Results for: the daily caller

General Motors is Imploding -- and Team Obama is Lying About It
– GM is serially throwing people over the side in part as a personnel bailing of the sinking ship.  … To duck the deserved criticism: Greg Martin, executive director of communications strategy for GM, told The Daily Caller in May 2011 … Which was then amended to: “The government will lose less than 20 percent of the $80 billion used to bail out the U.S. automobile…
Safest Bet Ever
– After calling John Kerry “the right man – and the conservative choice – for a difficult and perilous time” in a 2004 edition of the … Flash-forward to today’s edition of the Daily Caller. … ,” who’s ready and eager to vote for The One in November: Andrew Sullivan, a blogger for The Daily Beast, still considers himself…
Why Is the Pentagon Listening to Hamas-Linked CAIR?
– besets the Defense Department and the entire Washington establishment. … Pentagon spokesman James Gregory responded to an inquiry from the Daily Caller about CAIR’s demand: We can confirm that Mr. … time to strike and to drive all of the truth about Islam and jihad out of the training of those in the front line of the resistance…
Richard Miniter: Obama Cancelled Three Attempts to Kill Osama
The story is up at Daily Caller. … Quote: “President Obama’s greatest success was actually his greatest failure,” Miniter told The Daily Caller Friday. ”Leading From … Behind,“ he said, traces the arc of six key Obama administration decisions, and shows how the president made them — and, often, failed…
Era of New Civility Going As Well You'd Expect at MSNBC
the problem Harry Reid, her opponent.” … like the ‘n’-word public forums. … ” — As transcribed by the Daily Caller, January 21st, 2011.…
Obama Targeted Medicinal Marijuana Dispensaries to Distract from Fast and Furious…juana-dispensaries-to-distract-from-fast-and-furious-n142109
– via Book: Holder went on anti-pot push in gunwalking distraction | The Daily Caller. … any knowledge of the caper despite documentation showing that high-level Justice Department officials aided the surveillance mission … Darrell Issa, the grandstanding chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, who went so far as to accuse the
Eyes Both Closed
– Six terrorists were killed in the gunfight. … The IDF said the attack was not connected to an Israeli air strike earlier in the day … Iran, according to the Daily Caller, “is preparing for a direct attack on Saudi Arabia should Syria’s Bashar Assad be in danger of … If California is the domestic result of that thinking, the Middle East is the international fruit of the same ideas.…
True Colors: Red, Red, and More Red
– From the Daily Caller: Former Amalgamated Transit Union local 689 president Mike Golash, now an “Occupy” movement organizer, was … “Its objective,” he added, “is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism.” … There’s video at the link, if you really need to go that far.…
Where Our $500 Million Went: Solyndra Glass Tubes Used as Modern Art
The back side of the “grotto” shed reveals just how long the tubes really are, as the outer half of each tube reaches to catch the … Welcome readers from: United States House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee The Daily Caller Hot Air … Michelle Malkin Fox and Friends The Blaze Washington Examiner Berkeleyside World Net Daily Moonbattery Bookworm Room The People’s…
All The World's a Stage
The cardinal rule to enjoying stage magic is not to get close enough to see the stains on the stage curtain or the joinery in the … Tucker Carlson, editor of The Daily Caller, told me that the Quality Inn his staff was assigned to was “the worst hotel you can imagine … In modern politics everything is subordinated to the Image. Even the choice of venue is critical, as the Daily Mail reports.…
The Escape into Progressive Fantasyland, Explored in both Macro and Micro Forms
– due to the sort of daily vandalism seen at our local campgrounds. … Tucker Carlson, editor of The Daily Caller, told me that the Quality Inn his staff was assigned to was “the worst hotel you can imagine … the garbage to the right one.…
Burning Down the House, Chicago-Style
– , As Neil Munro writes today at the Daily Caller. … of the three named plaintiffs in the case. … But by then, the disastrous impact of the top-down subprime policy was obvious, so Obama so tried to push the blame on the banks.…
From Shirtsleeves to Hair Shirt in Three Generations
– first the NBC radio network in the 1920s, and then the NBC television network after WWII. … Last week, Matt Lewis of the Daily Caller chided Mitt Romney for his emphasis on entrepreneurialism in his speeches at the Republican … : Not surprisingly this phrase became current during the era – the 1870s and 80s – the era of the so-called** “Robber Barons”, when…
