Results for: hillary

Virginia GOP to Sue McAuliffe Over Felon Voting Rights
– Republicans fear that McAuliffe’s executive order will benefit Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, according to Time.…
New Rasmussen Presidential Poll: Trump 41%, Clinton 39%
– This just in: Last week, Rasmussen Reports gave voters the option of staying home on Election Day if Hillary Clinton and Donald … Trump could explode, Hillary could be indicted, either convention could pull a deus ex machina out of its hat at the conventions.…
Hillary to NAACP: Trump 'Led Insidious Birther Movement to Discredit President’s Citizenship'…birther-movement-to-discredit-presidents-citizenship-n44001
Hillary Clinton told the Detroit NAACP dinner on Sunday night that the November election is about “unity versus division, compassion…
Bernie Sanders Says Dem Convention Will Be a 'Contested Contest'
– Sanders is refusing frontrunner Hillary Clinton the chance to pivot to a likely general election fight against Republican frontrunner … The Vermont senator insisted that if neither he nor Hillary Clinton reaches the convention with a majority of delegates it will be…
Mom Shares Three Precious Reasons We Can't Allow Hillary or Bernie to Become President…s-we-cant-allow-hillary-or-bernie-to-become-president-n46326
– Marcine Seigley, a mother from Ohio, wanted to let her friends and neighbors know how important it is to prevent both Hillary Clinton … they both support late term abortion, so she took to Facebook to share a picture of her triplets: Seigley wrote, “Bernie and HillaryHillary Clinton has a 100% NARAL rating based in part on her “stellar” anti-life voting record in the Senate.…
Trump Jr. to PJM: Denying Trump Nomination Would ‘Destroy’ GOP
– Trump Jr. dismissed national polls that show Trump trailing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in a hypothetical general…
Trump Lacks Plan for Fundraising and Vetting Veep Nominee
Hillary Clinton isn’t wasting any time in transitioning her operation toward the general election. … USA Today: Hillary Clinton’s campaign is redeploying its army of primary election staff to traditional general election battleground … “I think the campaign is totally focused on winning the nomination on the first ballot and positioning for the race against Hillary
Why Is Having a Cabinet that 'Looks Like America' Important?
Hillary Clinton pledged on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show last week that she would appoint women to at least half the cabinet posts. … This is not to say that Hillary couldn’t find enough qualified women to run the departments.…
Where in the World Is Former MSNBC Host Ed Schultz?
– He was particularly kind to Hillary Clinton, whom he once called his “favorite living New Yorker,” and President Obama.…
Obama Jabs at Hillary, Trump at White House Correspondents' Dinner…ump-in-final-white-house-correspondents-dinner-jokes-n103485
– He began with a direct hit on Hillary Clinton and Bill De Blasio for their recent eyebrow-raising routine: “I know I was a little late … “Hillary once questioned whether I’d be ready for a 3 a.m. phone call — now I’m awake anyway because I’ve got to go to the bathroom … Love, Aunt Hillary.’ It’s not entirely persuasive,” Obama continued.…
The Media Corruption that Helped Spawn The Donald
– And of course (even setting aside the Hillary Clinton e-mail fun and games which would have put you or me in prison), as evidence has … piled up that Hillary sold government favors for donations to her foundation, the media has consistently raised an obfuscating chorus…
The Next President of the United States Will Be…
– Will former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senator Ted Cruz win the Democrat and Republican nominations respectively, forcing…
Trump Claims He Can Win in November Without GOP Unity
– During the same speech, though, he called for party unity to defeat Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic standard-bearer. Mr. … It’s not going to have any impact on whether we beat Hillary Clinton.” … How many will vote for Hillary? This is what makes Trump’s braggadocio so delusional.…
Bernie Sanders Supporters Felt Cheated in Nevada...
– Join the Revolution against the Oligarchy: Viva Bernie 2016Never Hillary Clinton, EVER.…
EgyptAir 804 and the Election of 2016
Hillary has tied herself to Obama’s botched (to put it mildly) foreign policy and Bernie thinks the real terrorists are in Prada suits … Admittedly, Gates has been better than Obama or Hillary.) … Finally, the Muslim Brotherhood connects back to Hillary Clinton via Huma Abedin’s mother.…
Poll: People Still Brave Enough to Admit They're Republican Want Party Unity Behind Trump…admit-theyre-republican-want-party-unity-behind-trump-n44063
– Trump faces deep skepticism with general election voters and some Republican holdouts, the Democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton…
Media to Bernie Sanders: Enough Already!
– It wasn’t supposed to be this way: Hillary Clinton, the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua, was supposed to have only sham opposition (let…
Paglia: 'New York Times' Juvenile Hit Piece on Trump Backfires
– But Twohey, with her snippy, bright and shiny careerism, took a page from the slippery Hillary playbook in the way she blatheringly…
13 Minutes of Hillary Clinton's Lies
– This is a great compilation of all of Hillary Clinton’s lies… What do you think is her most dangerous one?…
Former PA Governor: Ugly Women Won't Vote for Trump
– I mean — who wants to be in the uggo pro-Hillary camp? Rendell didn’t return the AP’s requests for comment.…
Neal Boortz on 'Herman Cain Show' Makes the Best #NeverTrump Case Yet
– make to try to shame principled conservatives into voting for their guy is the assertion that if we don’t vote for Donald Trump, Hillary … choice in November – Donald Trump”: The next president is going to be a disaster, an abject disaster, whether it’s Donald Trump or Hillary … Clinton. […] If it is Hillary Clinton, it will be their disaster, and you can sit there and point out what a disaster their president…
'Washington Post,' 'American Prospect' Get Hillary Email Scandal Exactly Wrong…rican-prospect-get-hillary-email-scandal-exactly-wrong-n5735
– In the last few days, two articles have appeared defending Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server for her classified communications … It’s not a surprise that he’s defending Hillary Clinton, but his defense is also notably ignorant of the law.  … Not only does the law say Hillary committed an offense even if it was just negligence, but nobody, not even Hillary, disputes that…
Labor Department Nearly Doubles Salary Threshold in New Overtime Rule…nearly-doubles-salary-threshold-in-new-overtime-rule-n103671
Hillary Clinton, though, applauded the new rule in a statement as something to “lift up workers nationwide and help get incomes rising…
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