline, Dan Riehl, Daily Caller, Katie Pavlich, National Review, and Hot Air all have more on this story.…
Sen. Harkin Set to Release Another Biased, Dishonest and Fundamentally Flawed Report?…her-biased-dishonest-and-fundamentally-flawed-report-n159393
The correction affected 16 of the 28 findings in the original report. … The website Daily Caller obtained a series of emails and memos detailing how Harkin and his staff had pressured the GAO, demanding … the inclusion of detail after detail even after the deadline to the report drew close.…
Happy Birthday
The Daily Caller turns two today. If I’m doing my math right, that’s one year each for Mickey Kaus and Jim Treacher. … I kid — but having the two of them in one stop is an awfully nice convenience.…
Groundhog Gingrich Sees Mitt's Shadow in Florida, Predicts Several More Months of Primary…w-in-florida-predicts-several-more-months-of-primary-n160109
The pre-spin is on in Florida, says Matt Lewis: An internal Gingrich campaign memo obtained by The Daily Caller shows the campaign … “Regardless of who wins on Tuesday,” the memo says, “they will have less than 10% of the delegates they need to claim the nomination … Additionally, the memo stresses that the proportional nature of the upcoming contests “essentially guarantees that no candidate will…
Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) Pushes Ahead on the XL Pipeline
– Tuesday, the Texas congressman introduced the “Keystone For A Secure Tomorrow Act” (K-FAST) to allow the 112th Congress to “directly … The rest of it would be authorized immediately,” Poe told The Daily Caller, adding that since Keystone is in “the national interest … ” Congress has the authority to pass the legislation.…
Rand Paul detained by TSA
– From the Daily Caller: Kentucky Republican Sen. … I’m guessing that Rand Paul was en route to Washington for the Congressional session, in which case the TSA (and therefore the administration … ) have just violated the Speech and Debate Clause in the Constitution.…
DEA Agent: Other Fed Agencies Aware of Fast and Furious in 2009
– Matthew Boyle of the Daily Caller followed up with Coulson in an interview that seems to seriously undermine the position Attorney … In the Daily Caller article, Coulson leaves no doubt that Fast and Furious was a gun-control plot: Coulson also said most other law … the U.S.…
The Real Issue Surrounding the Daily Caller Dinner with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn: Your Tax Dollars Helped the Illinois Council on the Humanities Sponsor It!…ed-the-illinois-council-on-the-humanities-sponsor-it-n184030
– At the Daily Caller website, editor Jamie Weinstein provides an account of what transpired. … DC to an elaborate gourmet meal at the home of a very rich friend to fulfill the obligations of a charity auction won by Daily Caller … I hope, at least, that the Caller can get a tax deduction on the cost.…
Smal "c" Communism, What Is It, Why Does It Matter?
The Daily Caller, one of my favorite stopping off places, “won” a contest to have dinner with Ayers and Dohrn. … John Podhoretz, Sol Stern, David Horowitz, Ron Radosh, Roger Simon, David Mamet saw the disguise, the mask, the masquerade and have … The Workers Party wing of the small c communist movement is behind the “red turf roll” of the OWS rape, pillage and plunder scheme.…
Advertising Dollars Flow to Defend Eric Holder?
– But oddly, there was no mention at Main Justice of the blockbuster story Matt Boyle broke at the Daily Caller (and covered here at … This might be because Mary Jacoby, the person who runs the blog, is in the tank for the administration.  … Sort of the NPR of the DOJ. …
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