Up Next for Team Obama? Racial Quotas for School Discipline
the polls. … On July 26, 2012, Neil Munro of the Daily Caller reported that Obama signed a related executive order: [The order created] a “President … “Look at the demographics around that school and see if the same percentages are logged in the police reports [because] if the police…
MSNBC and The Big Narrative Lie
– But during yesterday’s Republican convention coverage, The Daily Caller reports (h/t Instapundit), the MSNBC goofs cut away during … the party as racist. … But Horsey has the right to note the facts and speak his left-wing mind about them. Why not But not to note the facts at all?…
Black Woman Gets Standing Ovation at RNC — Media Silence; Two Bozos Throw Peanuts — Media Frenzy
– Furthermore, there is video proof that the first incident (the standing ovation) happened; while the only evidence we have for the … Springs, Utah Mayor Mia Love got a standing ovation were Newsday, the Christian Science Monitor, and The Daily Caller. … And none of those articles mention the ovation in the headline — that fact is buried deep within the text.…
MSNBC and The Big Narrative Lie
– But during yesterday’s Republican convention coverage, The Daily Caller reports (h/t Instapundit), the MSNBC goofs cut away during … the party as racist. … But Horsey has the right to note the facts and speak his left-wing mind about them. Why not? But not to note the facts at all?…
Our President Reluctantly Rediscovers the First Amendment
– That said, when you get a call from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that requests you to tone down your public criticism … Meanwhile, at the Daily Caller, “Obama caves to Romney, embraces free speech for critics of Islam:” President Barack Obama used Air … The U.S. government deplores your speech.…
– But the system will remain unchanged; everything will happen — the buildup, the crisis, and the resolution — within the Democratic … The argument can be made that given the level to which much of government has sunk, the only chance the public has of improving anything … The Daily Caller published e mails that started when Axelrod sent a tweet to Gallup saying the tracking poll was “saddled with some…
Chuck Schumer Morphed into Ralph Wiggum So Slowly...
– “The incidents are skyrocketing,” the New York Daily News reported Schumer said during a joint press conference with medical professionals … “Schumer tempted to eat ‘delicious’ laundry detergent” — Caroline May, the Daily Caller, today. … As Jim Treacher adds elsewhere at the Caller, “The only way to make them more attractive to Chuck Schumer would be to shape them like…
Obama Touts Medicare Study Created by his Former Health Care Advisor
The only problem for the president is that the study was created by his former top health care advisor during his first campaign in … The numbers are even higher for younger people who retire later, the study found. … Here’s their reaction to the jobs numbers on Friday, from the Daily Caller: Center for American Progress Action Fund senior economist…
I Hate People
– Often times my daily chores take me to the grocery store. … I turned to look in the same direction as the lady who had just moved to the front of the line, in front of me. … I’d like to report that she immediately told the caller that she was in a movie theater and she’ll return the call later, but that…
57 Top U.S. Muslim Groups Demanded Government-Wide 'Islamophobia purge' in Letter to White House…ent-wide-islamophobia-purge-in-letter-to-white-house-n172296
– In an excellent article yesterday by Kerry Picket of the Washington Times on the influence of Muslim groups on changing the language … Brennan, the groups criticize for anti- Muslim bias the FBI’s 2011 training manual, the books at the FBI library in FBI training academy … According to a report on the meeting by Neil Munro of the Daily Caller, several Muslim group leaders called for creating criminal and…
Ahmadinejad Getting no Love From Occupy Wall Street Protestors
– “This is nonsense propaganda,” Dana Balicki, a member of the Occupy Wall Street PR Team, told The Daily Caller. … The “only alternative” to both systems is the “global rule of the Imam of the Age”, he insisted, referring to the Shiite messiah, Imam … The 12th and last of the Shiite Imams, he went into hiding in the 9th century.…
A Free Speech Test for the President
The marks were all around the face.” … Daily Caller: President Barack Obama said he thinks Muslim protests against Western criticism of Islam are “natural.” … They also include the dozens of Islamic clerics across the Middle East who have called for the death of anyone associated with the
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